View Full Version : Forum Signature Limits Changes

Aug 3, 2011, 01:27 PM
At this time, the new and improved signature size limits for our forums are as follows
600 pixel width by 180 pixel height at a file size no larger than 50,000 bytes.

So 600 x 180 x 50,000 bytes. if you have any questions regarding these new limits please contact a moderator.

Happy Travels!

Aug 3, 2011, 02:08 PM
thanks for the upgrade!

Question for you, Saya. If 34.2K = 35000 bytes, wouldn't 50k = about 51169 bytes (not 50,000 bytes).? :cat:

Aug 3, 2011, 02:24 PM
The forum software uses the 1024 bytes = 1 KB convention. So, that works out to about 48.8 KB. Just remember that signature images need to be under 50,000 bytes.

Aug 5, 2011, 06:05 AM
Thanks... I guess. The resolution size is fine, despite being unchanged, but personally I don't think 50 KB was a significant enough upgrade from 35 KB (would've liked to have seen around 250 KB to 1 MB). My trophy card sig still won't auto-update on its own now because it's supposed to use a larger .png format from the original site it comes from, instead of the .jpg I have to constantly convert it into and upload to a different site (103 KB compared to around 14 KB).

It just seems like this is still going to force (or at least encourage) everyone to use the lower-quality .jpg formats, despite having support for other image formats - .jpg's use significantly less space than .png's, .gif's, .bmp's, etc. But if everyone else is content with that, then whatever...

Aug 5, 2011, 08:12 AM
Picture this if you will. If you have say... 12 posts per page and every member had a 1mb sig, you'd be 12mb per page. Now i don't care how fancy your PC/mac is thats still gonna be alot of chugging after browsing through. Also it may be old fashioned, but i've been to forums that sig limits are so extreme im only allowed a single line of text

Thats it. No pictures, no quotes, just a single line. So keep that in mind...I guess.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 5, 2011, 09:58 AM
Thanks... I guess. The resolution size is fine, despite being unchanged, but personally I don't think 50 KB was a significant enough upgrade from 35 KB (would've liked to have seen around 250 KB to 1 MB). My trophy card sig still won't auto-update on its own now because it's supposed to use a larger .png format from the original site it comes from, instead of the .jpg I have to constantly convert it into and upload to a different site (103 KB compared to around 14 KB).

It just seems like this is still going to force (or at least encourage) everyone to use the lower-quality .jpg formats, despite having support for other image formats - .jpg's use significantly less space than .png's, .gif's, .bmp's, etc. But if everyone else is content with that, then whatever...
Don't they have smaller cards for PS3 tags? If you do all that work just to show what you're playing, it's probably not worth it.

Personally, I'm glad it's not a MB limit, that'd be just ridiculous, mostly for the reasons Sayara posted. If everyone in a thread that I'm in has a MB sig, I'd be having 20 MB of data on a page alone in goddamn sigs. I, personally, don't want to have to turn them off, as that's sometimes how I tell people apart. I'd say be thankful we got an increase at all. You're not the entire forum, some people will probably be very glad for this, including me.

Aug 5, 2011, 12:01 PM
Hell, JPEG files were already fairly easy to keep within limits. Now I can use higher quality levels... whenever I decide to make a new sig, anyways.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 6, 2011, 05:46 AM
When ARE you going to make a new sig, anyway?

Aug 6, 2011, 03:06 PM
(would've liked to have seen around 250 KB to 1 MB)

I could see 250 KB at absolute-never-any-higher-tops, but 1MB? lolno

I'll admit 35-50 does seem like a small jump to me though. It's irrelevant to me anyhow since I disabled everyone's and don't use one myself.

Aug 8, 2011, 12:47 PM
I agree that 100 MB would have been better, but I still think 180 px is too high, though.

Oh well, can't please everyone.

Aug 8, 2011, 06:38 PM
I agree that 100 MB would have been better,
That would be quite the signature.

Aug 18, 2011, 10:23 PM
Was anything done to people's existing signatures to make way for the new limit? I haven't been around in a while, but I'm pretty sure I had a signature once upon a time...

Aug 19, 2011, 06:44 AM
Was anything done to people's existing signatures to make way for the new limit? I haven't been around in a while, but I'm pretty sure I had a signature once upon a time...

All existing signatures were unaffected by the image size increase.

During the forum upgrade in May 2008, all users had their signatures reset due to technical limitations. I looked through the old database and dug up your old forum signature.

I can't quite put my meat on it, but...
http://mason.gmu.edu/~jfabian/meatwad.gif (http://mason.gmu.edu/~jfabian/meatwad.wav)
The Drunken Blog (http://thedrunkenblog.com)

The attachment links to your old signature image.

Aug 21, 2011, 06:14 AM

i got the Olga Flow sig. (i so wanted it) and idk how to put it in the sig section.

how do i put it there?

i tried dragging it there but nothing happened.k im a noob please be gentle:D

Aug 21, 2011, 09:39 AM

i got the Olga Flow sig. (i so wanted it) and idk how to put it in the sig section.

how do i put it there?

i tried dragging it there but nothing happened.k im a noob please be gentle:D

Click on the User CP link at the top of each page. From there, click on the "Edit Signature" link on the left bar. Copy and paste the text into the text field. Finally, click the "Save Signature" button.

I went ahead and added the Olga Flow image to your signature.

Aug 23, 2011, 10:33 AM
All existing signatures were unaffected by the image size increase.

During the forum upgrade in May 2008, all users had their signatures reset due to technical limitations. I looked through the old database and dug up your old forum signature.

The attachment links to your old signature image.

ha ha ha, wow, talk about a blast from the past!

Aug 25, 2011, 03:53 PM
Click on the User CP link at the top of each page. From there, click on the "Edit Signature" link on the left bar. Copy and paste the text into the text field. Finally, click the "Save Signature" button.

I went ahead and added the Olga Flow image to your signature.
0.0 TY so much Ryna,really apreciate it.

Aug 25, 2011, 05:44 PM
lol, I not like use signature, so for me no have any problem whit this.

Aug 25, 2011, 11:27 PM
I got none.

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