View Full Version : GC Yasha Hunt

Aug 27, 2011, 12:37 AM
Hey all, its been a while.

In anyone's experience, which is the easier find? Skyly Belra or Viridia Melqueek?

I currently own 1 Sange & Yasha but it was crafted when I was younger, and a little less patient.
So naturally it has crappy stats along the lines of 15/40/0/20 or something close to that.

Keep in mind I'm running offline, so my Belra count isn't too promising but odds are better.
Whereas the Melqueek count is higher, but the odds are worse.

I'm thinking Queeks personally. Opinions~!

Aug 27, 2011, 03:04 AM
Not a fun hunt in either case, but I'd go with Viridia Melqueeks because you can get the occasional Red Sword from Nano Dragons at a 1/573 rate.

Aug 27, 2011, 04:18 AM
i did work it out and with the amount of Queeks you can get in the Caves part of Soul of a Blacksmith, it will take less runs to get it than doing Temple. the only think you'd need to take into account is how long it takes to do each run. if you can do Temple in half an hour but it takes over an hour to do the quest, you may be better off doing Temple. once you've done the quest a few times you will know which rooms you can avoid if they have no Queeks in, which will make each run quicker

Aug 27, 2011, 02:21 PM
Viridia Melqueeks. Online, GC had Lost Ice Spinner for a load of easy Melqueeks and Today's Rate (where I found mine on BB).

Offline your chances of getting one are minimal at best but I'd still favour the Viridia drop. With Skyly Belras you don't even GET Belras until Temple Beta and then you only get a couple.

The only reason the Viridia droprate is so bad is that Melqueeks have a 15% drop-anything rate (so 85% of the time they won't drop ANYTHING, nevermind Yasha). Awful weapon to hunt offline though.

Aug 28, 2011, 12:24 PM
definately caves for sure. I wanted to do a hunt for em and was a Skyly, turns out 3 indi belra per run just isnt worth it at that rate. Given that they only spawn in temple 2.

Aug 28, 2011, 02:09 PM
i think the drop anything rate is taken into account when working out the drop rate of the rare item

the amount of Indi Belras you fight depends on the map, if memory serves one of them has 4 and the other has 5

Sep 2, 2011, 05:48 PM
Alright then, thanks for the suggestions guys!

I was leaning towards Queeks but wanted to hear it from experience. Now for the long haul. :[

It's been a while Uriko!

Claire 56
Oct 26, 2011, 09:09 PM
i own only a sange,i killed so many belras, i know the temple by damn heart, from what i can tell its freakin hopless for me... i think its easier and less tiresome if you go after queeks theres so much more of them...