View Full Version : Xbox 360: Wow, the drama going on right now is pathetic and depressing

Recon Tactical
Sep 16, 2011, 12:12 PM
Started out with two guys arguing about their player IDs or some shit, now it's gone down the road of one of those guys claiming they're a god and everyone's being all serious business. Fuck you, EU/US PSU community. Fuck you and your mindless desire to cause peoples' eyes to bleed.

Sep 16, 2011, 12:40 PM

This is the worst MMO community that I've had the displeasure to have attached to the game I play.

Sep 16, 2011, 01:53 PM
): wutd i do

Sep 16, 2011, 02:23 PM
I think this is directed to the PSU 360 community.

Sep 16, 2011, 02:45 PM
I ran into my fair share in other games. SSB Melee tourneys were always funny.

Sep 16, 2011, 02:52 PM
Does PSU 360 do nothing but White Beast as well?

Recon Tactical
Sep 16, 2011, 03:14 PM
Does PSU 360 do nothing but White Beast as well?

Yep. Unless there's an event going on. Also, very few people will give a shit about new missions that offer better drops, EXP and MP compared to White Beast. Meanwhile, the common scrubs feel all safe and sound with their shitty all Dark-based Weapons and Light-based Armour at White Beast. It's quite sad, really.

The funny thing is, even if we got caught up to JP PC, the majority of the community would most likely remain at Pavilion of Air: Top.

I still don't fucking understand why everyone crowds around this mission. I can't stomach it at all after one or two runs. I mean, at least with MAX we get two missions to run (I imagine we unlock one or two more after a certain milestone of Chips?) and even then one of them offers multiple routes, which means a variety of enemies and enemy elements.

Hell, even Distant Memory give you the chance of a different starting area based on the first three PSO areas, and SEED-Express goes from a SEED infected Train Rescue stage to a Military Subway (or was it AMF HQ?) route for the last block.

I could go on and on, but it's just so depressing.

Sep 16, 2011, 03:24 PM
Yep. Unless there's an event going on. Also, very few people will give a shit about new missions that offer better drops, EXP and MP compared to White Beast. Meanwhile, the common scrubs feel all safe and sound with their shitty all Dark-based Weapons and Light-based Armour at White Beast. It's quite sad, really.

The funny thing is, even if we got caught up to JP PC, the majority of the community would most likely remain at Pavilion of Air: Top.

I still don't fucking understand why everyone crowds around this mission. I can't stomach it at all after one or two runs. I mean, at least with MAX we get two missions to run (I imagine we unlock one or two more after a certain milestone of Chips?) and even then one of them offers multiple routes, which means a variety of enemies and enemy elements.

Hell, even Distant Memory give you the chance of a different starting area based on the first three PSO areas, and SEED-Express goes from a SEED infected Train Rescue stage to a Military Subway (or was it AMF HQ?) route for the last block.

I could go on and on, but it's just so depressing.

It may get even worse by the time S3 is released.

Recon Tactical
Sep 16, 2011, 03:43 PM
It may get even worse by the time S3 is released.

and the sad thing about White Beast S3 is the fact that we damned sure won't be getting Holy Elsydeon as a boss drop.

Sep 16, 2011, 04:34 PM
that's what things are like yo'

you've got your elitists, your shy guys, your meseta "marketers", your lag switchers, your script kiddies.. you name it it's all here. quicker you learn to ignore it the better.

Recon Tactical
Sep 16, 2011, 06:10 PM
that's what things are like yo'

you've got your elitists, your shy guys, your meseta "marketers", your lag switchers, your script kiddies.. you name it it's all here. quicker you learn to ignore it the better.

and thank god we have the Xbox Live mute feature when our blacklists are full.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 16, 2011, 06:45 PM
Oh, it's a blessing, alright. Of course, not all of the players are bad, but I'll agree I've run into a fair share of bad apples.

Candy Man
Sep 16, 2011, 11:25 PM
gotta love that psu drama :P

Sep 17, 2011, 05:51 AM
Lol yea I was there for that. And the other one is all "prove it then" lol. The claimant says he does it to troll, then he got trolled.

Sep 17, 2011, 07:53 AM
damn and I wanted to give psu on xbox an other chance, I better stay away....

Sep 18, 2011, 07:39 AM
There's always gonna be dumb people who take stuff way too serious....best thing you can do is ignore them and enjoy the game.

Sep 19, 2011, 02:47 PM
Yep. Sad part is that it invades nearly every game. I got just as bad if not worse experience playing FFXI, and that's not even system specific. I felt I came to a better community leaving that game. But it's certainly just one area of proof that there is no platform that can claim superiority outside of the "Not from where I'm sitting" junk people throw around to claim the entire community is like their own personal experience.

Play enough online games, across the board, on all systems, and you'll get a great idea that it's simply that "anonymous feeling" of internet connections that does it to some people. Frankly, I've never seen a community more elitist and with griefers than what I've encountered on the PC way before there was even a thing called XBL or PSN, or anything else on console with a worthy large online service.

The only thing I've seen is repeated conduct for which they're given a reputation by people who don't know better. You have hardware wars rife with fanboys, true, but that usually doesn't enter platform-specific online game communities.....unless you're on a PC, then you deal with hardcore Hardware elitists (not to be confused with hardcore gamers), on the same platform you play on. Just another group to deal with.

That's not to say PC playing is worse. It isn't. But anybody who says it's better is just lucky and that they typically play on games with more niche audiences with a lot more things in common. That helps to keep community conduct less hot-headed.