View Full Version : Am I the only one not waiting on an FPS release?

Sep 29, 2011, 09:42 PM
I know someone's going to try and point out that not everyone likes the same games or something similar, and I'm posting this piece first to say: Don't. I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which is the reason I created this topic.

With that out of the way, I'd like to ask, again, am I the only person not waiting on an FPS release at all? I was on PSU a week or two ago, doing a Maximum Attack X run. We're in the final part of Red and Green S2. Someone mentions something like "just a week and a half!", and everyone but me got it. They were talking about the release of Gears of War 3. Even if it's not FPS, if it's camera angle is just "over the shoulder" or whatever, it's another shooter. I, personally, felt a slight bit of...I guess disappointment is the right word...Not for the first time, but still. I get a lot of people who only want to talk about the task at hand, a mission we might not be able to do together again, for most people I meet I never see again, some anime, some shooter game...or they just bitch at me to rebuff faster or question why I'm a Newman Gunmaster, depending on my current class for the last two. I felt like the 'odd-man out', not eagerly awaiting news on GoW3, not looking forward to another shooter game's release. If someone had announced Capcom has decided to go ahead with Megaman Legends 3, I'd be delighted to meet another fan. So far, my love for Megaman has been met with "ew" "fag" and "who's megaman?", or other such comments and insults. I've thus kept it rather quiet, although not nearly as much as my affection for Harvest Moon, which on several occasions has caused my immediate removal by the leader. Simply because I play a farming simulation game. Great.

Yeah, I know, it's a lot, but you'll get some cake if you read it all.

Sep 29, 2011, 09:58 PM
The releases I'm looking forward to most are all RPGs. I'm looking forward to BF3, but I can wait until Christmas break for that.

Skyrim, Dark Souls, BF3, Skyward Sword, SWtOR...

Sep 29, 2011, 10:05 PM
Skyrim, BF3 and PSO2 for me. I can't really think of any other games I want at the moment.

Sep 29, 2011, 10:14 PM
I would have answered no, but then I heard about Borderlands 2.

Sep 29, 2011, 10:59 PM
I'm only looking forward to PSO2 and Sonic Generations...

There are a few SE games that interest me, but I don't feel like getting a PS3 or a 3DS... or a VITA...

And you know Megamans dead, and I can't get hyped for Zelda like I used to... If I do get skyward sword it'll be my last wii game...

edit: Also who says ew to megaman? stupid XBOX kids...

Sep 29, 2011, 11:56 PM
I'm looking forward to all kinds of releases. Rage, Modern Warfare 3, and Battlefield 3 are on my list of 'must haves', but there are other genres as well. Skyrim, Arkham City, Uncharted 3, LoZ: Skywared Sword, Might and Magic Heroes VI, and Rayman Origins are all games I'm getting before the year is out.

Sep 29, 2011, 11:58 PM
Also who says ew to megaman? stupid XBOX kids...
Those durn xbox junkies! They dun no nothin' abou' the good ol' days with MegaMan and 'is 'ventures with 'is dog!

I can see it now, the cries and screams of the little kiddies and their xbox roar hunting me down for calling them junkies.

Nah, not waiting for a shooter, Borderlands 2 did catch my attention, but that can wait for another day. If it was TimeSplitters...

Sep 30, 2011, 12:46 AM
Yes im waiting for MW3 and I might consider trying BF3 since I tried the online beta that I downloaded today.

Recon Tactical
Sep 30, 2011, 12:57 AM
Battlefield 3 is the only FPS that I'm looking forward to, and I won't even be playing that more than PSU.

Also, the other games I'm currently awaiting vary in genre for the most part.

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi
Sonic Generations
WWE '12 (Yeah, a WWE game. Wanna fight about it? I've been collecting these games since WWF WarZone. Deal with it!)
Saints Row: The Third
Torchlight 2

The annoying thing is that, excluding Torchlight 2 and PSO2, all of the above games are out on the next couple of months. I'm making it so I'll get the games I truly want to play first and the others I'll request for Xmas and my birthday. I know I'll be getting Ultimate Tenkaichi, Generations and Skyrim first for sure.

Oh, and there's one F2P RPG that I'm especially looking forward to. It's known as Path of Exile. You might have heard of it. It's currently in closed beta and looks pretty badass. It's the same sort of style as Diablo, but a much darker tone.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Sep 30, 2011, 01:09 AM
Right now, I'm just waiting on Anarchy Reigns and Dual-Pack Re-Release of those Megaman games on the PSP. There is also Sonic Generations and Borderlands 2. Yeah it's an FPS, but it's an RPG. A damn good one, I might add. Oh, and UMVC3, along with the "Complete Edition of LA Noire, though I think that's PC Only, so I don't know.

Sep 30, 2011, 09:39 AM
I'm looking forward to Borderlands 2 going on sale. That's pretty much it.

I don't care for any sort of CoD or BF game anymore seeing as the average FPS community sucks moon-sized mammoth balls and I know in advance that I'll find almost nothing but K&P and 24/7 single map servers if I even attempt to play these online. Haters gonna hate, but I don't have fun when some teammate of mine is being so incredibly stupid that he manages to get me killed in the process. Which happens at a frighteningly high frequency when some dumbass next to me decides to shoot at a tank with a machine gun while I'm readying my anti-vehicle rocket.

Sep 30, 2011, 10:04 AM
I might consider trying BF3 since I tried the online beta that I downloaded today.
I tried the beta last night, and it single-handedly reversed my purchasing decision. I was NOT impressed.

Sep 30, 2011, 11:03 AM
While Gears is a shooter, I hardly call it First Person. Even from the first game, I had to make a major adjustment to the view and control method compared to something like Halo or any of the military-style shooters. It's a different handling. Probably closer to Uncharted, in a way.

Borderlands 2 I'm heavily waiting for. It has nothing to do with the fact that you shoot and it's in first person. But that the first one was a GREAT lootfest game. You might as well call it a Diablo game that just happens to have Guns and First Person in it.

A number of my other interests have already released. I still wait for anything announced that is portable and Shin Megami (not released yet). King of Freakin Fighters XIII. I'm anticipating that one as my most anticipated Fighter in all of 2011. Anybody knows me long enough knows that I've been an avid KOF fan since 95' and a keeper of the entire character-per-character backstories of at least the First orochi and Nests Saga, which even includes story detail as to even why they fight where they fight. I'm a little hazy on some details with the third trilogy, though. I've slacked off a little. :)

Diablo III (Heck I made SURE I had a PC that could run that). That is THE reason for my upgrade in the last year or so. If other games big PC games don't run too well, screw that, they aren't Diablo III. I'm hoping that also means I can run PSO2 half decently. ST hasn't been known for their PC optimizations.

I also await the Vita and the upgraded Persona 4 (Atlus) and Disgaea 3 (NIS) on that system. (I'd buy a system to get at NIS games and is the prime reason I have Sony systems as well).

I'm also a bit bummed that 1 of the 2 most anticipated releases for the 3DS, this year, Megaman Legends 3 got cancelled. There is another project or two to release a fan-made Legends game. One of them looks promising, not sure if the other one will take off even though I did offer my services to help if it does. I'm not going to make the mistake of putting all my (late game) effort into projects that aren't organized to a finished product. Been there. Sick of that. You know. I got real projects now.

Sep 30, 2011, 11:59 AM
I was waiting on Gears 3 (which is a Third-Person Shooter, by the way), but that's out now.

Only other games I want in the foreseeable future is Skyrim, Borderlands 2, and PSO2. That's it. I don't give half a shit about anything else.

I was an old Diablo/2/LoD nerd for years, but I don't think I'm going to care enough about Diablo 3 by the time it finally hits shelves. Maybe I'll buy it someday.

Sep 30, 2011, 12:11 PM
Hmm. I don't think I'm waiting on any FPS games in the near future.

I'm waiting for Valve's end-of-year sales to pick up Portal 2, so I guess that counts?

I did pick up Dead Space 2 and haven't had a chance to open it yet, but I don't think that counts.

Looking at the rest of the year, I'm pretty much just looking forward to Skyward Sword. Although, I might pick up Bit.Trip.Complete if I find the time for it.

(Actually, when does Torchlight 2 come out? I will gladly buy Torchlight 2 at launch.)

Sep 30, 2011, 01:03 PM
Torchlight 2 comes out sometime before the year ends, I think. I started replaying the first one on Xbox to relax my hype for the game. It's a shame T2 might not make it to the XBLA due to memory restrictions, though.

Sep 30, 2011, 03:16 PM
I was actually really impressed with the XBLA version of the game, to the point where I almost picked it up. Ultimately, I figured it wasn't worth it since I haven't finished the PC version, but maybe one of these days I'll give it a go.

Oct 1, 2011, 02:40 AM
I played it on XBLA after I played it on PC Steam. Very very nice version. It also contained a few things that were influenced by their work towards Torchlight 2. I still love how they implemented the rare Portal enemies. The glory ghost like creatures that if you manage to find and defeat, end up dropping a Portal door, that was contained inside themselves, which leads you to a whole mini-dungeon within the dungeon you are playing. A good chance at some loot, and the mini-dungeons vary in length and design. Kind of wild that some of them contain their own mid-bosses (Legendary named creatures).

I also look forward to Torchlight 2. However, I believe they'll do everything they can to get T2 on XBLA because they were really happy with XBLA sales on the product. Even though the first one was single-player only; like on Steam, it was practically a runaway success.

Oct 1, 2011, 03:32 AM
FPS is not my absolute favorite genre, but itīs solid enough for me.
Borderlands for instance with itīs rpg elements.
Only really waiting for itīs sequel.

Other then that..DEAD FREAKING SPACE 3! D:
Over-shoulder 3rd person view is so delicious for some reason.

Also, big fan of Metroid and Megaman.
My favorite being the FPA sub-genre with Metroid Prime and the more experimental Megaman Legends.

But currently iīm waiting for my copies of LoZ:Skyward Sword, Batman:Arkham City, ESV:Skyrim and Super Mario Land 3D.

Oct 1, 2011, 03:41 AM
FPSes give me a bad case of motion sickness =(

Oct 1, 2011, 08:48 AM
FPS is not my absolute favorite genre, but itīs solid enough for me.
Borderlands for instance with itīs rpg elements.
Only really waiting for itīs sequel.

Other then that..DEAD FREAKING SPACE 3! D:
Over-shoulder 3rd person view is so delicious for some reason.

Also, big fan of Metroid and Megaman.
My favorite being the FPA sub-genre with Metroid Prime and the more experimental Megaman Legends.

But currently iīm waiting for my copies of LoZ:Skyward Sword, Batman:Arkham City, ESV:Skyrim and Super Mario Land 3D.

I salute a fellow Metroid fan, as well as another Megaman fan. I played Borderlands, as well, and it was great fun, but I'm still not a fan of the FPS genre. I'm a fan of a few games, but to me, that doesn't justify saying "I'm a fan of first person shooters".

Also, to all those who pointed out GoW not being First person, I know; I played the first one for a few days. It wasn't my style.

And, YES. Another MML fan! Good. We need more of those.

Canard de Bain
Oct 1, 2011, 09:19 AM
I don't want FPS. I want for PC:

Dungeon Defenders
Grim Dawn

Oct 1, 2011, 12:19 PM
Just Borderlands II for fps. Other titles include any new would-be megaman legends games. Or anything SMT or vanillaware released :) . Tales of Xillia if it's localized too.

It seems the only shooters I enjoy are those that don't take themselves so seriously - Conker, Timespslitters, Borderlands... Grim titles of the genre just don't hold my attention for some reason.

Nitro Vordex
Oct 1, 2011, 12:31 PM
War shooters can get pretty boring, no lie. Plus, as Kodia said, the community for them are all raging asshats and 12 year olds who haven't had their nap yet. In terms of FPS'es that I actually do enjoy, those would mostly be TF2 and Counterstrike, if I actually owned it. Still haven't bought it, despite it being cheap. >_>

The only fps that I'm actively wanting is Serious Sam 3. Because, goddamn those games are awesome.

Canard de Bain
Oct 1, 2011, 01:39 PM
War shooters can get pretty boring, no lie. Plus, as Kodia said, the community for them are all raging asshats and 12 year olds who haven't had their nap yet. In terms of FPS'es that I actually do enjoy, those would mostly be TF2 and Counterstrike, if I actually owned it. Still haven't bought it, despite it being cheap. >_>

The only fps that I'm actively wanting is Serious Sam 3. Because, goddamn those games are awesome.

Why play a game that you are destined to fail in?

Edit: For those who don't know, no matter what you do in SS3, you lose and your enemy successfully invades Earth.

Oct 1, 2011, 05:36 PM
For Megaman. e_e

I was strongly captured by the EXE series, and enjoyed starforce I liked those the most (though I was a hardcore megaman fan since the original gameboy days Megaman V being my first game.) But I think those ended well enough for my needs.

I was really looking forward to legends 3, though... They could definitely make a non-gross looking X(I just think he looked horrible in X7 and something felt a little off about him in X8 ) or try out a new series. I don't mind the Classics staying 8-bit(OR doing something similar to legends even).

The first ZX was okay, but I didn't like Advent's story or characters/the way they changed the older characters. First game had a cool and colorful atmosphere and reminded me of a shounen anime back when shounen was still cool or something, But advent just tried to make everything dark again to match up with zero, or something, I dunno, only thing I liked was that you fought other Megamen.

Oct 1, 2011, 07:15 PM
I don't know, I actually don't enjoy first-person nor third-person shooters unless I'm able to play it co-op with a friend. Even then, I don't really enjoy the game so much as the fact that I enjoy co-op quite a bit, so I only really play because I like being able to chill with people I know and be able to play alongside them.

That being said, games I'm looking forward to? I don't know. I personally love fantasy games, but I feel like I haven't been playing as many games as I had in the past. I make time for the retro-style platforming games, or retro-style beat 'em ups, or retro-style space shooters. Other than that, I get other kinds of games because I want to play with people I know, not really because they're the most interesting to me. That's not to say I despise the games I actually purchase, but I have about 200% more fun playing with a friend when it comes to games like Borderlands and whatever else.

I guess certain settings really appeal to me. I've fallen in love with the aesthetics of the PS realm since I began playing PSO. It was quirky enough and lovable enough for me to want to spend time on it regardless of who was playing. In fact, I played that game offline for the most part until I got the hardware to allow my GC to go online. I am hoping that PSO2 will be awesome, but I am not holding my breath for it because I haven't really seen any games recently that have been able to excite me or hold my interest in them.

Ultimately I am with you on the whole "not looking forward to a FPS game" thing. I really don't care if others look forward to those kinds of games, though. I guess I will say that it does feel like there are an awful lot of them coming out all the time compared to other genres of games, but I know hardly anything about CoD, Halo, Rage, etc. I hear about them from my friends, but that's about it. I guess the only thing I can think of that sounded interesting was Deus Ex, and I don't know anything about that game -- I even don't know if it's FPS or TPS, so I guess I'll look that up now out of curiosity.

Nitro Vordex
Oct 1, 2011, 10:47 PM
Why play a game that you are destined to fail in?
We sunk hundreds of dollars in arcade games, didn't we? :wacko:

Edit: For those who don't know, no matter what you do in SS3, you lose and your enemy successfully invades Earth.
Thanks for spoilers, asshat.

Because Serious Sam is still awesome.

Oct 2, 2011, 01:29 AM
Yeah, almost forgot about SS3.
Gonna have to get that as well.

Oct 4, 2011, 01:37 PM
For Megaman. e_e

I was strongly captured by the EXE series, and enjoyed starforce I liked those the most (though I was a hardcore megaman fan since the original gameboy days Megaman V being my first game.) But I think those ended well enough for my needs.

I was really looking forward to legends 3, though... They could definitely make a non-gross looking X(I just think he looked horrible in X7 and something felt a little off about him in X8 ) or try out a new series. I don't mind the Classics staying 8-bit(OR doing something similar to legends even).

The first ZX was okay, but I didn't like Advent's story or characters/the way they changed the older characters. First game had a cool and colorful atmosphere and reminded me of a shounen anime back when shounen was still cool or something, But advent just tried to make everything dark again to match up with zero, or something, I dunno, only thing I liked was that you fought other Megamen.

For Megaman, I started with X4 iirc, unless I got EXE3 first. I can't honestly say which it was, any more than I can say whether I started Harvest Moon with A Wonderful Life on GC or Friends of Mineral Town on GBA. It's just been too long. All the same, though...Legends was great. I only ever got to play the first, and I played it to death. I loved the fact that there was a chance of recovery from "evil" in that one. I assumed the same of EXE4, and had to restart as a consequence - there is no return there. As for Star Force, I was highly upset at the new way Megaman came to be at first. The games are great, but the only two series to employ a "fusion" method are both spin-offs of previous series - ZX, a spin-off of the Zero series, really, and Star Force, a spin-off of Battle Network/EXE (Whichever you prefer).

And name me a true Megaman fan who WASN'T looking forward to Megaman Legends 3. See if you can find one ;p

Oct 4, 2011, 02:07 PM
For Megaman, I started with X4 iirc, unless I got EXE3 first. I can't honestly say which it was, any more than I can say whether I started Harvest Moon with A Wonderful Life on GC or Friends of Mineral Town on GBA. It's just been too long. All the same, though...Legends was great. I only ever got to play the first, and I played it to death. I loved the fact that there was a chance of recovery from "evil" in that one. I assumed the same of EXE4, and had to restart as a consequence - there is no return there. As for Star Force, I was highly upset at the new way Megaman came to be at first. The games are great, but the only two series to employ a "fusion" method are both spin-offs of previous series - ZX, a spin-off of the Zero series, really, and Star Force, a spin-off of Battle Network/EXE (Whichever you prefer).

And name me a true Megaman fan who WASN'T looking forward to Megaman Legends 3. See if you can find one ;p

I dunno why, I was just able to fall in love with starforce 3 after thinking the first two were mediocre. Mostly because of the Noise system. In the process of getting used to the gameplay I just went back and played the first two. The story and character the development for the first and third game far surpassed most of the battle network games.

As for legends, I got the rom for the 2nd game like a year ago, and still never found time to truly get into it. It being a rom didn't help, but it was the best I could get at the time. @_@

Oct 4, 2011, 02:09 PM
I dunno why, I was just able to fall in love with starforce 3 after thinking the first two were mediocre. Mostly because of the Noise system. In the process of getting used to the gameplay I just went back and played the first two. The story and character the development for the first and third game far surpassed most of the battle network games.

As for legends, I got the rom for the 2nd game like a year ago, and still never found time to truly get into it. It being a rom didn't help, but it was the best I could get at the time. @_@

I liked SF3, which I played on an emulator myself, but I found the names annoyingly crappy. "Noise"? "Wizards"? C'mon, Capcom, where have the epic names gone? Remember Chill Penguin? Sting Chameleon? Boomer Kuwanger? I mean really...

Oct 4, 2011, 02:17 PM
C'mon, Capcom, where have the epic names gone?

Remember Chill Penguin? Sting Chameleon? Boomer Kuwanger? I mean really...



Oct 4, 2011, 02:20 PM


That is correct, sir! I miss those names, even if, ironically, those are three of the bosses I never reached. (Yeah, I know, X1 kicked my ass so bad that I didn't reach Chill Penguin - sad fact, bro, I was rusty.)

But Axl the Red can die.

Oct 4, 2011, 02:36 PM
That is correct, sir! I miss those names, even if, ironically, those are three of the bosses I never reached. (Yeah, I know, X1 kicked my ass so bad that I didn't reach Chill Penguin - sad fact, bro, I was rusty.)

But Axl the Red can die.


Sorry, I've seen people say things like that and been completely serious and sometimes it makes me worry.

But yeah, those names are actually pretty great in a completely cheesy way.

Oct 4, 2011, 02:59 PM

Sorry, I've seen people say things like that and been completely serious and sometimes it makes me worry.

But yeah, those names are actually pretty great in a completely cheesy way.

They were great in the way that they distracted from the toughness in the just the right way - The game could be kicking your ass, and then you get to fight a chameleon with a scorpion tail, and you're just like "LOLWTF?"

Oct 6, 2011, 07:05 AM
Ok, I'm setting myself up here, but I'ma take a shot. RPG's are fun, but I've learned my lessons with them.....they take up a lot of time. They're kinda like cigarettes......once you get into it, you can't stop. I learned this the hard way with PSU which I played for 2 years (and one year I didn't have a job so when I say I played it...I mean I PLAYED it like 14-16 hours a day everyday). Thankfully I quit and I never want to do that again. With shooter games, or any other type for that matter...you'll eventually get bored...hell you can get bored in a few days if you sink too much time in ....which is good because you can move on to the next one. PSU? I kept coming back....I quit like 7 times......if I didn't get rid of everything including my PA's......who knows...I'd still be playing it probably. I probably went way off topic there, so to get back....I'll just say I like all kinds of games still but RPG is down to a minimum.

Oct 6, 2011, 01:16 PM
Ok, I'm setting myself up here, but I'ma take a shot. RPG's are fun, but I've learned my lessons with them.....they take up a lot of time. They're kinda like cigarettes......once you get into it, you can't stop. I learned this the hard way with PSU which I played for 2 years (and one year I didn't have a job so when I say I played it...I mean I PLAYED it like 14-16 hours a day everyday). Thankfully I quit and I never want to do that again. With shooter games, or any other type for that matter...you'll eventually get bored...hell you can get bored in a few days if you sink too much time in ....which is good because you can move on to the next one. PSU? I kept coming back....I quit like 7 times......if I didn't get rid of everything including my PA's......who knows...I'd still be playing it probably. I probably went way off topic there, so to get back....I'll just say I like all kinds of games still but RPG is down to a minimum.

I understand - I've had friends on PSU that were able to quit, and I guess you could say I envy them for that ability. They only had to quit ONCE. I don't know how they did it; It's taken me a long time to quit logging on to PSO as a habit, and now that I've finally done it...Well, I don't know what else to do.

As for the comment earlier about playing games you're destined to fail in, I've been playing Mystery Dungeon - Shiren the Wanderer. I've been doing Final Puzzle. Every enemy in the game (save a select few) shows up. There are only three items in the entirety of the game that you can not find in FP - They are the Homing Blade, which is a sword that never misses, the Gaze Shield, a badass shield that stops you from being forced into random actions by Gaze Hypnosis, and the Prism Shield, which converts any and all magic bolts thrown your way to 10 damage. All of which are found in Ravine of the Dead, IMO the 2nd hardest dungeon in the game, coming up just after Final Puzzle.

I'm determined to beat Final Puzzle without action replay.
I throw myself in, and by floor 5 I'm usually dead.
There are 99 floors.
If I make it far, I probably hit a ton of pitfall traps and am stuck on floor 7 at lv3.
The better I do, the worse a death I should prepare for.
Destined to fail.
I keep trying.