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View Full Version : Xbox 360 PSU360 Clans, Pointless or Not?

Oct 3, 2011, 01:11 PM
I've been seeing people recruiting for clans on PSU360. I have yet to see one playing together though. So if they don't play together what's the point?

Oct 3, 2011, 02:17 PM
Some can be a fun regular group.

I used to play with one and enjoyed it, they had their own thing going on a lot of the time. It was nicer then just getting on and trying to pick up a random party that didn't suck.

It's just about finding fun people to play with. A clan could be fun, it may not be. Just all about the group.

Oct 3, 2011, 06:11 PM
The best clans tend not to call themselves as such; you're better off getting a loose collection of friends and running with that. Introduce them to one another, if you feel ambitious. That's how I made all my friends on PSU.

Clans create drama. Friends don't. Well, they do, but if they're really friends then it's worth working out.

Oct 3, 2011, 11:37 PM
The contradiction in the air is extremely thick lol jk

The following I posted on a post on a similar subject. Replace the word "guild" with "clan" if you must when you read it.

Traditional original guilds are supposed to be a positive thing and is 9 times out of 10 created by a groups of friends that play the game(s) together and made a unified name for themselves. Its all about what you make out of it. If you don't like one that you may have joined, leave it. Its not the Illuminati (unless of course that IS the guild name). Honesty, mine was created based on the premise that many of the ppl in a previous guild I was in disliked being in a guild (Ragol Knights from PSO, a very popular and respected guild) anymore. We believed that it became too controlled and strayed away from what the meaning of being in a guild was all about. But that was just a matter of a common OPINION. I never talk down on other guilds, but I have experienced that many of them have a false assumption that to run one you must be "militant". They have ranks, classes, chess pieces(lol) and all kinds of things. Some ppl may enjoy it because they have pride in "self-made" acheivements (like TA), while others feel boxed in, don't like the requirements to join (websites, giving up things, restrictions), want to play other games as well and/or don't want to play that competitively. There isn't anything wrong with these things if you like them. For some, it even gives them a wanted sense of direction.The easiest ones to fit in are social guilds, either way, most of the time guilds have the same exact problems that unnamed groups of friends have, not much difference. In many ways, guilds represent todays society, goverment and media. This can be a pos or negative. Great things can come from guilds as well. After all pretty much ALL of our nations were created by "guilds" of sorts. You may be a part of a guild and not even know it. I kinda look at those guys that post here about their TA journeys as a guild. They gotta work together, help each other out, and make that goal. I think its pretty badass. But its absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting to be in a guild, it isn't for everyone. You have to get in where you fit in.