View Full Version : How too train Dus Robado QUICK

Oct 22, 2011, 01:13 AM
Get a Mugunburgac any will do. (Best ACC Spear)
Get a Orpa / Hit Charge (160 ACC Bonus)
Switch too Fighmaster (Best because you hit faster) If not Fortefighter
Run A S or S2 (C If low level)
Best to do it now because of the PA Boost
Hope it helps Enjoy!
This Combo is a PA drainer so use Photon Charges
I used all of mine and got 4 Levels!

Oct 22, 2011, 02:01 PM
Um NO....replace the Orpa/hit charge with a Cati/Hit or even Solid/Hit S. With Orpa/Hit charge, you'll go through PP in like 3-4 swings

once yall get the Tornado Break update.....Robado becomes useless.

Oct 22, 2011, 03:55 PM
"IF" they get that Tornado Break update.