View Full Version : Game LoL has knocked WoW off it's perch.

Nitro Vordex
Nov 18, 2011, 02:36 PM
[spoiler-box]I had to say it.[/spoiler-box]

League of Legends now bigger than World of Warcraft | PC Gamer (http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/11/18/league-of-legends-now-bigger-than-world-of-warcraft/)
www.pcgamer.com (http://www.pcgamer.com/)PC games reviews, news and free PC games from the global authority on PC games - PCGamer.comI'm pretty sure they may not be including the ridiculous amount of smurf accounts and inactive accounts, but they said active players, so maybe they are.

Massively (http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/11/18/league-of-legends-surpasses-11-5-million-active-players/) points out that League of Legends has a whopping 1.3 million players (the population of Estonia) at peak times – more than four times Skyrim’s 250,000 concurrent PC players. Those sure are some mighty big numbers you’ve got there, Riot Games. I would have to say this isn't really a fair comparison, because it doesn't require ten people to play one game in Skyrim. LoL is based on teamwork, and also based on how many players are in a game. AI games only can have five people, whereas PvP is always ten. That 10:1 factor isn't really fair. Unless it's accurate in terms of the factor, then maybe it's fair.

Warning: very big jpeg incoming.

I do play LoL, though nowadays I tend to stray from PvP, so I don't have to deal with all the assholes that play. Do we have any LoL players, and maybe even WoW players? What are your thoughts on this?

Nov 18, 2011, 05:22 PM
I played a bit of LoL but PC gaming just isn't for me. I do remember when it was just a small-time game. It's amazing that it has blown up this big in such a short time.

Nov 18, 2011, 05:24 PM
Totally deserved. Really. LoL is great fun. Easy to learn but hard to master, but certainly never fails to be engaging.

Nov 18, 2011, 05:42 PM
this thread is lacking in mew mew squees and penguin pizza food emotes. Socially Awkward penguin does not approve.

Nov 18, 2011, 06:30 PM

Was totally set to rage on this topic before I opened that spoiler box. Speaking of which...whatever happened to Saner?? O.o

Nov 18, 2011, 06:53 PM
League of Lulz is free, Skyrim and WoW aren't.

What I'm curious about is how League of Lulz's numbers compare to Maple Story's when the latter was at its peak.

Nov 18, 2011, 07:30 PM
Lol. :wacko:

Nov 18, 2011, 07:55 PM
Speaking of which...whatever happened to Saner?? O.o

I think he caught the Diabetes from all those food emotes.

Nov 18, 2011, 08:46 PM
Dragon Nest = over 60 million players subscribed to it....with 3 - 4 million players playing simultaneously across all versions simultaneously. This was done in just a span of two years.

Nov 18, 2011, 09:20 PM
People tend to laugh out loud more than say "wow" anyway nowadays, so lol being more popular than wow makes sense. :wacko:

The funny part is that I'm only vaguely aware of what League of Legends actually is. Never played it, some sort of free-to-play* multiplayer game of some sort. Possibly part of the ill-named "multiplayer online battle arena" genre (sounds like more of a gametype than a genre, to me).

Dragon Nest = over 60 million players subscribed to it....with 3 - 4 million players playing simultaneously across all versions simultaneously. This was done in just a span of two years.
Including, of course, the people who made an account, played it, and realized that it's just a grindy-grind game with no real scaling depth to the gameplay, of course.

It's easy to brag about "subscribed" players to a free game, since the download time is literally the only barrier of entry for the most part.


Was totally set to rage on this topic before I opened that spoiler box. Speaking of which...whatever happened to Saner?? O.o
Banned, probably.

Nov 18, 2011, 09:43 PM
League is a nice idea, but it's not exactly my type of game. Unlike other things you might compare it to, League of Legends is more of a competitive sport and pretty much devoid of PvE. Except for a trainer. So as good as it is, it really is no replacement for those who want a good multiplayer PvE experience.

Nov 18, 2011, 10:26 PM
I think he caught the Diabetes from all those food emotes.Oh, I always just figured he'd moved to Japan to live out his apparent dream of being a Japanese schoolgirl... :-?

Jenni Porshakin
Nov 19, 2011, 05:30 PM
well since the words Wow and Lol are now taken, which next emote shall be turned into a game name?

Legendary Mechanized Assault Operators
or something of the sort[/SPOILER-BOX]

Nov 19, 2011, 06:04 PM
well since the words Wow and Lol are now taken, which next emote shall be turned into a game name?

Legendary Mechanized Assault Operators
or something of the sort[/SPOILER-BOX]


Jenni Porshakin
Nov 19, 2011, 06:22 PM
SEGA could get some major name recognition if they created a mecha game with an emote name. Just to have it take third place behind LoL and WoW.
*does the SEGA fanwave

Nov 19, 2011, 08:34 PM
Sega Ultimate eXperience. Possibly Sega Ultimate eXtreme eXperience Online Roleplaying if they want to follow their tradition of making annoyingly long game names. Can't have too many 'x'es says the marketing department.

Nov 19, 2011, 10:00 PM
People tend to laugh out loud more than say "wow" anyway nowadays, so lol being more popular than wow makes sense. :wacko:

The funny part is that I'm only vaguely aware of what League of Legends actually is. Never played it, some sort of free-to-play* multiplayer game of some sort. Possibly part of the ill-named "multiplayer online battle arena" genre (sounds like more of a gametype than a genre, to me).

Including, of course, the people who made an account, played it, and realized that it's just a grindy-grind game with no real scaling depth to the gameplay, of course.

It's easy to brag about "subscribed" players to a free game, since the download time is literally the only barrier of entry for the most part.

Banned, probably.

...and PSU has depth?

You do the very same thing....Take your weapons, run through maps 100s of times looking for drops and if you wish to experience any measure of the story you have to PAY TO PLAY ONLINE in order to be thrown an ONLINE SINGLEPLAYER story at your face to get all of the content...

As far as scaling Depth goes, according to mmorpg.com it was given the award for the most innovative and best drawn out PvP experience in a game in the last two years, and those are a judgemental bunch.

I do like that I can go through the story with others and don't need to actually run a map 100 times to get a drop and that the economy is actually better. I do enjoy that TAing is actually REWARDED in that game, and that I can actually play that game on a Tablet PC...

Of course if I want to see a game that kicks its ass, Maple Story has 92 million subscribers. At least I can play DN and not deal with the ridiculous idea that I need six of each weapon in some pallete in order to have an element set. I can focus on the character skills....Also there is some humor in the game, so sure...

go ahead, Ive tried LoL btw. its not a bad game, but if you want to capture the world global market you have to appease the Asian Market, specially Koreans and Chinese.

Good Luck

Jenni Porshakin
Nov 19, 2011, 10:58 PM
Keilyn, i've never played Maple Story. How has the company kept it from being a big spazzfest full of griefers, gold farmers, etc.?
How have they been able to do what Blizzard has barely kept at bay (the gold farmers, hackers, etc....)?

Nov 20, 2011, 12:05 AM
Dragon Nest = over 60 million players subscribed to it....with 3 - 4 million players playing simultaneously across all versions simultaneously. This was done in just a span of two years.

Dunfeong Fighter Online is the biggest one I think it's over 200 million users. SO really looking at wow for numbers is pretty silly when it's dwarfed completely by other games. People can say "Well f2p" But most of those people playing it pay some time or another.

Nitro Vordex
Nov 20, 2011, 04:25 AM
Also, spambots.

Nov 20, 2011, 04:28 AM
Difference is that both Dungeon Fighter Online and MapleStory are ran by Nexon. A company who I would say are far below the standards of even SEGA's online services in the past, when it takes 2-3 days to update a server in unscheduled maintenance, it really says something.

Nov 20, 2011, 05:01 AM
Difference is that both Dungeon Fighter Online and MapleStory are ran by Nexon. A company who I would say are far below the standards of even SEGA's online services in the past, when it takes 2-3 days to update a server in unscheduled maintenance, it really says something.
This and the numerous mule accounts made to hold their junk. In those games and Dragon Nest, just about everyone I met on there have at least 3-4 accounts dedicated to holding junk.

Spam bots are also another big problem, since the accounts associated with it are usually not deleted, but rather kept intact and locked away.

Overall, comparing a F2P game to a subscription based game or a game that involves strategy isn't the greatest of all things to compare.

Nov 20, 2011, 06:22 PM
...and PSU has depth?
You might notice I never implied that PSU was anything other than a pile of crap.

Nov 29, 2011, 03:09 PM
I play it. All the time.

Summoner name is: Lethiz

add me noodles