Dec 4, 2011, 05:53 AM
i bought 4 copies of this so i could play with friends and for the longest time i never played with anyone. they were just in my shelf collecting dust. then the other day i was just having a small gathering at my house and it turned out only 3 people showed up... it felt like a total drag, anyway i ended up busting out my 2 normal dses and grabbed my 3ds and since my friend had one on him as well we ended up playing for a whole 3 days straight!! Afterwards we ended up making this thing a weekly ritual to play pszero every thursday night after basketball. we have nothing better to do hahaha man this was funny, all this time ivé had these copies of this game and now i have made fanatics out of non-gamers haha i love it!

Dec 4, 2011, 09:18 AM
Reminds me when I used to play FFCC: Echoes of time offline with my friends. Unfortunately, I could never get the same people into PSZ. Glad you're liking it.

Dec 4, 2011, 11:27 AM
That's very neat how you got to play PSZ on local multiplayer, SageAtlasEllimirri. I've owned PSZ for two years now and have yet to meet anyone else outside of the internet who plays it.

Dec 4, 2011, 01:27 PM
Haha, fun times. In high school, my good buddies and I would gather in the cafeteria after classes were over to play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and play some card games too. And the custodian, who was very nice, would occasionally let us get free soda from the faculty soda machine. We would be in the cafeteria playing 'til 8 or 9 in the evening sometimes, lol. Oh sweet, sweet nostalgia! :) I should try introducing PSØ to them sometime.

Reminds me when I used to play FFCC: Echoes of time offline with my friends. Unfortunately, I could never get the same people into PSZ. Glad you're liking it.

I actually bought PSØ and Echoes of time on the same day, but I haven't been giving as much attention to EoT, sadly. I decided to play as a Yuke but got annoyed eventually and scrapped it. I'm either too accustomed to the stock magicite in Ring of Fates or I just like to hastily squander my MP in EoT. Probably both. Anyway, I'm playing with a Lilty now. Gotta' love dem little onions!

Dec 4, 2011, 02:23 PM
Haha, fun times. In high school, my good buddies and I would gather in the cafeteria after classes were over to play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and play some card games too. And the custodian, who was very nice, would occasionally let us get free soda from the faculty soda machine. We would be in the cafeteria playing 'til 8 or 9 in the evening sometimes, lol. Oh sweet, sweet nostalgia! :) I should try introducing PSØ to them sometime.

I actually bought PSØ and Echoes of time on the same day, but I haven't been giving as much attention to EoT, sadly. I decided to play as a Yuke but got annoyed eventually and scrapped it. I'm either too accustomed to the stock magicite in Ring of Fates or I just like to hastily squander my MP in EoT. Probably both. Anyway, I'm playing with a Lilty now. Gotta' love dem little onions!

I played a little of FFCCEoT with Windancer and DTR two summers back. I got too annoyed with the platforming (Windancer who had the double jumper had to haul me across cliffs because I kept falling in them) and quit.

Ken & Robo
Dec 4, 2011, 02:45 PM
My big brother purchased two copies of PSZ the one day after it was released (its release was delayed for one day, due to the huge amount of people buying Modern Warfare 2 on the original release date). It kept us busy for a while, but there was pretty much no one else who played PSZ at the time aside from us, and we never really played online at the time, since we were working towards getting to SH offline or to raise our characters to LV60. Shanks, who is a friend of mine in real life, got PSZ on Christmas. Really though, my very first time playing with four players on PSZ was in fact when I went to Shanks' house and went online with some his friends (probably close to 2 years after the release date of PSZ), such as Eclipse5632, Daak, and Grimhart. This was actually shortly after the end of my first retirement on PSZ.

As for FFCC EoT, me and Shanks also purchased that game (I got it before the street date, in fact), and I played that game to death. I played that game for over 3 months, and since it kept me really busy until PSZ came out, I managed to beat all 12 difficulties without a single game over beyond Very Hard 2 (though me and Shanks found an exploit to maximize all characters stats, but eventually, you can still die very easily). I mainly used a Yuke, since is these kinds of games, I preferred magic casters over physical attackers, whereas in PSZ, I preferred the physical attackers (male CASTs, specifically) over the magic casters.

Dec 4, 2011, 03:18 PM
I'd heard about PSZ before it released and wasn't that psyched about it after seeing gameplay videos (to be honest, Hopping Run kinda turned me off :V). But then when it came out, one of my friends mentioned he was going to go get it and suddenly I got really excited about it since I'd heard it was a lot more like PSO than PSU. I played alone offline pretty much exclusively for a long time. I started with a HUmar, but stopped around level 20 since I didn't like how weak his Resta was. I switched to a HUcast and played him until level 80-ish, when my drive to play the game kinda died out because I was having trouble making it up the SH ET and kind of lost a sense of purpose just grinding areas. Then, earlier this year I randomly got an urge to challenge the ET again, succeeded, and then still wanted to play more. I figured it was unlikely that people were still playing online and sitting in Free Play for a while with no bites was almost enough to make me give up, but I decided to look around here to see if I could find anything and the rest is history. The revival group has kept me going in PSZ for several months now, and I'm not sure when I'm going to stop. I imagine I'll probably stop before PSO2 comes out, but if by some chance I'm still playing it then PSO2 will most likely put an end to my PSZ career (or at least, I kind of hope it will lol). My ultimate PSZ goals are to have all three of my characters max level and getting 100% weapon/title collection. Tall orders, but it at least ensures that I'll have something to aim for for a long time. The trading forum has helped with weapon collection immensely, but there are still a non-trivial number of ultra-rare items that I need (even just one is too many...). But, with how many people we have still dedicated to this game, I'm sure we'll find them. =)

Dec 4, 2011, 03:20 PM
I broke FFCC:EoT to the point where it wasn't fun anymore. Getting 999 in all stats for four different characters and hitting 9999 with Blizzaja got boring after a while. Despite that, the only fun thing left to do in the game is play the minigames, including Gladiators. Me and Ken had a blast in Gladiators, trying to OHKO eachother with Blizzaja. I wonder what it would be like to play 4-player Gladiators with everyone at max stats...

On the topic of PSZ, I got it on christmas and at the time I had no plans to play online. At first, I got to level 30 or so then put the game down for a while. When I realized that my Ken and his brother also had this game, I suddenly got my hopes up and went straight into "friendly competition" mode. I played and played and hunted and hunted until I could finally play SH offline with them. I was the first of us to hit level 100, but thats probably because I demotivated Ken in some way that I wont explain here.

Dec 4, 2011, 03:59 PM
I ordered PSZ off of Amazon two years ago. I've been playing it off and on since. I'm not sure when I'll retire from this game for good because every time I've tried before, I return to it eventually. If it wasn't for Windancer and the PSZ Revival Group, I'm sure I would've moved on from PSZ by now.

Dec 5, 2011, 10:12 AM
i got the game on the release date because atv1121, my other real life friend and I had been looking forward to playing it after endless hours of grinding pso. sadly i was the only one to get it on the release day where as they got a couple weeks later so while they were starting up i was already getting ready to start SH. they caught up quickly and we played alot. then i lost my game for awhile and found just a couple weeks ago and started playing right away

Dec 5, 2011, 07:40 PM
That sounds like alot of fun sadly finding someone who plays this game hardcore is rare so rare it nver happens often... but my search will continue!

Dec 5, 2011, 10:42 PM
I first was introduced to PSZ after playing FFCC: Echoes of Time. My friend on FFCC:EOT told me about it and I decided to give it a try. I convinced my brother about it and we ended up getting it. My brother and I played it alot with friends online from this site. Then we got psp's last year and got Phantasy STar Portable 2. It was fun but it just wasnt like the psz we liked. So Now, we have 3 psz cartridges and alot of time on our hands. Not to mention the new Zelda we picked up two weeks back. My brother and I are playing psz again and I got a few of my friends to play it as well. Wow it's like sweet nostalgia! We get together at school during lunch and after school to play some pokemon or psz. Feel's good to be back~! I hope they make a Phantasy Star for the 3DS!

Dec 8, 2011, 06:51 PM
quite the reply... ah well back to work :p

Dec 8, 2011, 09:05 PM
I'm noticing FFCCEoT, PSZ, and Pokemon appearing to be the tri-factor of most played multiplayer games on the DS.

Dec 8, 2011, 10:11 PM
I used to play four player multiplayer psz with two friend and my brother all the time, unfortunately they have moved on from the game… :(

Dec 9, 2011, 02:25 AM
That's too bad, Coogrr. :( As fun as PSZ is, it doesn't have the staying power for most people it seems like.