View Full Version : Ever thought of making a wiki?

Dec 11, 2011, 02:53 PM
I apologize if I'm not on the same page as everyone else here, never hurts to ask though.

There's quite a bit of info and pics here. It'd be a shame for it to all be lost should this site ever go inactive.

Anybody ever thought of creating a wiki for this?

Dec 12, 2011, 12:54 AM
There are already wikis for both PSO and PSU.

This site's been around for over 10 years though, don't think it'll be going inactive anytime soon.

Dec 13, 2011, 12:47 PM
This site is backed by the guys in charge of fileplanet, and gamespy...,butt they did turn their backs on the planethalo guys...,but pso WORLD sounds cooler than PLANET pso...I miss planet dreamcast :)

Dec 15, 2011, 07:48 PM
This site is backed by the guys in charge of fileplanet, and gamespy...,butt they did turn their backs on the planethalo guys...,but pso WORLD sounds cooler than PLANET pso...I miss planet dreamcast :)

Just to clear up any misconceptions, the site is no longer supported/hosted by Fileplanet, Gamespy, or anyone else. It is operated and hosted independently.

As for the wiki idea, the idea has been brought up before at various times in the site's history. The major stumbling block was integrating it with the rest of the site. We're currently looking into some interesting implementations to help supplement the content areas of the site.