View Full Version : Game Dota 2 thread! (Share invites among your PSO-W'ers!)

Nitro Vordex
Dec 15, 2011, 08:33 PM
So we've been in beta for Dota 2 for some time, and invites are firing out quite a bit. I have gotten in to the invite, due to a friend having an extra invite. Is anybody active with this game? I'm highly enjoying it, even though it makes LoL look ridiculously casual, ough. I personally like Bloodseeker and Shadow Fiend.

Also, throw out some invites if you guys got 'em!

Dec 15, 2011, 08:48 PM
Well... LoL IS ridiculously casual. Relatively speaking.

And that's fine by me. I find DotA far too intense to be fun. I like to at least be able to sit back every now and then. The denial mechanic in particular keeps me away (seriously, killing your own men?).

I am also sad about Valve's interpretation of Slardar. He doesn't look anywhere near as good as he does in the WC3 version, and that's absurd considering how old that game is. :(

Dec 15, 2011, 09:36 PM
Frankly, if it makes LoL look casual...

I'm curious about it, but have no invite.

Dec 16, 2011, 05:46 AM
LoL is super-casual compared to DOTA, but I think that's part of its appeal.

Nitro Vordex
Dec 16, 2011, 05:25 PM
Well... LoL IS ridiculously casual. Relatively speaking.

And that's fine by me. I find DotA far too intense to be fun. I like to at least be able to sit back every now and then. The denial mechanic in particular keeps me away (seriously, killing your own men?).

I am also sad about Valve's interpretation of Slardar. He doesn't look anywhere near as good as he does in the WC3 version, and that's absurd considering how old that game is. :(
I like the way it is, it makes a fight end quickly, rather than absurd healing for 45 seconds and nothing getting done. But god DAMN is it intense. The absurdity of some of the characters is amazing. (Zeus for MVP)

It took me five nights of playing the Dota 2 bots to get used to the game. It's pretty hardcore. Won my first bot game a couple nights ago. Once you get used to the game, it's pretty fun. I think you also take a lot learned from Dota 2 back with you to LoL. LoL seemed really easy in comparison. Then again, I don't play PvP much in LoL anymore, on account that most of the community sucks, but I'm not going to go into that.

The Daltony
Dec 17, 2011, 09:40 PM
I like the way it is, it makes a fight end quickly, rather than absurd healing for 45 seconds and nothing getting done. But god DAMN is it intense. The absurdity of some of the characters is amazing. (Zeus for MVP)

It took me five nights of playing the Dota 2 bots to get used to the game. It's pretty hardcore. Won my first bot game a couple nights ago. Once you get used to the game, it's pretty fun. I think you also take a lot learned from Dota 2 back with you to LoL. LoL seemed really easy in comparison. Then again, I don't play PvP much in LoL anymore, on account that most of the community sucks, but I'm not going to go into that.

If you think League has a terrible playerbase then I have some bad news for you.

Anyway if you're new to Dota, the Dota 2 reference site is pretty good for getting the basics of all the heroes, really handy if you don't know what all of the items do as well.

Link: http://www.dota2reference.com/