View Full Version : Humor curiosity

Dec 27, 2011, 05:22 AM
How many of you are into Dry, Insult and Morbid Humor?

Its a subculture in shooters to come out with humor that in the real world would be sick, saddistic or otherwise unacceptable by a lot of groups....However its similar to military humor too.

I remember when I was a kid a professor telling me "Your study habits make clay dolls tangible by comparison" and my reply to that was "....and your intelligence makes Rome look like the High Renaissance"

Then there was a woman who likes the insult humor. She lived in Athens and we would talk of art history and a lot of cool things. She one days said to me "I like Americans, they go Sparta on everything! Ebonics anyone?" and I replied to her "oh where is Persepolis when you need them!" ^_^

Then in shooter games with sniper rifles, because a lot of us love snipers but hate being sniped..

"North, South, East or West...All roads lead to a bullet up your ass" ^_^

Then in UT2004 years ago, I was with a friend and we both blew up because of the double damage powerup being used by the player and i said "look on the bright side, at least its purple"

Then I showed the original UT to my girlfriend and she said "Oh look! Its UT for girls?" and I didn't understand until I found that the UT disks were colored pink!

Anyone ever played Quake 3 Arena's Capture the Flag? If you died right next to your flag poll with the enemy flag, an announcer sent a global message to all players saying "Denied"

...and who can forget everyone's favorite announcer? The original UT announcer that sounds like a pissed off prison-inmate with a deep voice who is tired of seeing a bunch of amateurs kill and wants to get in there with his deep voice and killing spree your ass.

Then comes Civilization humor. Civilization is a game series where each player picks a civilization, then start at 4000 BC and attempt to build a civilization. The humor comes in how a civilization turns out....

I remember after a long conversation with my mother, I told her "Don't worry, I try to be fair."

Then civilization puts a pop up immediately

"Congratulations, you have discovered Slavery!"

How about creating like 20 - 30 units and all of a sudden getting pop up saying "You have discovered Taoism" in Civ 4.

Then there was that shooter map I created. Tested it with 10 players and everyone kept blowing each other up and for some reason the game bugged and didn't clean the blood of the dead players, so a lot of the textures are coated in blood splatter...

...and im like

"Its Dejavu all over again! I feel bad for the one who does the housekeeping"

Specially when walking over your own corpse....

I remember in PSO when I first did Ultimate mode and all the Rappies would Peck you to death. Then going through the caves and reading the enemy names "Pal Shark" anyone? Yes, Jaws wants to befriend me!

The only thing sadder than that....was the day the Tuba player who did that famous piece from Jaws died and it was playing on every local radio station.

I mean...

Are any of you into this type of crazy humor. I still laugh when PSU NPCs call certain enemies "Cute" and they get one-shotted by them.

Dec 27, 2011, 11:41 AM
I generally believe I'm into dry/sarcastic and black humor. Definitely the former, not so much the latter unless it's really funny, but most (if not all) of the examples above didn't seem funny to me. I guess I just have a different taste than you do.

An example of black humor to me would be: "All extremists should be taken out and shot." or "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, and it's 100% fatal."

Also, for future reference (pet peeve): "[It's deja vu] all over again!" is redundant.

Dec 27, 2011, 12:01 PM
I absolutely love dry wit humor, but sometimes I also find black humor hilarious.

Dec 27, 2011, 02:36 PM
OP is fat.


Dec 27, 2011, 02:55 PM
Funny enough. Dry Wit, and/or dark humor is something I kind of grew up on, watching stuff. Everything from all the BBC stuff I watched, to famous dead-pan comics like Steven Wright. A lot of folks really nail it, particularly in the delivery. Heck, there's plenty of times in which I love a good dry joke done by Norman Lovett just because he has that ability to throw them out with seemingly no effort in his delivery. It's both lazy and instantly deliberate at the same time. Something you need a special voice to pull off.

A lot of times, the great aspect of humor is misdirection. Setting up the scenario for something crazy and then redirecting the idea to something else that is less "in your face". Kind of like the "At least it's purple" line.

It would be equivalent to Adrian Monk, looking over a heinous crime scene in which a mass murder was done. Coming back with a napkin-held group of bullets to the police and saying, "Look at these. Someone was taking real good care of these. Before they entered the body, these bullets were immaculate. If I were to die by shooting. I want it to be bullets just like these."

Insults are particularly funny if they are intelligent ones that make you think. However, I tend to like those done better in actual satire or an actual comedy venue and generally directed to an individual for show. Kind of like how shows like Black Adder or Red Dwarf throw these around with wild abandon.

Dec 27, 2011, 03:15 PM
Sarcastic humour (Red Dwarf etc) has always been my favourite. Have to say though, my favourite comedian lately is Ross Noble. I love how random he is, it's brilliant.

Dark humour is something I'm more or less used to now; Frankie Boyle does this well but also re-uses a lot of his material, which is a shame.

Speaking of Red Dwarf, it's sketches like this that made me love it.


Dec 27, 2011, 04:04 PM
I'm quite partial to crude insult humor myself. My friends love it when I call them terrible names, and I'm a dick anyway, so it all works out.

I also like a lot of dark, morbid humor as well. The more offensive, the better.

Dec 28, 2011, 01:10 AM
Are you insinuating that I laugh at people with missing body parts when they're not looking?!

Dec 28, 2011, 08:06 AM
I don't laugh at them, I just feel disgusted. True story. :/

Dec 28, 2011, 10:23 AM
I'm used to be sarcastic most of the time, and jokes or insults can get even better if I'm in a bad mood....I tend to insult/complain spontaneously that some people find it hilarious somehow. I also rename things and people with insulting names that may describe better their own misery, but I dont go to such level of cruelty where I insult disabled/handicapped people or someone who just lost a relative.

Insults are particularly funny if they are intelligent ones that make you think.

But not too intelligent because some people wont get it the first time! A friend of mine complains about that some of my jokes are too complex to get sometimes, lol...but I gotta admit that I find it funnier when people dont catch my drift instantly because that automatically means that I'm insulting their intelligence swiftly.

Dec 28, 2011, 10:44 AM
I also like humor out of ridiculous things...

Here is an example:

This is how in the game X3 you capture an enemy ship.

1) We warp into a pirate sector and try to keep it out of our heads that we are outnumbered...

2) We are forced to fly behind the fastest ship and then destroy every ship in the wing until one is left. By then all "allies" have been contacted.

3) We have to bombard the enemy ship's shields and damage their hull.

4) We have to ask them to surrender (Comm + Surrender) hoping the pilot ejects from his ship.

Oh boy this isn't enough right?

5) We can't just capture the ship, oh no.....We gotta get out in a space suit from the ship we are in already, meaning we gotta eject from our ship (Shift + E) so now we move around in a space suit.

6) We have to get into a 30 meter range of the ship, all while pirates are approaching your position.

7) We now are attuned to a great revelation! The ship we damaged may or may not have a navigational computer to actually fly on its own to an outpost after claiming it....


a) If it has a nav comp, great! Simply Issue a console command (in-game option part of the game itself) to the ship to go dock at some outpost.

b) if it doesn't we don't get back into our own ship! We get into the ship we just nearly blew up and order our fighter to dock at an outpost on the other side of the jumpgate.

8) We can strip the pirate ship of weapons and shields if we like, but if we want to sell we gotta do two things:

a) repair all the way, so i get to leave my ship against (eject) and fire beams at it....Oh lets not forget that by now...a pirate fleet has warped into the sector and is engaging anything in the area thanks to me.

b) Try not to be found by pirates.

9) Now we can sell the ship if its any good....:)

Congratulations, we just capped a ship...angered a few sectors and caused a small little war. ^_^

The humor in this is how ridiculously long it is but also how you literally do this in-game.

Now please don't ask me how to mine an asteroid. It will make you want to stab your eye out. ^_^

Dec 28, 2011, 12:45 PM
never morbid. but I understand that humor, like many others. in which case, that makes me pretty chill around other people having a good time.

My humor. oh geeze. make what you will of it if you get to know me more. situational/literal, pun driven, sarcastic. and oh-my-gawd, so RANDOM. and maybe some other attributes I'm forgetting. IDK.

rrggg. its difficult to describe my humor. -_-

Dec 28, 2011, 02:34 PM
Don't become friends with a doctor. You need a dry sense of humor or a morbid sense of humor to keep your sanity in that field. Any doctor. Even dentist.

Nitro Vordex
Dec 28, 2011, 11:56 PM
I love puns and terrible puns and extremely terrible puns.

Also dry humor and black, though I think pretty much anyone who isn't ass clenched and radically religious has that humor.

Dec 29, 2011, 12:03 AM
I can't laugh at people slipping and falling.

Stairs hurt.

Dec 29, 2011, 07:26 AM
Michaeru: Oh well. I guess you'll be one to dislike the big surge of "FUS RO DAH" Youtube vids that have been popping up. ;)

On the other hand, I also like a particular method of speaking you often hear from BBC entertainment.
Stuff where they go on about describing something multiple times, each describing the subject more and more, before they get on with the subject.

Here's a modest example:

To Holly, the ship's computer.

"How could you have missed that? How could you not see Five Black Holes!!!"

Holly: Well, you see. The thing about Black Holes is that they are Black.
And the thing about Space. The Colour of Space. The typical Space Colour... is that it's Black.
So how am I supposed to see it?

Of course, the other part of the humour here is the whole assumption made by the first sentence. One, just about any Sci-fi buff would get. When you ask a computer about seeing something, it's always assumed to detect by sensor arrays, historical and predictive calculations, and a database catalogue. The computer responding with the idea of using visual sight instead of all of that.

Dec 29, 2011, 09:11 AM
Michaeru: Oh well. I guess you'll be one to dislike the big surge of "FUS RO DAH" Youtube vids that have been popping up. ;)

On the other hand, I also like a particular method of speaking you often hear from BBC entertainment.
Stuff where they go on about describing something multiple times, each describing the subject more and more, before they get on with the subject.

Here's a modest example:

To Holly, the ship's computer.

"How could you have missed that? How could you not see Five Black Holes!!!"

Holly: Well, you see. The thing about Black Holes is that they are Black.
And the thing about Space. The Colour of Space. The typical Space Colour... is that it's Black.
So how am I supposed to see it?

Of course, the other part of the humour here is the whole assumption made by the first sentence. One, just about any Sci-fi buff would get. When you ask a computer about seeing something, it's always assumed to detect by sensor arrays, historical and predictive calculations, and a database catalogue. The computer responding with the idea of using visual sight instead of all of that.

LOL that british humor...

I dunno for me that's one of those things that aren't funny even when you get the joke. Probably has to grow on people.

Dec 30, 2011, 01:37 AM
Don't become friends with a doctor. You need a dry sense of humor or a morbid sense of humor to keep your sanity in that field. Any doctor. Even dentist.

I'm friends with a couple who are both nurses. The stories they casually tell to each other over dinner make me terrified of ever having to go to a hospital again in my life.