View Full Version : Sega and its bad choices

The Great Mr666
Jan 16, 2012, 08:49 PM
I sure this posted somewhere but I couldn't find it but anyways I'm mad at sega and its been a long time coming. I have play PS games forever and I love them and when it went from rpg to mmorpg I thought there can't make it any better than this. Also the fact that it was the first game to show what online gaming on the console is and should be......... yet they have forsaken the systems on this new PSO2. I see no reason why SEGA is choosing to alienate what little fanbase they have left. Its not that I don't like pc but its has a legacy on the console and I don't care what system its for xbox 360, ps3 or the new Wii U but one would be nice. Does feel the same or come you give me reasoning to this madness.

Jan 16, 2012, 09:41 PM
PCs are the most versatile gaming platform, and offer more opportunities for more interesting, non-restrictive content that would otherwise have to be shrunken down on a console.

Jan 16, 2012, 09:58 PM
Wrong place for this post, but I will try and make this argument as simple as I possibly can (since I've already gone over it some 5 times):

This is a link to the community item submission area for Team Fortress 2. EVERY item here has been submitted by the community of TF2 for addition to the game and NONE of them will (likely) EVER be on the console version of the game because its simply a pain in the ass to get them there.

And it doesn't stop there! There is an entire website DEDICATED to custom, community made maps for the game and NONE of them will, again, EVER be on the console version!

Simultaneous development for both PC and console would permanently stunt the game in how far it can go, plain and simple.

Jan 16, 2012, 10:08 PM
Only so much can be done if the consoles were involved. Simply put consoles are using technology from seven or so years ago, it's a bit overdue for a rehaul to provide up to date gaming.

It's also eaiser to manage since they can forego the middleman and have direct updates and content without needing to worry about the limitations in place.

Jan 16, 2012, 10:53 PM

Blue Burst was PC-only too, y'know.

If PSO2 was ported to 360, Microsoft would want their own servers, and we'd end up with another PSU situation. No one here wants another "different version" (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189283) of a Phantasy Star game.

If the game was ported to the Wii, it'd have horrible online support with Nintendo in general. Also, keep in mind that the Wii doesn't even have a built-in ethernet port or a hard drive; that means people would have to buy a USB adapter or a wireless router if they didn't already have them, PLUS updates would be hampered - again, like PSU, due to the PS2 console. Wii U MIGHT be a possibility, but it's still too early to tell.

As for PS3, I could see it happening. Granted, the PSN attack months ago still kinda worries me, but then again, a lot of other companies have had similar problems.

Sega's decision to keep PSO2 on PC (at least, for now) tells me that they've learned their lesson from PSU. I really think it will be best in terms of managing content and updates, as well as allowing the community to play alongside each other, regardless of region (and hopefully server as well).

Jan 16, 2012, 11:07 PM

Blue Burst was PC-only too, y'know.

If PSO2 was ported to 360, Microsoft would want their own servers, and we'd end up with another PSU situation. No one here wants another "different version" (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189283) of a Phantasy Star game.

If the game was ported to the Wii, it'd have horrible online support with Nintendo in general. Also, keep in mind that the Wii doesn't even have a built-in ethernet port or a hard drive; that means people would have to buy a USB adapter or a wireless router if they didn't already have them, PLUS updates would be hampered - again, like PSU, due to the PS2 console. Wii U MIGHT be a possibility, but it's still too early to tell.

As for PS3, I could see it happening. Granted, the PSN attack months ago still kinda worries me, but then again, a lot of other companies have had similar problems.

Sega's decision to keep PSO2 on PC (at least, for now) tells me that they've learned their lesson from PSU. I really think it will be best in terms of managing content and updates, as well as allowing the community to play alongside each other, regardless of region (and hopefully server as well).

The PSU "situation" would have arisen regardless. There was no legitimate reason to separate the JP servers from the NA and EU servers, and yet they did.

Whether or not they've learned from that mistake remains to be seen.

Jan 16, 2012, 11:42 PM
The PSU "situation" would have arisen regardless. There was no legitimate reason to separate the JP servers from the NA and EU servers, and yet they did.

Whether or not they've learned from that mistake remains to be seen.

You're right... but then again, there were a lot of other factors involved in PSU's failure, and I'm sure we're all familiar with them by now, so I won't get into that.

Having Dragon Sakai working leading the development team of PSO2, along with the fact that they've already released a lot of information while it's still in the Alpha stages, does make me more hopeful though.

The Great Mr666
Jan 17, 2012, 12:34 AM
I disagree with a little heres and theres

I. PS game were never one for high powered looks because the game with about play and letting you mind do most the game or just chilling with some pals. What you see is just a baseline so the power that come with computer graphics is really not needed but things looking pretty is always nice and still could if someone wou;ld use the power od the PS3 to its fullest.

2. The one big problem I saw in PSU is that the worlds were split into too many parts were as PSO had a more unity so unpdate abit easier or so it seemed.

3. Content is not a problem I can for see be it on dice, dlc, or community. Skyrim is one of the biggest world I have seen on a console and there is load of things in that game so much in fact I feel that other developers need to step up for what we pay to them because that game puts them all to shame. Now I will agree that the dlc for console does too much time too get out there on Microsoft but there is Sony which doesn't have alot going for it right now. Now is one game I pointing at that community is what it all about and since it is one the PS3 Sony is shaping up to be a good guy for the job. Littlebig planet has all kind of stuff you can do with that and there is not reason that can't toy with to add some if any community for PSO2.

4.My last thing was not to say why pc only but why throw away what you have started which is a line of game that started off a online crazy that has not stopped but only gets bigger with each game you come out with....... you are you because of us and I know the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few but dammit all is it that easy for you guys to throw us away.

Jan 17, 2012, 03:50 AM
1. You're looking at their past creations, not towards the future.

2. Mainly due to having the game on segregated servers(PC/PS2 and 360). It is also widely known that Microsoft will always want a cut, leading to further segregation.

3. Pregenerated worlds don't usually need to have a powerful processor in order to render the world. Little Big Planet may have utilised user created content, but however, all of that content is already on the disc. A better example would be a game like Marvel vs Capcom 3 where you had to buy a character whos data was already on the disc, but needed you to purchase a pass to activate the character.

4. They originally stated that they want to expand more upon the game even after its popularity has dropped. On the Dreamcast there was little they could do to the game besides PSO version 2. On GameCube/Xbox they had a bit more variety and memory to use which came in the form of downloaded missions.

Sure advances now have a built in hard drive in the consoles, but they're more limiting than what can be found on a PC. Entirely new areas that isn't already on the disc for example, would need a greater number of processes to run the content. Skyrim may have a large world, but what if they wished to add more? WoW and a few other games being PC only have expansion packs with entirely new areas and designs thrown in, which can all be stored on the hard drive, while consoles mostly rely on the disc and its data.

Take a look at JP PSU which is PC only and compare that with Xbox's PSU. In terms of design and graphics, not much, but when it comes to content, they're able to have more of it due to it being on a system where they can manage the game the way they want.

If they were to put it on PS3 or 360, they'll need to follow the guidelines and designs set out by both Sony and Microsoft in order to have their products used. It's a matter of convenience, and the number of content that can be delivered at any given time. PS3 and 360 lack support and functions to run games to the best of their abilities.

Jan 17, 2012, 09:31 AM
Microsoft wanted their servers separate from PC/PS2 servers (can you blame them?). They had zero input on whether or not the JP servers were isolated from the NA/EU servers. Indeed, the JP and NA/EU servers are one and the same on the 360 server.

The mistake was the geographical grouping and separation of players, of which Microsoft had no part in, and for which there is no valid reason. As far as I'm aware, this issue has not been addressed by anyone, so whether or not SEGA has learned anything remains to be seen. They can be as forward with game mechanics as they want; if the population is segregated again, they've learned absolutely nothing.

Jan 17, 2012, 10:20 AM
In general, SEGA's usual issues generally come down to money management in business. Usually the lack of any kind of advertisement or major push to promote the product outside of Sonic. The other licenses often get a much more hush-hush type of treatment and do little to get in the public eye. Kind of a hope for word of mouth kind of thing.

The other is, oddly enough, a lack of milking their main strong series. Unlike Nintendo, they left a lot of their best stuff to rot for so many years until generations of gamers don't even recognize the license. Hey kids! Remember when Shining Force was actually a big breakthrough Japanese Strategy RPG? Remember, when you actually controlled a Force in Shining Force? Remember when Phantasy Star was an RPG that broke all cliche's of JRPG gaming in the day? Woah, a JRPG basked in Science Fiction (that's one in itself) spearheaded with a female hero where the story avoided the cliche of "woah! A female fighter?!" and simply just had people take her following her calling as casually as someone who decided on their favorite ice cream? That is, without being a magic-girl series.

I could go on and on about various big Sega series that tend to get glossed over for decades, when you wonder what they would be if they were given the Nintendo treatment. And yes, Nintendo really milked some of their series perhaps to a fault; but I can't blame them for doing something that is working quite well.

Now case in point. SNK fell precisely into the same trap, over here. SNK-Playmore, repeated it. Lack of out-of-country advertising for their product, any major push to get their stuff known, and putting too many eggs in just one basket when they really have a good number of baskets. This was especially shown when Atlus came in, bought the western publishing rights to KOF XIII, and gave the game more promotion and support to bring in new audiences than the entire efforts of SNK and SNK-Playmore across all of their games from 1994-2009. (Outside the idea that KOF XIII was a bang-up job deserving of some attention from fight fans) That's saying something.

Jan 17, 2012, 12:42 PM
where is shenmue 3 you fuckers! :argh:

Jan 18, 2012, 01:18 AM
SEGA's doing so bad, HUcast - not gonna say his new weaboo name- doesn't even know they have one of the most popular, deep, and successful fighting games; in Japan. & that it is coming around to download service XBLA / PSN(?) hopefully in the Summer.

& if you think SEGA ignores you on the PS:P2:∞ & PSO2 Japan only, man, try being a Virtua Fighter fan.

Jan 18, 2012, 01:56 AM
They need to rerelease Fighter's Megamix.

Jan 18, 2012, 10:18 AM
When are people going to learn that PSO2 is still PC only?

All these threads that were created that assume that PSO2 will be coming to consoles turned into nothing but arguments.

Like I said in my old thread.

XBOX 360 would be unlikely because look at the other MMO's that tried to make the jump. PSU and FFXI were the only acception because that was around the time that the 360 first came out.

PS3 would have been a better choice and it is an improvement over the PS2, but after that long "PlayStation Network Downtime" fiasco I wouldn't chance it. Who would want their accounts compromised if it were to happen again?

PSO2 on the Wii-U is also unlikely because SEGA hasn't experimented on how a Phantasy Star game would work on Nintendo's next-gen console.

Now that we are close to the Alpha 2 Test, there is nothing to worry about. :)

Jan 18, 2012, 01:39 PM
thank you,.... anon fire is the only one who has made ANY sense in this debate

Jan 18, 2012, 04:02 PM
They need to rerelease Fighter's Megamix.
I would put Panzer Dragoon Saga as a higher-priority re-release. Of course, due to the apparent loss of source code, a full-on remake seems much more likely...

...But Panzer Dragoon Saga remake on the 360? I'd buy that in a heartbeat. They should make another Jet Set Radio while they're at it - Sonic Generations is a step in the right direction for showing long-time fans some much-needed love, so maybe it's time to revive some of their other highly-regarded franchises with some AAA-level quality and effort behind them.

Jan 18, 2012, 04:21 PM
I would put Panzer Dragoon Saga as a higher-priority re-release. Of course, due to the apparent loss of source code, a full-on remake seems much more likely...

...But Panzer Dragoon Saga remake on the 360? I'd buy that in a heartbeat. They should make another Jet Set Radio while they're at it - Sonic Generations is a step in the right direction for showing long-time fans some much-needed love, so maybe it's time to revive some of their other highly-regarded franchises with some AAA-level quality and effort behind them.
Better be new. And not copy & Paste. You know how that turns out.


SEGA's doing so bad, HUcast - not gonna say his new weaboo name- doesn't even know they have one of the most popular, deep, and successful fighting games; in Japan. & that it is coming around to download service XBLA / PSN(?) hopefully in the Summer.

& if you think SEGA ignores you on the PS:P2:∞ & PSO2 Japan only, man, try being a Virtua Fighter fan.
Boy do i feel special for having that sore-ass thumb. xp Go Back to your Cave Oro.

/has been knowing that

Now case in point. SNK fell precisely into the same trap, over here. SNK-Playmore, repeated it. Lack of out-of-country advertising for their product, any major push to get their stuff known, and putting too many eggs in just one basket when they really have a good number of baskets. This was especially shown when Atlus came in, bought the western publishing rights to KOF XIII, and gave the game more promotion and support to bring in new audiences than the entire efforts of SNK and SNK-Playmore across all of their games from 1994-2009. (Outside the idea that KOF XIII was a bang-up job deserving of some attention from fight fans) That's saying something.
But wasnt the Neo Geo popular outta state? I recall hearing that somewere.

Jan 18, 2012, 06:56 PM
Boy do i feel special for having that sore-ass thumb. xp Go Back to your Cave Oro.

/has been knowing that

Accept the joke, I don't understand what you just said, write better, your new name is bad and you should feel bad, stop playing the CashComs, SEGA can't get you to play theirs even on their own systems. BAD SEGA.

Jan 18, 2012, 08:13 PM
I would put Panzer Dragoon Saga as a higher-priority re-release. Of course, due to the apparent loss of source code, a full-on remake seems much more likely...
I can't disagree with you. A Panzer Dragoon collection with all three of the Saturn games would be awesome.

Jan 18, 2012, 09:16 PM
I can't disagree with you. A Panzer Dragoon collection with all three of the Saturn games would be awesome.
With the 1080p HD. That'd be perfect.

Accept the joke, I don't understand what you just said, write better, your new name is bad and you should feel bad, stop playing the CashComs, SEGA can't get you to play theirs even on their own systems. BAD SEGA.

I did and at the cost of one whole unit. You just dont get it old man or your jelly. Cant tell.

Jan 18, 2012, 09:51 PM
You just dont get it old man or your jelly. Cant tell.
Typed even worse even with less words
Get your own jokes!
Still not gonna VF ;[

The point here is to make fun of Sega. Maybe next year, weaboocast.

Jan 19, 2012, 02:03 PM
I'd say a bad choice is SEGA letting the account thefts on PSU 360 go awry.

Jan 19, 2012, 02:38 PM
I don't really care for most of SEGAs choices. But goddamn they have an amazing music direction crew.

If only the rest of their games could hit the snuff with that. I might buy more than their OSTs.

Reikoku na kuma
Jan 22, 2012, 07:37 AM
They need to rerelease Fighter's Megamix.

This or a badass sequel.

Feb 11, 2012, 04:40 AM
Typed even worse even with less words
Get your own jokes!
Still not gonna VF ;[

The point here is to make fun of Sega. Maybe next year, weaboocast.

i dont want to butt in on arguments, but man i really hate watching people correct grammar mistakes.

It's like the "yo momma" joke of the internet.


"YA MOMMA" <---- this guy lost

on topic, sega is born of bad choices, but they seem to only be making good ones with PSO2.

on the topic of PC and Console, i dont know why this still needs an explanation, but the two platforms appeal to different demographics apparently, which is the reason why the "PC MASTERRACE" isn't the only platform for everything that exists. I dont understand why this is so difficult for people to wrap their squishy gray matter around.

Powder Keg
Feb 11, 2012, 07:18 AM
I don't really care for most of SEGAs choices. But goddamn they have an amazing music direction crew.

If only the rest of their games could hit the snuff with that. I might buy more than their OSTs.

Th....this is a joke, right?

PSO/U's music is godawful when compared to almost any RPG out there.

Feb 11, 2012, 06:08 PM
PSU is a mere stain of the many and countless amazing music choices SEGA has used.
Also. Opinions. The movie.

Powder Keg
Feb 11, 2012, 07:31 PM
Well, most of those games with the good tracks I'd say were worth buying the game, too. Shining Force series in mind. Also inolol

Nitro Vordex
Feb 13, 2012, 11:25 PM
Th....this is a joke, right?

PSO/U's music is godawful when compared to almost any RPG out there.
PSU's is pretty bad. PSO's music had character.

Sega's music is pretty damn awesome. I could argue with you but it's clear your opinion is of horrible taste.

Feb 14, 2012, 04:45 AM
Th....this is a joke, right?

PSO/U's music is godawful when compared to almost any RPG out there.

Other RPG's generally have terribad music... D:

If you think PSO had the worse...

My god you must have bad taste in music..

Dang gamers and their bad tastes in music...

Powder Keg
Feb 14, 2012, 04:49 AM
PSO was listenable, but there are so many better OSTs that it really isn't worth mentioning.

PSU was just garbage. I can understand if most of you are young and PSO was one of your first games. There are OSTs back in the SNES and Genesis days that are more enjoyable to listen to. (Sega included in the Genesis ones)

Regardless, Sayara mentioned that PSO/U was only a stain, which was my primary concern in the first place.

Feb 14, 2012, 09:52 AM
Trolling aside, I'm honestly over PSO's sound track. There's a couple gems but it's kind of overrated. But compared to other mainstream RPG games...?? I'd say it's just AS good or bad in a lot of cases, for it's generation at least. I mean sure it didn't have some million dollar jpop ready when necessary orchestra like FF, but yeah I can play PSO without headphones on.

Not PSU though, PSU was just something to mute.

Feb 14, 2012, 10:09 AM
was the only pSU track i liked. Thats saying something i guess.

Feb 14, 2012, 11:45 AM
Trolling aside, I'm honestly over PSO's sound track. There's a couple gems but it's kind of overrated. But compared to other mainstream RPG games...?? I'd say it's just AS good or bad in a lot of cases, for it's generation at least. I mean sure it didn't have some million dollar jpop ready when necessary orchestra like FF, but yeah I can play PSO without headphones on.

Not PSU though, PSU was just something to mute.
I would argue that even if PSO's soundtrack isn't something I would listen to on its own (outside of Tricktrack, I suppose), it certainly is something that perfectly fits the game itself, while also not being bad music.

These two things together are pretty much the best example of how to properly compose music for a video game, by making the music fit the pace, action and tone of the game in which it appears, it can elevate the experience through cohesion.

Which, yeah, is something that PSU was missing in the worst ways.

Feb 14, 2012, 03:48 PM
I dunno man, i commonly work to the origins of a revolution all the time.

Nitro Vordex
Feb 17, 2012, 11:21 AM
PSO was listenable, but there are so many better OSTs that it really isn't worth mentioning.
I haven't played many other RPG's, but none of the music in them really stand out to me. I usually have to listen to an OST by itself outside of the game to really appreciate it. The Kink in the Wind and the Way music is boring. Mother Earth of Dishonesty sets the stage. From Seeing the Rough Wave is a really cool track. You Have Nowhere to Go is amazing.

PSU was just garbage. duh

I can understand if most of you are young and PSO was one of your first games. There are OSTs back in the SNES and Genesis days that are more enjoyable to listen to. (Sega included in the Genesis ones) Except I'm not that young. I love most of the Sonic soundtracks from Genesis days, and I own all the main games, plus two Genesis consoles that still work, and that I still play. I also love the Megaman X soundtracks, those were pretty damn good too.

Regardless, Sayara mentioned that PSO/U was only a stain, which was my primary concern in the first place.
I wouldn't say PSO was a stain. I'd say it was the magnificent poop that we took, and then PSU was the shitstain that was forgotten to be wiped.

Feb 21, 2012, 06:06 AM
PSO was listenable, but there are so many better OSTs that it really isn't worth mentioning.

PSU was just garbage. I can understand if most of you are young and PSO was one of your first games. There are OSTs back in the SNES and Genesis days that are more enjoyable to listen to. (Sega included in the Genesis ones)

Regardless, Sayara mentioned that PSO/U was only a stain, which was my primary concern in the first place.

In comparison to most RPG OSTs even by today's standards, PSO's soundtrack performed exquisitely well. Episode II, III and IV probably have one of the most consistently good action RPG OSTs i've ever heard.

Sega's WaveMaster team does some of the best music i've heard in videogames, period. PSU's OST was horseshit, but PSO/everything else they touch is sheer gold. Fumie Kumatani, Hideaki Kobayashi, and Kenichi Tokoi are the musicians who are credited the most for PSO's music ,although its only Kumatani and Kobayashi credited on Ep.1. They don't individually credit the artists on Episode II's OST for some reason though, but it's pretty obvious who's behind it (and Wavemaster does all the music for Sega's flagship stuff anyway.)

In fact, it's pretty astounding. I really have no idea what happened to PSU's OST. Kenichi Tokoi did alot of songs in PSU that i find absolutely annoying, but for the most part, he's responsible for all of the Moatoob tracks. Kumatani probably is my favorite out of all of them throughout all the games, because her songs are frequently very melodic and catchy....and Neudaiz was the only planet where i didn't want to rip my ears out; She did most of the music for that planet. Kobayashi (pretty much every epic boss theme from Ep.I and II) did Parum.

I recently downloaded Planetary Pieces (Unleashed's OST), and the entire game's OST is almost exclusively those three and Tomoya Ohtani (another god at catchy tracks). Most of it is PSO-ish quality music.

Quick game comparison

PSU: that mushroom stage (it was alright.)

Sonic: Apotos day hub (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2Z7wBpS1A&feature=related)(ridiculously catchy towards the end. Night version puts me to sleep like a baby.)




PSU: SEED Hive (

Sonic : Terminal Velocity (


Kobayashi (as if anyone needs to explain this guy)
PSU: Raffon Meadows

Egg Dragoon: (LOL Olga Flow except in a Sonic game instead.

Really, by the 1:05 mark the song goes 100% into Phantasy Star Online territory.
He doesn't do any level tracks in Unleashed. But he ALWAYS does kickass boss music...in fact it's probably what they hired him for.)


I really can't guess what happened to PSU's OST....

Feb 22, 2012, 12:47 PM
Probably was trying a bit of a new direction with the music, that's all. You can tell they were trying, more often than not, to try to mix a bit of the epic orchestral score into the Phantasy Star music for PSU. I would imagine, for some, that didn't mesh as well. Where as Phantasy Star Online had very few tracks trying to go that route after the intro. Moreso, in PSO, they were sticking specifically with a very very electronica sound with experimental keyboard sound envelopes. PSU, I guess for the purpose of its direction, was likely putting pressure to mix that with a different approach.

To a degree, I can understand the feeling on both sides of the spectrum, being a composer myself and going through a similar question about music style change.

For me, it was TRON. Loved the original soundtrack, Love the one for Tron 2.0 (and killer App). Mostly because I absolutely loved the electronica orchestra computer sound of Wendy Carlos, which contributed to those two. I wasn't as enamoured with Daft Punk's music in the new Tron because I felt it went a good direction away from Wendy's style. Thing is, nobody composes like Wendy. She's a one of a kind, but at the same time, her style sort of became synonymous with TRON. It's a tough sell for me, to accept something else, oddly enough.

Still, Wavemaster is a great company for music. Sega really had a lot of hits through them. In a way, I feel the same for Studio Aqua (for which SNK had used for some more recent titles). Studio Aqua is an excellent Japanese team, who also really knows their stuff when it comes to Japanese styles. Wavemaster, while I think doesn't quite have it in for all the various Japanese styles, they have a great grip on a wide range of styles across the world. To tell you the truth, I wanted to be a part of them for a good while. Right around the times Richard Jacques worked with them. We both started in music at similar ages. I was 4.

Feb 22, 2012, 11:14 PM
I love how this topic goes from talking about how shitty a company Sega is to how shitty PSO and PSU music is.

Feb 23, 2012, 12:20 PM
Probably was trying a bit of a new direction with the music, that's all. You can tell they were trying, more often than not, to try to mix a bit of the epic orchestral score into the Phantasy Star music for PSU. I would imagine, for some, that didn't mesh as well. Where as Phantasy Star Online had very few tracks trying to go that route after the intro. Moreso, in PSO, they were sticking specifically with a very very electronica sound with experimental keyboard sound envelopes. PSU, I guess for the purpose of its direction, was likely putting pressure to mix that with a different approach.

To a degree, I can understand the feeling on both sides of the spectrum, being a composer myself and going through a similar question about music style change.

For me, it was TRON. Loved the original soundtrack, Love the one for Tron 2.0 (and killer App). Mostly because I absolutely loved the electronica orchestra computer sound of Wendy Carlos, which contributed to those two. I wasn't as enamoured with Daft Punk's music in the new Tron because I felt it went a good direction away from Wendy's style. Thing is, nobody composes like Wendy. She's a one of a kind, but at the same time, her style sort of became synonymous with TRON. It's a tough sell for me, to accept something else, oddly enough.

Still, Wavemaster is a great company for music. Sega really had a lot of hits through them. In a way, I feel the same for Studio Aqua (for which SNK had used for some more recent titles). Studio Aqua is an excellent Japanese team, who also really knows their stuff when it comes to Japanese styles. Wavemaster, while I think doesn't quite have it in for all the various Japanese styles, they have a great grip on a wide range of styles across the world. To tell you the truth, I wanted to be a part of them for a good while. Right around the times Richard Jacques worked with them. We both started in music at similar ages. I was 4.

Well i guess the odd part about PSU's music direction is, in my post, that soundtrack was almost exclusively done in an "orchestrated" style.

I like wavemaster because all the games they do music for have catchy ass soundtracks, and that seems to be somewhat rare these days for me to enjoy almost every song in a game to some extent

Feb 23, 2012, 01:30 PM
PSO2 to have trick track dubstep remix! DO IT!

Wait... I already got tired of dubstep...