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View Full Version : me hates PCI-DSL-cards

Mar 20, 2003, 09:04 AM
i hate them.
well they work but i have to buy either a network-card and set up connectionsharing and let the pc on all the time (which is kinda impossible because its sitting in a sleeping room) or i have to buy a seperate, normal non-usb-modem just to play pso via bba...

what would you suggest?
-getting an old pc and setting a linux-server and a network where the actual pc and the cube would be connected to?
(lots of set up work to do and hardware to buy, but pc and cube could access internet the same time)

-or simply fork out around 100 euro for a dsl-modem? and leave the pc as it is... since 'never change a winning horse'?
(easy to set up, but kinda difficult to optain and kinda senseless since its just for pso and nothing else, and of course: either cube or pc could go online)

thank you.

edit: clean up some typos...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-03-20 06:07 ]</font>

Mar 20, 2003, 11:20 AM
I don't see any problem setting up your PC as router for your GCN. I mean: I did it... and I'm the most incompetent person when it comes to networking things (thanks SnAPPLE!). But if you don't like the idea of sleeping with Windows... ehr... you should try to look for a cheap modem/router.

I recently bought two routers:

for home a crappy no-brand 4 ports DSL router, 100 Euro or so, and yes: I bought it only for PSO! ^_^;

for office a sexy 4 ports Netgear DSL Modem/Access Point. 180 Euro. Couldn't find any cheaper.

If you have an internal PCI DSL modem I guess it will be your best choice, since you'll be able to share the connection between PC and GCN, and playing PSO online while the PC is turned off.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: neko-chan on 2003-03-20 08:29 ]</font>

Mar 20, 2003, 03:13 PM
thank you for the reply ^_^

i'm not quite fine with the 'lets make a linux-server'-idea since the only crappy pc i know of is my own one and i'd lose my home-mp3-player this way ^_^

the sexy one? hm... seems reasonable.

so this thing is a modem and router in one? nice.
this one? >DG824B (http://www.netgear.de/produkte/router/dg824b.html)<?
or another one? >index page (http://www.netgear.de/produkte/router/index.html)< (sorry, page is in german)

according to geizhals.at its for 136.50 euro upwards... hm...
are there problems with the firewall?
can i route the pci-dsl-modem through this routermodem? or does the pc need a network-card for this?

and thank you again in advance ^_^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-03-20 12:14 ]</font>

Mar 20, 2003, 03:29 PM
I got this one: Netgear Router ADSL/SWITCH 4P DG814 (http://www.chl.it/w3obj/h/default/$ProductDetails?SESSION=zRgZr8Uf64Q1DnN6FPmq0Q__&A_CodArt=58388&I_CdsRoot=1099888&I_AbsCodDesTec=12691145).

This one works fine. It acts like a normal DSL modem, you save into its config user name and password and you can go online even if your PC is turned off, because the Netgear takes care of everything.

I guess the DG824B is pretty similar. "Integriertes ADSL-Modem für Annex B" means it features a build in DSL modem?

On 2003-03-20 12:13, rena-ko wrote:
are there problems with the firewall?
can i route the pci-dsl-modem through this routermodem? or does the pc need a network-card for this?

Yes, you can but you need to keep the PC turned on. What I was suggesting was to get rid of your current PCI modem (you can re-sell to a friend or on Ebay, maybe?) and get an ADSL modem and switch, like the DG814 or the DG824B. However, if you opt for this solution you will need to install a network card on your PC. But these are cheap: you can get one for 10 Euro or less.

As for the firewall, I didn't encounter any problem at all.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: neko-chan on 2003-03-20 12:49 ]</font>

Mar 21, 2003, 07:39 AM
thanks again
yes, 'integriert' means built in.

Yes, you can but you need to keep the PC turned on.

so... i theroretically could let the pc as it is and just plug the modem+router in between? 2 modems in a row work and don't to a harm?
(hm, logical problem would be that router and pc log in with the same data+pw so i guess it won't work, or would it?)

hm... i'll go breeding over buying one of these anyway. seems better than every other solution.

edit: oh nice, 800th post ^_^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-03-21 04:41 ]</font>