View Full Version : Game Guild Wars 2 Beta Sign up:CLOSED

Feb 22, 2012, 01:41 PM

It's been a while, and I've since "gave up" on the last thread because I've been too lazy and far to obsessed with Dark Souls and work. Among other things. I'll go back and update it later, there's far too much new info to cover.

Anyway, download the diag tool and give it a shot. Best of luck getting in guys.

If you want info on the game you can find a boatload of it here:

PSO2 and this can't come fast enough, cripes.

Update: Sign-ups finished with a little over one million players trying to get in.

Feb 22, 2012, 01:54 PM
Thanks for the link, sort of been on my radar for a bit but whether I'll play it is anyone's guess.

Feb 22, 2012, 03:31 PM
Thank you so much.

I played GW1 and did practically everything in there and cant wait for GW2. I've stated that if GW2 comes out at the same time as PSO-2 I will play GW2 first as its free subscription, though you buy the game and as far as Phantasy Star Games go, they don't get good until they have been out for a few years.

I rather play this first, then play PSO-2.

Feb 22, 2012, 04:05 PM
God, I will withhold for the sake of my studies. This is a true test of courage...! AGFGHHH

Feb 22, 2012, 04:48 PM
Signed up, crossing my fingers. Got a lot of Thief combat ideas to test!

Feb 22, 2012, 05:40 PM
Not optimistic but I signed anyway. I was a closed beta tester of the original, after all.

Feb 22, 2012, 06:02 PM
I put my email in the hat.

Thanks for the info.

Feb 22, 2012, 06:08 PM
Eh, I'll give it a shot.

Feb 22, 2012, 08:32 PM
Eh, why not. Can't hurt. Never played the original, but have heard enough good things about it to be curious.

Feb 22, 2012, 09:25 PM
So when will they start drawing?

Feb 22, 2012, 11:30 PM
Started flibber-flabbin' like Bill Cosby when I saw this, I needs me to get in on it.

Good lookin' out!

Feb 23, 2012, 12:21 AM
I'll be sure to start a new thread with updated info and whatever else once I actually get some time. Glad you guys are showing interest! I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the game, I promise you'll change your mind after MMOs after giving it a shot. Course' this beta is a "proper" beta and not a demo product. So if you don't get in, don't be wounded. There will be more.

Hopefully some of you get in.

Feb 23, 2012, 03:15 AM
Yeah. I kind of hope I get into this one, especially since it seems that even though I put my hat into getting into the Diablo 3 beta since the beginning, there's a blizzard's chance in hell I'd get in. (See what I did thar?)

Feb 23, 2012, 07:10 AM
I've got so many combat strategy ideas burning in my mind so I'm hoping I get an invite just so I can finally test these, and see if I'm indeed right about how versatile and deadly Thief could be. I've been watching a bunch of combat videos recently and I can think up counters for pretty much every class, so I can't wait to get testing and strategizing. I don't even like PvP normally XD

Just, I love how there's finally an MMO that is trying to change the mold. An MMO that dares defy the boring-as-shit tank/dps/heals mold and its strictly target-based gameplay. You can't expect to be the most popular MMO if every other game is just a copy-and-pasting of it, so I'm really hoping GW2 is successful. It doesn't yet look like I'm going to be disappointed.

Good luck to everyone but I'm going to go on an arson/murder spree if I see like 5 of you get in and I don't :l (I kid....mostly)

Feb 23, 2012, 11:14 AM
I've heard a lot about this game... Heard it was good... (I think someone told me FEZ was similar to this)

Well to be exact I've mostly... heard the NAME thrown around a lot.

But just now signed up and decided to look at some vids, definitely thinking "where the hell has this game been all my life?!"

I'd say in terms of my picky tastes in online games this could definitely compete with PSO2 in my book.

Feb 23, 2012, 11:26 AM
Well, I'm a part of the Guild Wars 1 crew. Just waiting to see what's in store for the sequel. Should be cool, and I do hope that the character editor (for visuals) is at least as variable as the first game. It was among the *only* ones out there which started to do ethnics right. Not simply color choices and very limited face structures.

Feb 27, 2012, 12:18 PM
Per the official Guild Wars 2 Twitter account, the upcoming beta is scheduled for "end of March". No beta invites have been sent out yet, so don't freak out just yet ;P

Also, they confirmed that signing up for this beta also gets you considered for further closed beta tests along the way (and getting chosen for this beta doesn't guarantee you a spot in others).

*praying to Dwayna for a spot*