View Full Version : Game The Last Story

Feb 24, 2012, 06:14 PM
Anyone else gonna get this game? I'm picking up my limited edition tomorrow. Haven't seen anything about the game yet, just going by 1 Preview and 1 Review.

If anyone here does are you also gonna play online? I will with a few friends (PAL Version). Maybe we can hook up sometime.

Shinji Kazuya
Feb 24, 2012, 06:59 PM
My copy will arrive in Monday.

I'll, without a doubt, play online at some point. Probably after doing a bit of story.

Feb 24, 2012, 07:23 PM
Since it's finally confirmed for NA I'll consider getting it only because XSeed is publishing it and not NOA. I don't have to support that piece of shit "Nintendo of America" thanks to XSeed. I refuse to give their ass my money since they treat the NA audience like crap.

I really want the Fatal Frame remake as well, hopefully it isn't being ported by shitty NOA. I even hacked my Wii so I can play free Super Nintendo games. NOA deserves to lose money.

Feb 25, 2012, 09:07 AM
Just got my Limited Edition copy and play it right now, so far loving it! Game plays really smoothly

Feb 26, 2012, 02:09 PM
I'm enjoying it. It's pretty mindless fun as the difficulty is utterly nonexistent. It's a shame too because the foundation is there for a lot of strategy to be mandatory to advance but... five lives per member, autorez for the main guy if you die, just get near the others if they die to rez and all hp/lives restored at the end of each battle. Throw in the silly hide > slash overpowered attack that doesn't even involve you using cover appropriately to get the massive damage boost and you can't really lose, ever. I'm just turning on the aggro ability, running to anything I can "hide" behind and immediately spamming the jump out and slash stuff and instagibbing stuff like crazy.

Also too many dialogues when running around the dungeons that are getting cut short because I passed some invisible checkpoint into a cutscene/battle/new room.

Feb 26, 2012, 02:34 PM
I´m getting this but not for a while.
Might go online, not decided yet.

Feb 26, 2012, 02:39 PM
YES OH HELL YES I'M GETTING THIS! i can't wait, out of the 3 rainfall games, this is my top pick, I'm so excited it's finally coming to NA

Feb 26, 2012, 05:25 PM
I'm enjoying it. It's pretty mindless fun as the difficulty is utterly nonexistent. It's a shame too because the foundation is there for a lot of strategy to be mandatory to advance but... five lives per member, autorez for the main guy if you die, just get near the others if they die to rez and all hp/lives restored at the end of each battle. Throw in the silly hide > slash overpowered attack that doesn't even involve you using cover appropriately to get the massive damage boost and you can't really lose, ever. I'm just turning on the aggro ability, running to anything I can "hide" behind and immediately spamming the jump out and slash stuff and instagibbing stuff like crazy.

Also too many dialogues when running around the dungeons that are getting cut short because I passed some invisible checkpoint into a cutscene/battle/new room.
Sounds like the game needs difficulty options.

How about the multiplayer mode though? Any idea what its difficulty level is at?

Feb 27, 2012, 08:06 AM
Online is so hard it isn't even funny.

You really need 5-6 players to be able to do anything in Co-op. Also you can only just fight 5 boss battles in Co-op mode so far, hope they add more later on.

You can chose which character you want to play with, so not just Zael. You fight with whatever equipment you have put on said character offline. If one of your party died 5 times you have 2 mins to finish the battle, if you don't you automaticly fail the quest. Not funny when you realise one of the bosses is a lv99 dragon and when you get him down to half his HP he summons a 2nd dragon at lv90....

Also no communications possible aside from "word select" and there is also no lag at all. playing together with randoms will be hard, i joined a group of randoms last night and a friend tried 10 times to get in my party but he just ended up getting in other paties. You can add friends with a friend code you get online.

I hope they will add more online, if its just 5 bosses you can fight in co-op it will be very small, though the battles are frigging epic if you can kill something with a team of 6 people. You can get weapons and upgrade materials from the boss when you beat them :)

It is really cool to do but oh so hard...seems liek you kinda need to beat the game and get all the end game gear to be able to kill the bosses. So far only the Kraken (lv20) boss is do-able with 5 people. Also you kinda need at least 2 healers and 1 Yurick to cast down fire that you Diffuse into Guard Break to do any serious damage. It's not just randomly pick a char and fight with it, you need a real balanced team.

Also Minions! The bosses alone are almost to hard to kill online, and they just keep summoning minions that disturb your casting as a mage and keep backstabbing you, they themselfs are hard to kill to.

Wonder if you can play worldwide (EU+NA) or that we have seperated servers like on MH Tri...wonder if there is any lag if you play EU+NA...

Shinji Kazuya
Feb 28, 2012, 05:49 PM
My friendcode is 3139-1407-2145. Hope we can do some co-op one of these days.

Feb 29, 2012, 09:11 AM
I'll add mine to this topic as well soon. We should team up sometime, dunno where you are from and what your timezone is? GMt+1 here mostly playing between 8-11 PM if I go online with anything.

Also I heard from a friend there is a New Game+ Feature with harder/diffrent monsters and more item upgrading like for example Blunt Diamond Sword (Useless otherwise aside for 15.000G) but not sure if this is true at all. Anyone beat the game yet to confirm this? I'm close to beating I think.

Feb 29, 2012, 12:35 PM
Yeah there's a new game+ that makes all the large enemies like ogres and the bosses much higher level, around 75 for the first boss and up to 140 for the final. Summoning Circles and dungeon revisits get boosted monsters too. You also get to upgrade weapons all the way to 99 with particles that are added to the loot tables and given as chapter/dungeon rewards.

It's still super easy though as the boosted large enemies aren't really dangerous when you one shot every regular enemy supporting them, and the bosses are still the same gimmicks. The upgrades up to +20 tend to be around 100-200 attack and Mirania's revive is pretty much always available with an SP bonus weapon too. You also get a sword from beating it the first time that gives you a 15% hp heal on 80% of your attacks and +5000 attack at a measly +20, so you can even button mash the end bosses with the same +9 armor from the first run. The FPS drops felt a lot worse though since between tanking the boss for so long and all the cast speed boosts for mages the magic circles kept piling on faster than I needed to diffuse.

As easy as it was I'm still pretty sad to be done with it though. Great fun.

Mar 2, 2012, 06:33 PM
My friend code for online play: 4427-6285-6567

If you wanna add me give me yours as well