View Full Version : Megid

Mar 20, 2003, 06:45 PM
I know that the ob lily and mil lily shoot megid. I also heard that the hildetor shoots it too. Is there any other monster that shoots megid, and what dark resistance do you need to be invulnerable to it?

Mar 20, 2003, 06:47 PM
Deldepth in the Ultimate Seabed shoots Megid, also.

As for the Dark resist neccassary to survive, check the Beastiary on this site. It should give you a rough estimate.

Mar 20, 2003, 06:54 PM
Gran Sorceror also spews Megid.

Mar 20, 2003, 08:01 PM
Heh, almost everything in Ultimate mode uses Megid... Just to list them all...

Hildetorr (this one is around lv 30)

Ob Lily
Mil LIly (I'd guess around lv 25)

OMG! The only area w/o Megid!

Gran Sorcerer (about same lv as Mil Lily)
Dark Falz

Ob Lily
Mil Lily

Gran Sorcerer

Zol Gibbon (low lv)
Mericarol (has instant kill move)

Delbiter (has instant kill move)

Don't bother raising your EDK. For the most part, it's not going to be enough. Complete immunity means raising it to 100, and that's simply not possible. The only time you should bother raising EDK is when you go to the Mountains, which is full of Zol Gibbon.

Mar 20, 2003, 08:44 PM
100 may be near impossible, but through some areas I'm going to carry my Light Relief and four Resist/Devil's. With my Custom Frame already on I think I'll get my EDK at 93. Of course I'm only going to wear the items when I'm running in rooms with some of the more common enemies (ie Ob Lilies, damn you things!). Anyways, I want to jack it up that high because I'm tired of having to carry dolls only to run through them faster than water. 93 should carry me nicely for the most part, right? (I remember reading around 70 or 75, I think, should be like a minimum to help combat the Megids for most part.)

EDIT: Oh, just to show a break down of the math of reaching 93...

Custom Frame ~ 13
Light Relief ~ 20
Resist/Devil ~ 15 each

13 + 20 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 93

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Muku6 on 2003-03-20 17:46 ]</font>

Mar 20, 2003, 08:46 PM
CURSE YOU ST!!! so is the megid slow firing, or bullet speed? and how does dark falz shoot it? bullet speed? HOLY CRAP it must a pain in the but to go through those areas full of megid spitting ppl. I heard that the only amount of Dark resistence needed is 75 . Is that true?

Mar 20, 2003, 08:56 PM
Heh, my bad. It is possible to get it to 100 and higher.


25 + 25 + 4*15 = 110.

That would make you invulnerable vs Megid.

Megid seems to be % based. That is, the higher your EDK, the lower the chance of it working. I mean, you can be hit with Zol Gibbon's Megid with 0 EDK and still survive, so the opposite is probably true.

There may be something wrong with the guides (beastiary). I've killed Zol Gibbon with Megid, and its EDK is listed as 95... Then again...

Speed is based on the megid lv. As long as you have some distance between you and whatever is using megid, you can run past it.

Mar 21, 2003, 12:17 AM
all im worried about is the gran sorceres and mericarols. do they stilll smack you the instant they cast it like rafoie and zonde?

Mar 21, 2003, 12:25 AM
Ya know that energy ball Mericarol shoots that confuses you?

That kills on Ultimate. Same speed as the other dificulties, just it kills.

Gran Sorceror still has to "charge up" the Gee before it casts it, but afterwards it's a fast and hard to avioid Megid(If you didn't start moving while is was charging).

Mar 21, 2003, 03:01 AM
Delbiter has an instant kill move? In all my time playing, I have never seen this. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, just that I've never witnessed it and I've had numerous seabed runs. All I've seen him do are his charge, confusion thing, and bringer-like shots. Maybe we've just killed him before he's ever had a chance... ?:|

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: walla on 2003-03-21 00:02 ]</font>