View Full Version : Strange Pets

Mar 9, 2012, 05:48 AM
Hi all,

Has anyone ever owned a weird/wonderful/exotic pet? Did you find it as fulfilling and loving experience as owning a more affectionate pet such as a dog or (some) cats? I have always liked the idea of getting a pet pig. Maybe one day I will get one if I find a house where the landlord doesn't mind pets. Well I think they'd expect a cat or dog...not a pig ^^;

Still I hear they're very intelligent animals, they can live up to 20 years and they're actually very clean and odour free animals. I think farmyard pigs give them a bad rep as they tend to be outdoors rolling around in their own filth. I'd get 2 pigs and call one Truffle and the other Shuffle.

I'd love to hear other people's experiences of weird and wonderful pet's they've had or are wanting to get in the future ^^


Mar 9, 2012, 07:52 AM
My familiy took care of a pig for a while.
Not really hard to manage and yes they are quite intelligent.
I canīt speak for cleaniness though, haha. It were clean in the beginning, but then it just did wherever it liked when it got older. :o

I remember one time we had a cake on the table so the pig decided that he would push against it so it would fall down...and it did. D:

Usually when it went to sleep. It went straight to the sofa and just kinda stretched itself so you barely fit..haha.

I miss that pig..we had to give it away since we hadnīt the time to take care of it.

Mar 9, 2012, 08:24 AM
Awwww bless. That makes me want one even more! What was the pigs name? Ya I hear they're quite persistent when they know there's food about they'll do anything to get it. They're certianly quite a hefty size when they get older, but they do look so darn cute :)


Mar 9, 2012, 08:48 AM
Yeah, damn it got big. We called it Pigge since it just felt right.

It had itīs moment, especially when it felt it needed some exercise.
It could run like a rocket and went back and forth in the house so it was hard to swallow to see it so agile at times.

Mar 9, 2012, 09:48 AM
So did you cook it?

That'd be the upside to having a farm animal-like pet if you asked me.

Mar 9, 2012, 09:55 AM
No, i wouldnīt have the heart to do that.
That pig were as much of a family member to me like the other pets i had.