View Full Version : What's with the changes between PSU and PSO

Mar 11, 2012, 04:06 AM
ok don't get upset, i had no idea where to put this and my only PSU related gameplay is the portable games so i figure it's the best place to put it. if there is a better place please move it to it's proper place but here is my biggest gripe. why did they change casts as they did in PSU and why add the beast class. don't get me wrong i love the power house and challange of a beast hunter but why add them at all. see, i get the reason why they did pso races as they did. Newmans where squishy and made the best forces and where great hunters if you put the time and effort into them. they where like rogues as a hunter. humans could do everything and you could experiment different styles with them. malee force, cool. healing hunter, OK. hell human ranger could just debuff so that the forces could focus on important stuff. like nuking. cast couldn't use techs but why would you. they had high deffencive AND offencive power and was easy to use. all you needed was some traps and some mates nothing more. giving them the power to heal is like giving a great cod player a kill streak, over kill. but PSU threw it out the window. Casts can cast techs and beasts are....squishy and strong. i don't get even why beasts are in this game :-? . if casts could not cast techs then yah, having beasts would be a welcome change. but why did they change casts and add beasts. i don't even understand why newmans even can be rangers. sorry if i'm ranting or if this repeats something covered but after playing PS-P2 for a while i just can't shake the feeling that the game's races are so unbalanced now. also i play with beasts a lot so i know their feel.

Mar 11, 2012, 04:45 AM
Well if I'm correct casts are the accurate tanks in the psu/psp franchise. Their strength was lowered but their accuracy was increased and their defense more or less stayed the same. Also casts can use techs in the games but they tend to suck with them. I believe beasts are better with techs but I'm not exactly positive about that.

Mar 11, 2012, 04:09 PM
cast hunter with access to shifta and deband? and realy they arn't that much weaker compaired to beasts. i just don't get it :-? . yes they suck with techs, but, with the changes in PS-P2(i), it's not realy fair for all the other races. sure they have low pp but with thier regen speed they can cast some heals and switch back to kill mode. casts are the perfect solders in PSU. they don't drop, they can buff them selves. it's just not fair realy. if anything with the changes in PSU they un balanced the game even more.

HUcast Omega
Mar 12, 2012, 08:18 PM
Though I've never played any of the games but PSO and PSZ, to hear that Casts had there attack power lowered for accuracy upsets me. I pick Casts every time for the raw power they have. For better or worse I want to fight with the highest level of power. Letting them use techs like Shifta means they don't lose power, but have better accuracy so long as you have Shifta. Casts need to be a tech-free class with the highest attack power possible, but that's only my opinion about it.

Mar 12, 2012, 08:45 PM
Oh, a nostalgia-induced rant. These aren't new.

Nitro Vordex
Mar 12, 2012, 09:10 PM
To OP: So you can make silly rants like this.

Mar 12, 2012, 09:42 PM
Because Sega wanted them.

The end.

HUcast Omega
Mar 12, 2012, 09:51 PM
Why are the last three posts so negative? If you've nothing nice to say, shut up.

Nitro Vordex
Mar 12, 2012, 10:11 PM
Why are the last three posts so negative? If you've nothing nice to say, shut up.
And you aren't contributing to the topic.

White knights are not smiled upon here.

Mar 12, 2012, 10:56 PM
To the OP:

Because around 2006 and onwards up until fairly recently, Sonic Team was full of herp and derp and had no idea how to properly make games.

And when PSU came out during that time, there was much glitching, and rollbacking, and grinds/synths breaking due to luck-based RNG's that forced more of a timesink, and people like me getting banned, censored, or suppressed for demanding better management of the game on forums, and GM Edward further enraging the community by calling the 360 servers a "different version" that wasn't meant to be updated in the same manner as Japan's servers despite promises that it would have more attention focused on it after kicking PC/PS2 players to the curb because the community shouldn't have been split up so much in the first place...

...And it was so horrible that everyone died. The end.


Mar 15, 2012, 11:21 AM
Newmans can't be rangers? You definitely have the rose-colored glasses on if you can't look past the fact that numerous other RPGs feature pointy eared folk wielding long ranged weapons.

Mar 15, 2012, 11:51 AM
In the original PS lore, Newmen weren't very good with ranged weapons (most X-newm/eral) have a very lousy ATA in PSO

Mar 15, 2012, 05:12 PM
^D'oh. Even so, the OP can complain about Cast using techs and Newmans being rangers all he wants but Sega seems to be continuing that trend in PSO2.

Mar 15, 2012, 07:00 PM
Leave the past behind, because that's exactly what it is.

Mar 16, 2012, 06:30 PM
Well, realistically-speaking, it's just one of the many questionable design decisions they put into PSU. It started with allowing Casts (ne้ Androids) now able to use techniques, though not well, and the idea being that the difference in capabilities was now primarily SUV/Nanoblast for Cast/Beast and then the other two have their capacity for using techniques as being anything other than basically tokenistic.

It's wrong to call it a natural evolution of the ideas put forth by PSO - it's not even a logical one. Unfortunately, this is the result of Sonic Team putting their B squad on PSU duty while the ones with actual talent were working on the Hedgehog Engine and Sonic Unleashed (which was the polar opposite, quality-wise, of PSU - a high-quality reimagining of the mechanics of the series that not only worked well, but was also incredibly fun).

It's really unfortunate that work on making PSU a quality product was so de-emphasized, but I suppose that's what happens when they had the situation they had there. The game itself feels more like someone wanting to create a new IP, but then instead was told to use an existing one because a new IP has too much risk associated with it. End result: An unbalanced and poorly-thought-out entry in an otherwise good series, that ignores its roots in mechanics almost wholesale, regardless of how good or bad any given one of them may be.

Mar 17, 2012, 12:32 AM
the ones with actual talent were working on the Hedgehog Engine and Sonic Unleashed (which was the polar opposite, quality-wise, of PSU - a high-quality reimagining of the mechanics of the series that not only worked well, but was also incredibly fun).

Whoa, what?

Mar 17, 2012, 07:11 AM
Sonic Unleashed was the one with the werewolf thing right?

Mar 17, 2012, 07:27 AM
Sonic Unleashed was the one with the werewof thing right?

C'mon you know damn well it's called a werehog. D<

What are you gonna pretend you think pokemon is called "Pokey man" now?

Like boring old people do on purpose to act like they don't know anything about something constantly put in their face daily by their children so they can continue to keep the lame image of a responsible adult with no imagination when they really have the brain of a 14 year old like everyone else on this planet? D<






Mar 17, 2012, 07:37 AM
Just saying that turning half the game into a slow brawler is not a "high-quality reimagining of the mechanics of the series"

Mar 17, 2012, 08:51 AM
Just saying that turning half the game into a slow brawler is not a "high-quality reimagining of the mechanics of the series"

Nah don't worry I wasn't even trying to make sense with my post I was just bored.

Mar 17, 2012, 01:19 PM
Needs more wub wub.

Mar 20, 2012, 11:25 PM
i never said it was a bad game just, it's so wierd on adding beasts. that was the major point, why are beasts even IN this game if they can't take a hit? cast make a more reliable option in compairason to beast

Mar 20, 2012, 11:30 PM
Beasts can't take a hit? News to me. Tell that to my characters ~5000-point health bar.

Mar 21, 2012, 08:00 AM
The CAST supremacy meme didn't exist for no reason.

Fortunately CASTs are ugly because SEGA/Sonic Team can't design cool robots anymore.

Mar 21, 2012, 01:48 PM
i never said it was a bad game just, it's so wierd on adding beasts. that was the major point, why are beasts even IN this game if they can't take a hit? cast make a more reliable option in compairason to beast
Yeah you haven't really played the game then. They have the highest(second highest?) HP in the series, highest damage output, granted their accuracy is off, but make up with high evasion.

Casts in the games have higher accuracy, but lack the damage and evasion a Beast has.

The more you talk about the changes in PSU the more foolish you're making yourself look.

Mar 21, 2012, 01:52 PM
I thought Beast get torn up by monsters that use techs though?

Forgot which stat was magic defense... mst?

Mar 21, 2012, 09:31 PM
i never said it was a bad game just, it's so wierd on adding beasts. that was the major point, why are beasts even IN this game if they can't take a hit? cast make a more reliable option in compairason to beast

I don't get it. Based on your avatar choice and some of your drawings on your profile page, you seem more the type that would embrace the beast so much that you would be spending more time posting "why no beasts in PSO2 :( ?" on the PSO2 boards then complaining about them. Second, I played PSP2 just like you have and I played a beast enough to know that they don't keel over and die as quick as you're making them out to be.

Mar 27, 2012, 01:16 PM
I don't get it. Based on your avatar choice and some of your drawings on your profile page, you seem more the type that would embrace the beast so much that you would be spending more time posting "why no beasts in PSO2 :( ?" on the PSO2 boards then complaining about them. Second, I played PSP2 just like you have and I played a beast enough to know that they don't keel over and die as quick as you're making them out to be.

You make a good point but i'm more ok about them not being in PSO2 because i understand WHY. it's NOT universe so i'd be MORE pissed if it IS in PSO2. i'd be like "WHY IS PSU IN MY PSO". maby it's my personal experiance with the races. i died more often as a beast than a cast and i don't realy know why. sure the beast hit harder but they just ANILEATE me at the higher lvls then the cast ever did. it's here i think that beast came out wrong and i feel worried that they don't have a place. Beasts new nanoblast is so savage but untill PS-P2i they kinda are their weakness. maby that was my complaint. Why did they give beasts such a GLORAFIDE weakness. i've died in that form more than a hand full of times.

Mar 27, 2012, 02:30 PM

This is all I needed to read to get a good chuckle. Thank you.

Mar 27, 2012, 02:55 PM
PSO2 =/= PSO

It's a sequel to the series, not that ONE game.

And there's plenty of PSU in PSO2 8D

Data mining shows a POSSIBILITY OF DUMANS!


Mar 28, 2012, 07:34 PM
You make a good point but i'm more ok about them not being in PSO2 because i understand WHY. it's NOT universe so i'd be MORE pissed if it IS in PSO2. i'd be like "WHY IS PSU IN MY PSO". maby it's my personal experiance with the races. i died more often as a beast than a cast and i don't realy know why. sure the beast hit harder but they just ANILEATE me at the higher lvls then the cast ever did. it's here i think that beast came out wrong and i feel worried that they don't have a place. Beasts new nanoblast is so savage but untill PS-P2i they kinda are their weakness. maby that was my complaint. Why did they give beasts such a GLORAFIDE weakness. i've died in that form more than a hand full of times.

Okay, you had the nanoblasts in mind. I wasn't thinking of them when I wrote my piece. I admit I didn't care for nanoblasting myself and didn't bother with it. I think I have a better idea of where you're coming from now.