View Full Version : Playstation Vita

Mar 13, 2012, 09:46 AM
What are some of your views? I want one myself but along with other people the cost for the Vita and a memory card is almost a turn off from the system. One thing I enjoy most oddly is the dual analog sticks, no more claw! =D
I would also get the WiFi one.

Mar 13, 2012, 10:06 AM
One of my coworkers picked one up and he seems very happy with it.

I didn't pick up a PSP, so I'm tempted to get a Vita at some point so I can play any worthwhile PSP games I missed as well as any upcoming Vita titles worth playing.

The weird thing is that I kind of just want to pick it up for the Persona 4 port (since I never finished it on PS2... but then again I could just hook up my PS2 and finish it that way.)

Mar 13, 2012, 10:13 AM
True, having a horrible computer im kind of hoping to get PS02 for it in 2013 myself.

Mar 13, 2012, 10:25 AM
I've had one since day 2. No regrets, it's an awesome little machine.

But like with any system, it depends on the games, the current selection may or may not be interesting to you yet. The future, however, looks bright!

Mar 13, 2012, 10:36 AM
Looking at the games it's getting, the one I want at least... You could say they're going back to the kind of library that made me love my PS2. JRPGs, Anime style action games and GTA games that don't suck

I mean it has Gravity rush, an anime style sandbox game with a cool concept + that FF10 remake + Persona port + Tales of innocense remake + FF type-0 HD + Grand theft auto Vice City Nights (Not sure if that's really confirmed) + PSO2 probably going to be my most favorite online RPG in existence???

Also it's Augmented reality looks a TRILLION times better than 3DS' or iPod's AR.

I can imagine it being a PS3 in your pocket, except... a PS3 that ACTUALLY HAS GAMES. But at the same time it costs like a PS3 that could fit in your pocket too... Which is probably why I'm not getting one any time soon.

Only thing that looks bad to me is the price.. and It kinda bugs me that it's bigger than the PSP, and I already thought the PSP was kinda huge... If it got any bigger it may as well had been a gamegear. Then again I'm one of 12 people that actually LIKED the gameboy micro.

TL;DR: Library looks PS2 level awesome and... I do plan to get one after a pricedrop/inevitable slim version comes out.

Mar 13, 2012, 12:16 PM
They had some Sony guys come to where I work to show it off. From what I saw it was ok. Decent enough graphics (then again anythign looks good with a tiny screen). A few new features, such as using the camera to show a background for a fighting game. Clever but it's just a pointless gimmick at the end of the day much like the 3D feature on the new DS.

I'm just tired of Sony and Nintendo releasing new handheld consoles every few years in all honesty. I thought I might get the Vita for PSO2 but then I saw screenshots today for it and my god it looks hideous. Of course these pictures were stretched to appear on this website, but even still I think i'll give it a miss.


Mar 13, 2012, 02:02 PM
I've had some experience with the Vita and it is pretty neat, but the $250 - $300 price tag and the cost of each individual memory card is steep. The camera quality when comparing it to the 3DS is lack luster as it captures images at 720p while Nintendo fit in a camera that captures images at a higher resolution.

I would have gotten one by now if it wasn't for the somewhat low battery life. My PSP doesn't last as long as it used to on a single charge, but having it barely last longer than my PSP(4-5 hours) I'd rather wait it out until that improves. Also not all PSP games are compatible which is a turn off as I still play most of my PSP games currently.

Mar 13, 2012, 08:20 PM

Seriously, dat gimmick. D:

Mar 14, 2012, 03:35 AM
Spoilers: Augmented Reality sucks.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:18 AM
I tried one out at Target and Bestbuy.

Overall it's a great piece of hardware. Modnation wouldn't start though, but Gravity Rush and Uncharted played well and looked good.

My main problem with it other than price though is that it's huge and the thumbsticks didn't really give as much resistance as I like.

So I'm sort of in this weird position where the thumbpads of the 3ds give too much resistance, while the PS Vita gives not enough.

Overall the Vita's screen I was using also has a few smudges on the screen and it was a little reflective from what I remember. Also I don't like the small start and select buttons, and they are sort of embedded into the thing so pushing them is a bit of a pain since I lack nails.

When better games come out for it then I might think of getting one. But for now I'm just preparing for the large rush of 3DS games that are coming out.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:35 AM
Spoilers: Augmented Reality sucks.

I can imagine most of the games on it being kind of lame and boring or halfassed. And it's pretty obvious how it works.

But I still think it's a really cool concept that could possibly change gaming in the future.

Like imagine they had playgrounds similar to that mario bro's playground that they had set up before mario 3DS's launch. Or if they had events for certain games in general where it's like....

You have your game and characters that you normally level up, and it'd be like a scavenger hunt all over the city where you look for items in treasure chests and bosses. And you can run into other people taking part in the same event. So it's like making an RPG game, but the setting is real life... Or course people coud vandalize the cards/landmarks.

Or it could be like some kind of videogame play ground/park and everyday they have different AR's sitting around. Or they could do something cool like... make a pair of glasses that has a camera in it that reads Augmented Reality cards n stuff. I dunno it's simple and a lot of things that use it isn't all the amazing. But it brings up a lot of cool ideas. Not just 3DS, iPod and Vita but in general.

Things like that would be cool. And make gamers go outside... and people can play real life Final Fantasy and look 30% less retarded or something, I dunno.

Mar 14, 2012, 07:02 AM
I can imagine most of the games on it being kind of lame and boring or halfassed. And it's pretty obvious how it works.

But I still think it's a really cool concept that could possibly change gaming in the future.

Yeah it's a cool concept but this implementation just doesn't work.

For one thing the camera isn't good enough. It needs more light than you have in the average living room, especially in winter, or you just get a dark blurry mess as your game background. And if you play outside, well, like the poster before you mentioned, the screen's a bit reflective so it gets hard to see when the sun is shining.

And for the Vita to recognize the AR cards you need to be fairly close to them as well (about 1 meter in my experience). If I put the cards on the floor, and try to play AR games standing up, it just tells me 'out of range'. It's very uncomfortable to play like that. Bigger cards might solve that, but, only these small ones are included.

Mar 14, 2012, 10:10 AM
I am not interested in it.

I just don't see it competing with Tablets and Smart Phone gaming. Not to mention the way online-gaming is highly restrictive on Console handhelds. Also, I hate the idea that if new handhelds are released, it becomes a risk to backwards compatibility.

Finally, the majority of the time I play a handheld would be when I am on an airplane flying from one country to the next. Even so, My tablets have Console and Handheld Emulators that run flawlessly.

Like I've said in the past...

"I can count the number of people I've seen in airports and airplanes with just my left hand fingers who own console-handhelds...Everyone else owns a Tablet or Smart Phone"

So when I see whatever chart that says the latest Nintendo or Sony Handheld made "record breaking sales" I tend to say "maybe in Japan, but they won't admit that the major market share is on smart phones and tablets over there" and I hardly see them over here.

College Gaming club has 104 members. Its pretty large and only six of them play handhelds, the rest of them (including me) play Consoles and/or PCs.

Mar 14, 2012, 12:23 PM
I really like my Vita, I was an early signer on the system with my pre-order for the 3G system. With the cost of the memory sticks for the system this one seemed like a no-brainer. Unfortunitly Sony decided not to give any bonuses to those of us that picked up the system early, AT&T offered a free month of 3G after you purchase the first month and a free down load of Super Stardust Delta(A game rated highest on the system at a 9.5). As it turns out you can not get the redemption code until your first month of 3G is over. Having to wait a full month before getting to play the game that was used as a reward for early signers to the system. This was annoying, extremely annoying, as I and most others that got the 3G had to purchase the game to play it, and sit on this redemption code, so basicly, we were offered nothing that looked like something in the form of this game. Regrets of signing on early are definite.

After that bitter taste from above left my mouth I was able to enjoy my handheld. And I do enjoy it, alot. The shear fact that can can put fully functional non-dumbed down versions of games onto the systems is awesome. It hasn't left my living room all too much but I want to play it. The games for the Vita aren't 'on the go games' and I actively choose to play my Vita over my 360 often. The games are full games, that you'll want to play, at home or on the go.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:28 PM
Not enough games for it right now. I'm very interested in Gravity Daze though. Hopefully Ys Vita game comes to NA.

Hopefully after E3 I'll decide whether to get one. I really hope Sony keeps the multiplayer shooter deathmatch BS away from it. Keep that shit on 360.

Mar 15, 2012, 01:48 AM
Yeah it's a cool concept but this implementation just doesn't work.

For one thing the camera isn't good enough. It needs more light than you have in the average living room, especially in winter, or you just get a dark blurry mess as your game background. And if you play outside, well, like the poster before you mentioned, the screen's a bit reflective so it gets hard to see when the sun is shining.

And for the Vita to recognize the AR cards you need to be fairly close to them as well (about 1 meter in my experience). If I put the cards on the floor, and try to play AR games standing up, it just tells me 'out of range'. It's very uncomfortable to play like that. Bigger cards might solve that, but, only these small ones are included.

Sounds less disappointing than when I tried it on my iPod. D:

Guess it'll just stay a gimmick for a while, then.

Mar 15, 2012, 07:16 AM
Yeah it's a cool concept but this implementation just doesn't work.

For one thing the camera isn't good enough. It needs more light than you have in the average living room, especially in winter, or you just get a dark blurry mess as your game background. And if you play outside, well, like the poster before you mentioned, the screen's a bit reflective so it gets hard to see when the sun is shining.

And for the Vita to recognize the AR cards you need to be fairly close to them as well (about 1 meter in my experience). If I put the cards on the floor, and try to play AR games standing up, it just tells me 'out of range'. It's very uncomfortable to play like that. Bigger cards might solve that, but, only these small ones are included.

I had the problem of getting two #04 cards and no #05 card with my Vita, I contacted Playstation Support and they sent me a link where I can download the cards in PDF and just print them out. You can play around with it a bit, zooming in and printing for a bigger card. Hope this helps.


Mar 15, 2012, 08:41 AM
An interesting concept. Though not as well implemented as the 3DS. However, what AR kind of needs is the right idea to actually make a great AR application. Most of these are little distractions that could just as easily be done without the real-world stuff.

I still think the 3DS demos look a lot better and not just for the 3D (though it helps). Part of it is that the camera picks up light a lot better, and it is more convincing of an effect when they did it. When using it on a table, it is a lot more convincing a look as if your table has a door in it that flips around to reveal the world inside the table. It's almost seamless. Even the warping effects to make your table appear as if it is suddenly liquid and such, work well. The Vita demos, on the other hand, look a lot more plastered on and not convincing that it is part of the table but graphics floating on top of the table. But that's more of a case of software and a camera that seems to require more light for that software.

Mar 16, 2012, 02:57 AM
I plan on passing on the Vita. I haven't been happy with how Sony handles handhelds.

Mar 16, 2012, 06:49 PM
I tried one in Target, and again in Best Buy.

While it's certainly an improvement over the PlayStation Portable from a usability perspective (I still maintain that the reason the PSP's battery is such a piece of crap is because they don't want players playing long enough so that their hands cramp - which they inevitably do, every time I try to play it), the buttons are nice and clicky rather than the mushy PSP nonsense, and the screen is nice and bright...

The analog sticks are terrible - there's basically no travel to them on top of having no resistance, it's almost impossible to hold it anywhere between neutral and max, so trying to control magnitude of them is an exercise in futility. It's also impossible to hold comfortably without resting your fingers across the rear touch panel, which is just a major ergonomic design flaw.

I tried playing the Wipeout demo, and not only could I fall asleep in the time it takes to load a single race, the all-or-nothing nature of the analog sticks made it so I pretty much had to either go straight or veer sharply into a wall. It's obviously (at least) partially due to the analog sticks being terrible, but I was very unimpressed with the game. It's too bad Nintendo has their heads up their asses and is focusing their racing budget on Mario Kart instead of a good game like F-Zero, because they could easily blow this thing out of the water if it was like GX.

Overall, it's certainly an improvement, but there are definite problems with its design. I'm actually surprised how much of an improvement it is, just for how comfortable it is to use - considering that Sony has been using basically the same uncomfortable form-factor for their console controllers since they got into the business in the first place. I'm not very impressed with the proprietary memory cards though - especially since they're required and roughly twice as expensive as an equal-capacity SD card.

Personally, I wouldn't buy one. Not until a major price drop, anyway - and even then, probably not until custom firmware is available and I can play Tyrian on it.

Mar 16, 2012, 07:17 PM
Its nintendo. Mario always comes first and they will, for the most part, make their launch games a mario game. Besides, how do you know they aren't making a F zero game and want to get it right before they announce it?

Back on topic. Yes, it is a nice improvement from the psp but i'm going to wait for the price to drop as well before I get one. If you want to use a video camera though, the vita is the better choice.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:13 PM
Its nintendo. Mario always comes first and they will, for the most part, make their launch games a mario game. Besides, how do you know they aren't making a F zero game and want to get it right before they announce it?
Irrelevant argument is irrelevant. The system didn't launch with a Mario game at all (the closest thing was, what, Nintendogs? Their first-party launch lineup was crap, and the third-party launch lineup was pretty bad, too - this is why the system bombed so hard that it got a price drop faster than the Virtual Boy... Except the 3DS actually recovered from it).

Your statement about F-Zero is also pretty silly. There's no evidence it exists, and the series rarely gets the entries and attention it deserves for how good it is consistently. I never said that they're not working on one, but they have certainly not hinted at it even being a possibility - but for a push they're making to bring "core" gamers to the 3DS, they're also ignoring what's easily their most hard-core internal IP. It would make much more sense to embrace it if they're trying to attract core players, rather than going the "silly party game" route like they did with the Wii and regurgitate more Mario Kart shovelware.

But that's a whole other topic.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:45 PM
What can I say, i'm a silly guy.

Well people do say that Nintendo is trying to grab more people into gaming as well. Your right though, they should be trying to grab their core base as well. As for the whole mario ordeal, I figured that Super Mario 3D was one of the launch titles but oh well. Can't win them all.

My concern for the Vita however is what games it will have with everyone saying the psp and ps3 had no games nonsense.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:55 PM
Got mine for only $40 after trade in's and store credit and love it still. Selection of games right now is kinda small but depends on what your likes are. I only prefer Fighting games like Blazblue and UMVC and arcade shooter games.

There is a mini game on the PSN. Its called Super Stardust Delta. The interstellar bundle is only $15 but it should cost more than that. Been playing that days now. Only games I'm waiting on are SF X Tekken, Ragarock Odyssey and PSO2.

Mar 17, 2012, 07:10 AM
I rather like mine, even though the games I'm looking forward two have another month or two before they release, I at least had something to play at launch (I got Katamari when I got the Vita, and bought Super Stardust as soon as I knew they had it for Vita, sicne I loved it on PS3), unlike the 3DS.

Also, AR on both systems is pretty lame, why are we even bringing it up?

Mar 17, 2012, 07:20 AM
Also, AR on both systems is pretty lame, why are we even bringing it up?

Hay shu'up! D<

My over active imagination was exaggerating what I thought was a cool concept of AR in general. D<

Mar 17, 2012, 07:14 PM
I really want a Vita after seeing 3 people on campus with one. Friend got BlazBlue on it and on the PS3...and it looks, sounds, and feels exactly the same. It really is as strong as a PS3. Super Stardust is awesome on the PS3, I'd imagine it's just as good on the Vita.

Mar 18, 2012, 06:54 AM
I'd love to get a PSV, but my interests in games are so narrow that there's currently no announced titles aside from PSO2 that interest me (and I can just play that on the PC in that case). Like when I bought my PS3 in January 2008, I said that if there weren't 5 titles on it that I felt were worth keeping the thing around by the end of my warranty, I was going to return it. That didn't happen, but I shouldn't even have to think that.

As for if there'll be any games on the Vita that I'll want to have, I'm certain there will be. But if it's like with the PSP, then the gross majority of those will be imports, and I'm not sure I want to go through the hassle of paying extra dollars for ~2/3 of my game library. Not that that's Sony's or the developers' faults - like I said, not a whole lot interests me. When two or three games that I feel I definitely should have come out on it, I'll consider buying it. By then, there'll probably be a price drop and/or a hardware revision, lol.

Mar 18, 2012, 01:06 PM
I really want a Vita after seeing 3 people on campus with one. Friend got BlazBlue on it and on the PS3...and it looks, sounds, and feels exactly the same. It really is as strong as a PS3. Super Stardust is awesome on the PS3, I'd imagine it's just as good on the Vita.

Super Stardust is amazing on both systems. The Vita blazblue is the same on the Blazblue continuum shift on the psp. Just has some a couple characters, story modes, ect.

Mar 18, 2012, 01:11 PM
I know, I was more comparing how they are in terms of processing and framerate, not content.

Mar 18, 2012, 03:19 PM
I know, I was more comparing how they are in terms of processing and framerate, not content.

Ahhh I dont notice much difference in the frame rate :/

Mar 18, 2012, 03:45 PM
There is a noticeable framerate slowdown, but nothing too hindering. There is also that obscenely low loading time for a cartridge based system. For $250 a PS3 is a better investment or $300 for one of those PS3 bundles. My PSP is already lacking in battery life as well, might get the Vita when one the two have been addressed; lower retail price or longer battery life.

Apr 19, 2012, 09:57 PM
My step-brother bought me a Vita for my birthday about a month ago,
and not only was I surprised at the rather-pricey gift, but this was one hell-of-a handheld that I couldn't stop moles--- playing!
I prefer it over my 3DS and PSP by tenfold.. so.. -Shrugs.-

I only have a few games, but cannot wait 'til future releases.
I own Uncharted, Dynasty Warriors Next, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Persona 3 Portable.
I'm currently waiting for Gravity Rush and LittleBigPlanet!

Apr 22, 2012, 02:00 PM
I've had one since day 2. No regrets, it's an awesome little machine.

But like with any system, it depends on the games, the current selection may or may not be interesting to you yet. The future, however, looks bright!

This more or less sums things up perfectly.

I bought my Vita on launch day and I am very happy with it although I must admit that I don't use it very often since the 'console' does not have a 'must have' game yet, for me it was more of an investment for the future. I loved my PSP and I am probably one of the few gamers who can honestly say loved and used it more than my DS. The way I saw it the Vita has alot of future potential.

Apr 22, 2012, 09:29 PM
vanting a vita badly but can not afford to get one at the moment ill wait it out till it drops price

Apr 23, 2012, 02:23 PM
I would say that I'd be lying if I were to say the Vita didn't have a number of disappointments with it. However I would say the majority of the happiness with the product stems from NISA and Atlus. Mainly because all their PSP games run on it, and their commitment to putting more Titles like Disgaea and Persona on the system. To me, not a lot else has me excited owning the system even though there's a lot of gaming in Nisa and Atlus. PSO2 will be a big thing, and I'm crossing my fingers for cross-platform play on it.

Apr 26, 2012, 04:06 AM
I was going to hold off on purchasing a Vita until Ys Celceta - Sea of Trees and Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki's release, but with Little Busters already out, and the Next Project Diva along with DJ Max Technika around the corner, it's making the wait a little difficult. >_>

Apr 26, 2012, 12:07 PM
I was going to hold off on purchasing a Vita until Ys Celceta - Sea of Trees and Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki's release, but with Little Busters already out, and the Next Project Diva along with DJ Max Technika around the corner, it's making the wait a little difficult. >_>

Theres a new Project Diva? :-o

Apr 26, 2012, 04:04 PM
Theres a new Project Diva? :-o

Why yes there is (http://andriasang.com/con0s3/miku_vita_date/)! :wacko:

Apr 27, 2012, 10:11 PM
Why yes there is (http://andriasang.com/con0s3/miku_vita_date/)! :wacko:


Apr 29, 2012, 12:33 PM
Definitely going to have to invest in another memory card to play Project Diva.

Apr 29, 2012, 11:27 PM

Off screen footage from a Nico Nico Miku event yesterday...2 days ago now that it's midnight as I'm posting this!

Apr 30, 2012, 01:25 AM
PSVBlackcat -Next HATSUNE MIKU Project DIVA game play!!- - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saNMGS1O9Bg)

Off screen footage from a Nico Nico Miku event yesterday...2 days ago now that it's midnight as I'm posting this!

Looks like the star is a new note. You have to touch the screen to hit that note.

I will be buying this.:-D

Apr 30, 2012, 10:18 AM
World's End Dance Hall video


And apparently the ending can change from the PV's version depending on how you do during Chance Time. LOVE this song! Now I HAVE to get a (Miku Edition?) Vita this summer! ^^

Apr 30, 2012, 03:55 PM
I own a Vita and am thoroughly impressed with everything on it. Aside from maybe the touch screen in some instances, I have difficulties typing onscreen being blind in the left eye, but it's mostly negligible. I am waiting for Gravity Rush, having fully paid it off, and play mostly Tough My Katamari and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on it (PSP emulation is absolutely amazing, by the way.)

Apr 30, 2012, 10:40 PM
World's End Dance Hall video
[PSVita] Next HATSUNE MIKU Project DIVA game play!! Part2 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdGAX6spCTY)

And apparently the ending can change from the PV's version depending on how you do during Chance Time. LOVE this song! Now I HAVE to get a (Miku Edition?) Vita this summer! ^^

Im afraid that is just PSvita skin. Notice the black around the analog and the buttons?

The game looks finished. Why do you we have to wait another 3 months for it? -_-

Apr 30, 2012, 10:47 PM
The game looks finished. Why do you we have to wait another 3 months for it? -_-
Removal of bugs, testing out other portions of the game, setting up possible on release media to promote the game further and generally building up tension so that as it is released, will create a sort of a wave or spread of relief that it is finally here and that tension and anticipation will bring rise to more copies being sold.

It's a great marketing strategy to say the least, it helps further to tease fans and potential customers to want more of the product, thus the years and months put into the project and limited supply of certain related products.

May 1, 2012, 11:22 AM
Im afraid that is just PSvita skin. Notice the black around the analog and the buttons?

The game looks finished. Why do you we have to wait another 3 months for it? -_-

What I meant was if they released a Miku colored unit like they did for some of the PSP games. I can't see them NOT do a special bundle with game and Vita, so why not make that Vita special? Other than that, waiting on a white or green Vita like I did the PSP! ^_-

May 1, 2012, 02:02 PM
Love my Vita as well, but at the moment I am bored of it. I played through Wipeout and got tired of Blazblue. Later this year I will have a lot more fun with it. Y'know.. Gravity Rush and LBP and such.

And when I import Project Diva *-*

May 1, 2012, 05:22 PM
Love my Vita as well, but at the moment I am bored of it. I played through Wipeout and got tired of Blazblue. Later this year I will have a lot more fun with it. Y'know.. Gravity Rush and LBP and such.

And when I import Project Diva *-*

The last two games you've mentioned.. I'm sooooo anticipating!
I really love the LBP series and I LOVE the fact that all of my LBP/2 DLC will transfer~
I also fancy the new texture feature thing they have where you can use pics to make stuff out of.
Also, Gravity Rush just looks amazing and unique.
From the gameplay reviews I've seen on YT, no one's been disappointed with it.

May 1, 2012, 06:16 PM
Love my Vita as well, but at the moment I am bored of it. I played through Wipeout and got tired of Blazblue. Later this year I will have a lot more fun with it. Y'know.. Gravity Rush and LBP and such.

And when I import Project Diva *-*

I feel the same but a dose of UMVC3 is good sometimes. My vita should see alot of use when Project Diva comes.

May 8, 2012, 02:42 AM
I called it! ^_^

And a regular white will be released a few months before the special Miku version!


May 8, 2012, 06:06 AM
Back... TOUCH panel...

Is an image of Miku lifting her legs.


May 8, 2012, 11:05 AM
I want that white Vita so bad! I'm wondering if there'll end up being a PSO2 special edition Vita though.

May 9, 2012, 02:21 PM
If I didn't already have a Vita I'd want that Miku one REAL bad. I mean I still do but its not necessary. Especially since I wont be seeing that Miku about 100% of my Vita play time.


Is to sign up for the LBP Vita Beta. Do it, NAO

May 9, 2012, 02:43 PM
Wow that looks really nice.

May 10, 2012, 01:50 AM
That white Vita makes me very tempted to buy one now.

May 10, 2012, 11:42 AM
If I didn't already have a Vita I'd want that Miku one REAL bad. I mean I still do but its not necessary. Especially since I wont be seeing that Miku about 100% of my Vita play time.


Is to sign up for the LBP Vita Beta. Do it, NAO

Wow didnt know there was a beta test for that. Just signed up. ^^

May 12, 2012, 08:54 PM

35 min teaser of the Vita exclusive "Soul Sacrifice".

Throughout the videos, you can get alot of concept art and gameplay. I think the concept art and gameplay are just beautiful but the menu and those "hands" could be much better. Not totally sold on this but I will play the demo.

Double post.

May 12, 2012, 10:12 PM
I called it! ^_^

And a regular white will be released a few months before the special Miku version!


I bought my Vita like a week ago and now there's a special miku and a white version. T.T

May 17, 2012, 08:50 AM
But the White Vita comes out June 28 and the Miku Vita isn't until August....it's gonna be a while. I really want to see what E3 and Tokyo Game Show has for future games too!

May 18, 2012, 02:03 AM
i got my vita tuesday and i have never been happier. mainly because dynasty warriors on it. that game is everything i want in a dynasty warriors game i am so glad they added the equipment slots back in i love it. will probably buy a new game in a coupel more weeks. ahh 3ds at work and vita at home while while watching netflix. i am not bored all the tiem now