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View Full Version : New weapon, mag, and lobby info(updated pics)

Mar 14, 2012, 02:56 PM
Through various interviews we’ve long known that new weapon classes we’re going to be added into the game. For those who have read up on datamining of Alpha test clients would already know what weapon classes are hidden deep inside the data. But today we have our first confirmations to these weapon types. This was posted within Famitsu’s PSO2 Beta Test article, which Shougai summarized.

New Weapon Class: Partizan

Hunter Exclusive
Quick Attack
Wide area attack
It has a special action called “舞い twirl?” (We’re not quite sure in what way the move actually looks like.) this speeds up your gear which eventually makes it likely that you’ll release some kind of forward shockwave.

New Weapon Class: Launcher

Rangers Exclusive
A heavyweight high power shooting weapon
You hold this gun beside the body like PSU’s Grenade Launcher.
Wide range blast.

New Weapon Class: Talis

Force Exclusive
Throw cards to directly hit the enemy
Throw cards and a technic is fired off from the card.
*You could throw a card at a party member and make it cast resta)
*You could throw a card in the sky and cast a wider range Razonde technic


Mags have photon blasts
When a mag does a photon blast it changes into a “幻獣” mythical beast.
For example, it can change into something resembling a unicorn.
The player can act freely during a photon blast too.


The Arks lobby has been renovated.
In the center there’s a elevator that transports you between 2 floors.
The upper level is called the Gate Area where you can receive quests.
The lower level is the shop area and rest area.
Shougai says the lobby is reminiscent of PSO ep2 Lab area.





source: http://bumped.org/psublog/

Mar 14, 2012, 03:12 PM
Man cards sound awesome, I'll definitely be making one of my guys a force with that weapon in mind... Throwing cards like ninja stars or something, or making them blow up into techs, Or as long as they're as cool as Ace's cards. (Type-0)

Partizan and launcher though... meh. Not to my tastes unless they're pulling out scythes.

Mega Ultra Chicken
Mar 14, 2012, 03:37 PM
Man cards sound awesome, I'll definitely be making one of my guys a force with that weapon in mind... Throwing cards like ninja stars or something, or making them blow up into techs, Or as long as they're as cool as Ace's cards. (Type-0)

Partizan and launcher though... meh. Not to my tastes unless they're pulling out scythes. I'd count on at least one scythe or two showing up, even if they don't get their own weapon class. After all, Soul Reaper is one of PSO's many iconic weapons.

I agree with Cards. They could make for interesting scenarios, especially with Resta and other area-of-effect techniques. Maybe they'll be able to heal Hunters from a safe distance now? Perhaps Rabarta from a distance? That'd be pretty awesome.

I wonder how they'll handle Launchers. They could take the PSU route and give the projectiles a trajectory, or they could take PSO's approach to Launchers and make the projectiles fire in a straight line. Or maybe "wide range blast" suggests burst fire and they'd be kinda like PSO's Shots.

Actually, if they worked like the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbzrajD2U74 from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, then that would be pretty awesome.

Mar 14, 2012, 03:51 PM
So from I'm reading, lances will have both quick stabs, and slower AoE swings? So it's a combination of PSO partisans and PSU spears then? And only hunters can use it? I think my dream came true.

Cards sound awesome this time around, too. It reminds me of, um, stereotypical priestess evil wards. Thrown at demons and possessed people to cause damage or seal evil. These things will release spells, though. Hell, that sounds awesome! Sounds like it was a pain to program, though.

Mags sound awesome, too. From the sounds of it, an equipable item with no stat boosts, but summons a powerful NPC partner after being charged? Sounds great for customization options, if you can customize what mag model you'll be using, and what beast it turns into. Here's hoping for sea serpents!

Fine, I'll say it. Everything sounds awesome. Everything here, awesome. I can't wait to see them implemented in the game.

Mar 14, 2012, 03:55 PM
When a mag does a photon blast it changes into a “幻獣” mythical beast.
For example, it can change into something resembling a unicorn.


Mar 14, 2012, 03:58 PM
When a mag does a photon blast it changes into a “幻獣” mythical beast.
For example, it can change into something resembling a unicorn.


I dunno I'm not complaining about teaming up with my mag while it turns into a badass beast thing...

A unicorn doesn't sound as bad as a giant alien moose, either.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:16 PM
Not sure how I feel about launchers until I see it in action.
Cards seem like they have the potential to be a great force weapon though.

I will be definitely be using Partisan when I get around to using a hunter since I like lance weapons.^_^

Mar 14, 2012, 04:17 PM
I sure hope Partisan's "dance" isn't replacing its ability to Guard. That would be the worst thing in the world for me.

Cards sound really tight now though. A JA tech build is looking a lot more viable and much more fun to play.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:20 PM
Unicorns aren't so bad. Just think back to FFX's Ixion.

I'm kinda realizing I'm not seeing much info on launchers. Of course, I love big guns on rangers. They're a PS staple since the first game. So hopefully they'll be as badass as we've seen.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:25 PM
*sees Partisans* Nice, good to see em
*sees Launcher* Meh, don't care either way, the launchers in PSU were fun too. (Even if everyone used Song for Death since it was so common and had solid stats)
*sees Talis* Hell yes. Being able to throw a card and make a tech come out? I like the description. Being able to cast resta on a distant point gives FOs something to counter shorter range on Resta. I wonder if we could use it to cast linear stuff like Barta from different points (Like, throw to the side, have the barta shot shoot out towards the other side, to make it sweep across a horizontal line instead of the normal vertical one)? They might finally make cards unique enough to be worth using... because I really like the stuff stated there.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:37 PM
I sure hope Partisan's "dance" isn't replacing its ability to Guard. That would be the worst thing in the world for me.

Cards sound really tight now though. A JA tech build is looking a lot more viable and much more fun to play.

I was trying to figure out what "dance" is but now I remembered from the old city trailer where she spins the partizan around on her hand. So let's call "dance", twirl, since "revolving" is a synonym of that kanji.

I wonder how they'll handle Launchers. They could take the PSU route and give the projectiles a trajectory, or they could take PSO's approach to Launchers and make the projectiles fire in a straight line. Or maybe "wide range blast" suggests burst fire and they'd be kinda like PSO's Shots.

Blast is an explosive blast hitting multiple enemies, not a spread shot, it would be like PSP2i Grenade Launcher Type 2 Bullets.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:40 PM
As long as the mag doesn't take an eternity to use the special ability I'm cool with whatever they do.

That's another thing I hated about PSU's 'Photon Blast' (you know what I'm talking about, don't correct me) is by the time it's about to fire an attack it takes too long and either the enemies move away/are no longer in front of you and waste the blast or your teammates kill everything halfway through the process.

It should be a 1 second process or faster from hitting the activation key to attack, 1.5 secs max.

Who disagrees with me on this?

Mar 14, 2012, 04:41 PM
Ew, the block with lances is going to be a twirl? I was hoping for PSP2 blocking animation. Ah well, won't be much of a problem. At worse, it'll be a tradeoff to both sweeps and stabs for normal attacks. At best, I might end up liking it.

PSU photon blasts, they were actually useful when you knew when to use them. You'd have to save them for difficult spawns, but once they popped up they did some great damage. Of course, I was one of the jerks who used nothing but Paladi Catarac, so I couldn't miss. I can't recall having terrible trouble having difficulty hitting with the lower level SUVs, though. I don't have much experience with nanoblasts or mirage blasts, though.

Photon Blasts sound different this time though. I might be misreading it, but it sound like they'll be summon creatures that fight for a while, as opposed to PSO styled blasts. I could be wrong though, and it could just summon a PSO blast while allowing everyone (including yourself) to move while it's happening. In which case, you'd need to learn to aim again.

Mar 14, 2012, 04:46 PM
Ew, the block with lances is going to be a twirl? I was hoping for PSP2 blocking animation. Ah well, won't be much of a problem. At worse, it'll be a tradeoff to both sweeps and stabs for normal attacks. At best, I might end up liking it.

"this speeds up your gear which eventually makes it likely that you’ll release some kind of forward shockwave."

I think it's more like a special attack not a block, doubt it will take out guard, guard is a move you get in the skill tree right?

Mar 14, 2012, 05:05 PM
"this speeds up your gear which eventually makes it likely that you’ll release some kind of forward shockwave."

I think it's more like a special attack not a block, doubt it will take out guard, guard is a move you get in the skill tree right?

True, but not all weapons have guard.

Also, not too pleased with the MAG thing. I'm not a big fan of summons.
I was kind of hoping it'd be something cool like you'd merge with your MAG and it'd be sort of like a nanoblast.
I mean people rolled beasts purely for the nanoblast, I think it was the most fun 'limit break' according to the majority...
..you would've thought they'd have learned.

Mar 14, 2012, 06:32 PM
I thought it was a great opportunity to go back to PSO's photon blasts, not summons. I'll have to wait and see how they actually work, but I'm not very optimistic.

Mar 14, 2012, 06:51 PM
It all sounds great. I wonder will you be able to throw more than one Talis card at a time (sort of like the PSO shot). No word on daggers huh? I guess they were replaced with wired lances.

Mar 14, 2012, 06:56 PM
The lobby got a complete overhaul? Jeez, and you guys talk only about the weapons!
For the mags, I believe they will work like in PSZ. Youtube it.

Mar 14, 2012, 07:19 PM
The thing I'm wondering about is...

...if they plan on adding in the Duman race, then how will it work? That entire race is based around their Infinity Blast which I don't really see co-existing with the Mag's Photon Blast.

Mar 14, 2012, 07:20 PM
I saw image evidence of what looked like Mags (in small robot or floating drone forms) dipicted as what I guessed to be "photon blast" transformations, as well as Partisans. I'd love it if a few of those rare partisans are Scythes.

So it great that partisans and some form of photon blasts are in the game.
I still hold out hope and pray that some evovled Mag forms will be more like Rati/Agastya/Tapas/ floating "wings" and "wing-fins" or "floating jet pack" looking mags, and not just floating chibi-robots with little arms & legs.

Did so many JP alpha testers ask for a Lobby/Main Hub redesign?! I thought it looked great design wise and visually, and was very easy to navigate. Just needed a water fountain or Holographic display center-peice in the middle.

Mar 14, 2012, 08:20 PM
The thing I'm wondering about is...

...if they plan on adding in the Duman race, then how will it work? That entire race is based around their Infinity Blast which I don't really see co-existing with the Mag's Photon Blast.

Did they ever mention adding in the Duman race? And if they did I'm sure they would do something to mix things up and just have them be glass cannons without requiring their own special blast thing. And the Duman race in PSU can be based off of something totally different than a Duman race in PSO2 if they planned to add it. Don't have to shoehorn everything into the same small backstories.

Cards sounds awesome, curious as to what the new lobby looks like. I like the idea of mags, but I would prefer my alien moose over a unicorn anyday. That way I can still yell "BULLWINKLE BLAST!" whenever I use the Photon Blast like I used to.

Also I would love if some of the summons were more based on Phantasy Star beasts and mythology. Wouldn't it be awesome to summon Pilla to float around killing things? Or maybe a chaos bringer or delsaber like summons?

Or a super epic rappy of mythical power and justice?

Soul Guardian
Mar 14, 2012, 08:20 PM
In PSO and PSZ, when you used a photon blast some sort of creature showed up and did some sort of action.
The main difference here is that in those games, you couldn't move....

So personally I'm hoping it's something like that, just with not being locked in place.

As for the other stuff, cards definitely sound worth using. If Gi- techs are in the game, it would be interesting to throw a card into a group of enemies and activate it instead of running into the middle yourself.

Mar 14, 2012, 08:43 PM
Good stuff E. See your black self does better things than troll in DCUO, should seriously come back though our league sucks without you.(Don;t worry guys I know him in real life lol). But anyways SWEET, going to town is alot better than going through loads of teleporters. Good job Sega, making me even more lazy.

Mar 14, 2012, 09:59 PM
Did so many JP alpha testers ask for a Lobby/Main Hub redesign?! I thought it looked great design wise and visually, and was very easy to navigate. Just needed a water fountain or Holographic display center-peice in the middle.

Actually, I think I saw a few comments about where the 'monument' in the middle was. You'd load up after logging in and to get to the quest area you'd either have to run around it, or jump straight across it (which most people did). I don't recall seeing anything else about the lobby other than that. Surely they could have just moved the "spawn point" to the other side of it? It wasn't that much of a pain to get past at all.

I'm interested in seeing how they redesign it though! Even if I liked the current one >:

Mar 14, 2012, 10:07 PM
On partisans, I've always found it odd that we've always been stuck to a either stabbing or slashing, so it's nice to hear that they've finally differentiated them from swords properly. I'm also going along with everyone else here who says that the "twirl" thing is probably what the Humarl did in the trailer.

Launchers... hmm nothing really new here is there? A little underwhelming for the rangers, though to be fair, the rifle is already a pretty multipurpose weapon already I guess.

Finally, Talis/Cards are also made into something unique and potentially useful. Doesn't sound useful for the techs that already have insane range (Foie, Zonde, I'm looking at you) unless using a card to delay release techs also changes the nature of the tech itself... without making the Gi and Ra series redundant I hope. I can easily see the long range Rabarta / higher height Razonde scenarios people are already predicting though. I like.

Assuming that cards will have less power versus rods. Looking forward to see how using cards will work. Also, cue all the DLC miko/priestess outfits that will soon flood the market. ^_^

I was also hoping that the MAGs would add to the unique look of the character (merge with the character's outfit, sprout fancy light particle effects, etc, etc, maybe add fancy new skillsets) rather than summon an invincible partner character or a one off decisive attack. Hopefully, they will also add mags that simply boost character abilities as well as summons, so will withhold judgement on that for now till I see it.

Lobby renovation sounds interesting, especially if it'll be more akin to the Ep 2 lab like the description says. So, more militaristic looking and less like a shopping mall then? I'd still like to be able to explore the more civilian areas of the Oracle fleet though, preferably without having them being demolished by Darkers at the same time.

Wonder what new stages we'll see in the beta.

Mar 15, 2012, 01:37 AM
I'm kinda curious on the animation of the cards...

You can see what they look like in the datamining thread... "they look like futuristic scrolls" Or more like two metal bars/sticks that could possibly separate/open up and have a visual display in between em. And the opened form is what the 3D image found in the data mining is?

So I imagine you throw them and then they open up to cast you tech, which is cool. But what about the normal attacks without TECHs? Still hoping it's more kunai/ninja star like in that case... Like you through them when they're still closed and compact and it stay swift or something. Otherwise as cool and useful as the tech concept sounds. It might not be as cool LOOKING to my case. D:

I assume for the TECHing concept, you just use techs like normal but your character automatically throws the card first. and wherever you aimed, is where your tech will come out of the card. But a high up lightning bolt may be hard to aim depending on how you do it. D:

But yeah, not to sound hard to please or picky, but was really hoping they would bring up fist weapons (and not just bare handed fighting in general) when I saw "New weapons" being announced. But I guess if they were only planning to show us one from each class, and we've already seen partisans in a video... It'd be weird to have a different weapon in place.

Mar 15, 2012, 08:10 AM
In PSO your character would throw 3 cards on the last attack of a combo. It would be pretty neat if you could do something like that here too - even if you could only do it with simple techs.

Also, talis sound really convenient for refilling your TP.

Mar 15, 2012, 08:18 AM
On the MAGs 'summoning' thing: people seem to forget that in PSO whenever you used a Photon Blast your MAG 'transformed' into a mythical creature like a dragon or whatever. Maybe it's like that?

Kind've excited for Talis, not so much about partisans and launchers.

Mar 15, 2012, 08:53 AM
On the MAGs 'summoning' thing: people seem to forget that in PSO whenever you used a Photon Blast your MAG 'transformed' into a mythical creature like a dragon or whatever. Maybe it's like that?

Looks like it.


from the psublog

Mar 15, 2012, 09:09 AM
lol I think people may need to go to the actual blog page link because it has photos of some of the stuff they're saying. Plus that thing doesn't really look like a unicorn. I guess thats the best way to describe it because it has a horn coming out of it's head.


Mar 15, 2012, 09:11 AM
Looks pretty badass to me! That scan surpasses the image I had in my head by a lot. Really starting to dig this game and I doubt I can wait for a US release. I'll probably just try and convert my Jpn PC saves to US Vita.

Mar 15, 2012, 09:42 AM
Liking the new lobby, or that shot of it at least.

Weapons definitely look better in action, I'm gonna become obsessed with cards. *_*

Photon blast though... Not feelin' the anatomical shape of that unicorn... After staring at horses all day on red dead redemption. Still looks cool though. D:

@ r00rabaga: Server side saving, man.

Mar 15, 2012, 12:00 PM
Moar Cards!!

I want to see more of how those work, but they sound like a perfect compliment to technics/techniques/however they decide to spell them this time.

A bit surprised that they are only planning 8 weapon times for the time being... seems a little low. Sword, Rifle, Rod, Gunslash, Partizan, Launcher, Card and...? What's the last one?

Mar 15, 2012, 12:10 PM
lol I think people may need to go to the actual blog page link because it has photos of some of the stuff they're saying. Plus that thing doesn't really look like a unicorn. I guess thats the best way to describe it because it has a horn coming out of it's head.


Yeah he updated this morning, I threw up the pics after work, honestly just bookmark this site, he usually has the info up and translated pretty quickly. I'm guessing we'll see gameplay of the new stuff during the Playstation confrence.

Mar 15, 2012, 01:03 PM
lol I think people may need to go to the actual blog page link because it has photos of some of the stuff they're saying. Plus that thing doesn't really look like a unicorn. I guess thats the best way to describe it because it has a horn coming out of it's head.


Actually the scan does say it's a "Unicorn Photon Blast".

Mar 15, 2012, 01:03 PM
Astarin - it's the Wire Lance.

Mar 15, 2012, 01:34 PM
Ew, the block with lances is going to be a twirl? I was hoping for PSP2 blocking animation. Ah well, won't be much of a problem. At worse, it'll be a tradeoff to both sweeps and stabs for normal attacks. At best, I might end up liking it.

PSU photon blasts, they were actually useful when you knew when to use them. You'd have to save them for difficult spawns, but once they popped up they did some great damage. Of course, I was one of the jerks who used nothing but Paladi Catarac, so I couldn't miss. I can't recall having terrible trouble having difficulty hitting with the lower level SUVs, though. I don't have much experience with nanoblasts or mirage blasts, though.

Photon Blasts sound different this time though. I might be misreading it, but it sound like they'll be summon creatures that fight for a while, as opposed to PSO styled blasts. I could be wrong though, and it could just summon a PSO blast while allowing everyone (including yourself) to move while it's happening. In which case, you'd need to learn to aim again.A buddy to follow you around is great and so is a one time big bang attack. Oh man transforming mags and card attacks. If those cards can summon and your player could henshin...joy (^_^). A good way to balance the super powered being would be to lose your mag + stats while the mag is doing its thing.

My ideas for card/scroll attacks

-standard throw and bop someone on the head
-throw the scroll opens and rotates 1 attack comes out on each side of scroll. possible to have two different attacks one for each side
-open a scroll while holding said scroll. Strong attack or support comes out
-put scroll or unroll on ground. it acts like a trap or summon
-have scrolls that can absorb large attacks in a small area. So if you know a big baddie is going to attack and how the scroll can save you if you have the skill
- use a scroll to draw or write to make some special attack
-have a book or scrolls, origami, or scrolls of large sizes that you could wear like a scarf they would focus of support or defense
-Use scrolls like a pso super Scribblenauts

Mar 15, 2012, 02:30 PM
I just looked at these pictures, and I cried. I cried manly tears of joy. Everything, EVERYTHING, is perfect. I can now stop looking for updates for the game. I know the development is being left in good hands. I can rest in peace knowing that, once PSO2 comes out, it will be worth the wait.

Mar 15, 2012, 02:56 PM
Partizan - Glad to see them back.
Launcher - Always did like PSU launchers. But what about Cannons? Gotta have my NUG2000.
Talis - Kinda like PSO cards but with techs attached.
Mags - Glad to see them and the PB back but can you still raise them?

Mar 15, 2012, 03:47 PM
hmmm. The the lobby has been split into 2. I bet they did that so that more people can do more things in each lobby. Perhaps they are merging servers. So that they will do more with less. I hope for world wide servers.

I just had another thought in order to throw a card into the sky you have to aim Maybe a first person view mode ala psu will be made.

Mar 15, 2012, 04:45 PM
hmmm. The the lobby has been split into 2. I bet they did that so that more people can do more things in each lobby. Perhaps they are merging servers. So that they will do more with less. I hope for world wide servers.

I just had another thought in order to throw a card into the sky you have to aim Maybe a first person view mode ala psu will be made.

The lobby was already split into 2 in the alpha.

Mega Ultra Chicken
Mar 22, 2012, 08:31 AM
You can ride your Launcher.

I think my head just exploded due to how awesome that is.

Mar 22, 2012, 09:58 AM
I'm glad for a lobby re-design. Playing the alpha, everything really seemed crunched in together. And if anything, navigating the random terminals was really complicated. I mean, I would have never found the friend search one if someone hadn't pointed it out to me. (Although I haven't a clue if any of that stuff is actually changed.)

Mar 22, 2012, 10:27 AM
The new screenshots look great. The lobbies look just PSU. =D

Mar 22, 2012, 10:55 AM
I'm Wondering about the MAG's alittle, We know that the feeding is the same way as PSZ but how is that feeding going to effect the MAG other than model change? Since they have the same stat's as the Character now so feeding won't affect thoses. Maybe different abilities? Discuss.

Mar 22, 2012, 11:22 AM
I'm Wondering about the MAG's alittle, We know that the feeding is the same way as PSZ but how is that feeding going to effect the MAG other than model change? Since they have the same stat's as the Character now so feeding won't affect thoses. Maybe different abilities? Discuss.

Yeah, that's a little foggy to me too. The summoning part is clear, but if they don't boost player stats, then what does feeding do? Maybe they do boost... something.

Y'know, if they only boosted defensive stats, then the old MAG system wouldn't be so broken. Just a thought.

Mar 22, 2012, 11:28 AM
The more I see the Partisan PAs, the more I don't like them. They look pretty lengthy and it seems like you wouldn't be able to dash or guard out of the animations.

I think it's settled. Sword is #1.

I'm Wondering about the MAG's alittle, We know that the feeding is the same way as PSZ but how is that feeding going to effect the MAG other than model change? Since they have the same stat's as the Character now so feeding won't affect thoses. Maybe different abilities? Discuss.

Yeah, that's a little foggy to me too. The summoning part is clear, but if they don't boost player stats, then what does feeding do? Maybe they do boost... something.

In the teaser video, the mag gained a new "auto action" and "trigger action" when evolved. As it was a striking mag, you can bet that the auto action was something along the lines of "MAG auto attack" as seen in the video. Also, the MAG was evolved through the use of a certain item.

Mar 22, 2012, 09:24 PM
You can ride your Launcher.

I think my head just exploded due to how awesome that is.PSZero had that PA already. Lol.

Mega Ultra Chicken
Mar 22, 2012, 11:22 PM
PSZero had that PA already. Lol.
I didn't play that game, so... first time I myself came across it.

Mar 23, 2012, 03:13 AM
I like it, it's silly. It's just a shame bazookas were not that good in PSZero.

Mar 23, 2012, 09:57 AM
On the MAG's it look's like you increase 7 stat's instead of 4 now.:-o

Mar 23, 2012, 10:17 AM
I like it, it's silly. It's just a shame bazookas were not that good in PSZero.

I actually liked the Launchers and Bazookas in PSZero. Although I never got a PA where I could ride one.

Mar 23, 2012, 11:49 AM
On the MAG's it look's like you increase 7 stat's instead of 4 now.:-o

That's not that ridiculous considering they didn't alter your stats much once you were maxed... Just means you have a LITTLE more control of your stats and how you want to play... :)

Mar 23, 2012, 11:57 AM
Wait is equipment level or stat based this time? @_@

Stat based equipment was always at the bottom of my "Things I'd prefer in PSO2" list so I don't really remember what they made it.

Mar 23, 2012, 12:29 PM
If I remember correctly both Weapons and Units required stats.

They seem to be taking a more varied approach to it, (Datamine)
[spoiler-box]The Last Survivor Sword required a certain degree of Melee Defense to equip, don't remember previous PSO weapons requiring the defensive stat for weapons at least![/spoiler-box]

Mar 29, 2012, 04:27 AM
Do we know for sure yet if the Partisan replaces 'block' with the the twirl?

I'm really, really liking the weapon but having no block is going to be a deal breaker.

Mar 29, 2012, 04:43 AM
Do we know for sure yet if the Partisan replaces 'block' with the the twirl?

I'm really, really liking the weapon but having no block is going to be a deal breaker.

I don't know for certain but I can't imagine how else you would activate it other than with shift/RB(R1). If it does replace guard, Partisan will benefit Hunters that don't want to spec into any Guard skills.

Mar 29, 2012, 08:22 AM
stuff got rough in PSO2, but to be honest i never really blocked.

Jumping/dodging works just as well if not better.

Mar 29, 2012, 10:56 AM

Mar 29, 2012, 11:00 AM
I think when they Just Counter, people might prefer to block more thought.

Mar 29, 2012, 11:02 AM
^Nope, I had it in Alpha 2.

Still preferred jumping/dodging over JC.

Mar 29, 2012, 02:16 PM
I think when they Just Counter, people might prefer to block more thought.

it's probably because im so used to Devil May Cry, but i personally rather to just not get hit at all. Hopefully, they'll balance out what can be dodged by jumping, blocking and dodging. In any good action game you'll have that balance.

I lothed how everything in PSP2i was designed around Perfect Blocking, and also how Perfect Blocking could stop anything that could even damage you. It makes Giant enemies seem like complete jokes when the whole point of them is to get out of their reach.

Beldra swings at me? Perfect block. Dragon lands on me? Perfect Block. Trainwreck? Perfect Block. Moon's falling? Perfect Block. Boring.

The Rockbear solves this issue by occasionally grabbing you, but i'd feel better if you couldn't just hop it either.

Mar 29, 2012, 02:26 PM
it's probably because im so used to Devil May Cry, but i personally rather to just not get hit at all. Hopefully, they'll balance out what can be dodged by jumping, blocking and dodging. In any good action game you'll have that balance.

I lothed how everything in PSP2i was designed around Perfect Blocking, and also how Perfect Blocking could stop anything that could even damage you. It makes Giant enemies seem like complete jokes when the whole point of them is to get out of their reach.

Beldra swings at me? Perfect block. Dragon lands on me? Perfect Block. Trainwreck? Perfect Block. Moon's falling? Perfect Block. Boring.

The Rockbear solves this issue by occasionally grabbing you, but i'd feel better if you couldn't just hop it either.

Maybe it will be like Monster Hunter that even perfect blocks will drain your PP, and you'll save your block mostly for cancelling your combo in case you want to go more aggresive on boss rather than a defensive maneuver, I will also see that later enemies will have greater AoE that if you didn't premeditate the attack or predict it beforehand your only option is blocking. I was also thinking about other uses for blocking, since in previous games with blocking, jump and dodging there were uses not for the mentioned above that also there were enemies that gave no quarters and you should block if you dont wanna spend 40% battle time dodging but as "bodyguarding" like TERA, where blocking will protect a friendly behind, like a spellcaster or a healer that badly needs to stand stationary for preparing up a spell.

Mar 29, 2012, 02:42 PM
Don't forget this is on the PC so there will be more enemies on screen compared to PSP2/I. It will make a big difference when trying to block all their attacks.

Mar 29, 2012, 02:48 PM
Beldra swings at me? Perfect block. Dragon lands on me? Perfect Block. Trainwreck? Perfect Block. Moon's falling? Perfect Block.

Dulk Fakis throwing a meteor on you? Perfect block.
Though to be fair, that move was BS to begin with. I'm glad I have a BS way to deal with it.

Perfect blocking does make sense in terms of combat simulation, though. In a fight, you can greatly reduce the damage caused by an attack if you know it's coming and can prepare for it. Even if you can't block it with your arms or legs, simply preparing for the blow lets your body handle it better.
I think blocking and perfect blocking got this feeling down. If you can't anticipate the timing of the attack, put up your guard to reduce damage. If you can anticipate the timing, deflect the attack and follow up with a counter. It might go overboard with you able to deflect a 5 ton animal's full body weight being thrown into a single, concentrated attack (deflecting a dragon tail swipe), but then again, your character is supposed to be stronger than he looks when given enough time to level up.

They might have gone overboard with how good the ability was, but I was glad it was introduced. Maybe changing around a few variables will make it more fair.

Mar 29, 2012, 03:18 PM
I very much prefer Dark Soul's method of "perfect blocking". Regular blocking blocks a percentage of damage, based on the type of item used to block (shield or another weapon), all the way up to 100%. Depending on the stability stat, it uses a certain chunk of stamina to do so. So, in order to block an attack, you don't need any sort of timing skill. I prefer that. I hated how blocking worked in PSP2.

Now, the "perfect block" aspect of Dark Souls? Completely different. It's a different button entirely. It's a parry. It works just like a perfect block, in that if you pull it off, you negate damage entirely without losing any stamina, but what makes it unique is that if you pull it off and then immediately attack, you do a whopping 300%~ or so damage (basicly a critical ontop of a critical). If you mistime the parry, however, you take the full attack right to the face.

I'd prefer something like tihs be in the game. If you want to stop damage, you block. If you want to be ballsy and kill things faster, you parry/ perfect block. In the end, however, you're neither forced to use perfect blocking, nor are you punished for not using it. PSP2 had way too much emphasis on perfect blocking, and it drove me nuts, especially with that dinky psp screen.

Mar 29, 2012, 04:13 PM
I think another game I liked the concept of blocking was Mabinogi Heroes. Where the tank class got 2 stances of blocks, one can block any regular attack and you can perform a counterattack, causing knockdown on the opponent and a crit by following the hit, consumed stamina at same time. Perfect Blocking also prevent stamina loss while regular block drained stamina fast and received a portion of the damage, now where's the game different than others concept of blocking, Captains, minibosses and bosses itself has some tendence of overkill attacks you can't just regularily block them, for example a gigantic sledgehammer trying to crack your spine from above in a vertical down attack, that doesnt seem like an attack you can regularily deflect, you got a second stand by holding down at same time you press the block button that make the tank duck raising the shield up, this stance can block the most likely overkill attacks and once the skill is mastered, you wont receive any bit of damage, but you'll be pushed back and unable to counter and consumes double the stamina a regular block does and 4 times if bad timed.

Mar 29, 2012, 04:52 PM
PSO2's Just Guard timing is so easy that I feel like you're punching yourself in the dick by not getting the skill. Seriously, the timing threshold feels like one full second. It is literally a joke how easy it is to get off especially if you're a fighting game player that's used to the parry/just defend mechanics(SFIII, CvS2).

Mar 29, 2012, 04:52 PM
I would love it if I could just make like a karok and PUNCH that fireball speeding at me, only to take some damage and heal it back up instantly.

Kidding of course, but it's a cool thought...

Mar 30, 2012, 12:22 AM
I very much prefer Dark Soul's method of "perfect blocking". Regular blocking blocks a percentage of damage, based on the type of item used to block (shield or another weapon), all the way up to 100%. Depending on the stability stat, it uses a certain chunk of stamina to do so. So, in order to block an attack, you don't need any sort of timing skill. I prefer that. I hated how blocking worked in PSP2.

Now, the "perfect block" aspect of Dark Souls? Completely different. It's a different button entirely. It's a parry. It works just like a perfect block, in that if you pull it off, you negate damage entirely without losing any stamina, but what makes it unique is that if you pull it off and then immediately attack, you do a whopping 300%~ or so damage (basicly a critical ontop of a critical). If you mistime the parry, however, you take the full attack right to the face.

I'd prefer something like tihs be in the game. If you want to stop damage, you block. If you want to be ballsy and kill things faster, you parry/ perfect block. In the end, however, you're neither forced to use perfect blocking, nor are you punished for not using it. PSP2 had way too much emphasis on perfect blocking, and it drove me nuts, especially with that dinky psp screen.

Yeah, i agree.

My only real issue with Perfect Blocking is when EVERYTHING in the game can be perfect blocked. It just removes any kind of feeling of danger from the enemies. There should most definitely be moves that will stomp on any guard move you try and use to tank it with.

I dont want to get good at PSO2, and then face every boss just to tank all of his attacks because i know they're coming. Fear of specific moves were one of the things i loved most about PSO's bosses....hell, thats one of the defining points in PSO period. Every boss and MOST enemies had at least one move that was guaranteed to keep you on your toes in fear of getting mauled.

PSO2 definitely addresses this in a way. Some of the monkey guys will chuck a boulder at you (if you're close, they'll hit you with it first then throw it.) Rockbear has his grab move (which felt nerfed from the first time they showed it on the media briefing) and that RIDICULOUS belly flop. By the time he's almost dead, he'll do a handstand before landing and jump even farther. He can catch you from pretty much anywhere on the map almost, sort of like the Hildebear jump attack. The Dragon boss has this one move...he flies into the air, turns all his fire armor into a Fireball, and shoots it at you. I've personally never seen anyone get hit with this move, but it SHOULD one-hit KO you, and something that looks like that should most definitely be unblockable.

But with perfect block, all those moves turn into is learning a simple timing pattern, and you can just Perfect Guard them on reaction.

Mar 30, 2012, 04:31 AM
I agree on what Remius says, I don't want every boss fight to just be a series of blocking until it dies. Having bosses use certain unblockable attacks using similar start up animations to other moves would keep the fear going.

Mar 30, 2012, 05:04 AM
Upon closer inspection of the beta trailer, it seems that there are two new active skills for the launcher: one that causes confusion and another that inflicts Jellen.

Mar 30, 2012, 05:12 AM
They should like...

Make party skills where you can merge TECHs and skills together like chrono trigger.

Mar 30, 2012, 09:16 AM
@Rock Eastwood: More like Phantasy Star IV's combo attacks and macros really. Kinda miss that, as well as the whole distinction between Techs and Skills.

Mar 30, 2012, 02:58 PM
Something similar to combo attacks in PSIV would be pretty cool. Plus, it would also encourage more party play.

Not to mention how awesome it would be to have some random player come out of nowhere, join you in battle, and initiate an awesome combo attack with you, only to then introduce him/herself.

Mar 30, 2012, 04:29 PM
Did anyone notice in the Beta trailer they had a Ramaral Stalking it's target?

Mar 30, 2012, 04:41 PM
Did anyone notice in the Beta trailer they had a Ramaral Stalking it's target?

She's the new Solid Snake.

Mar 30, 2012, 04:46 PM
Did anyone notice in the Beta trailer they had a Ramaral Stalking it's target?

Being able to go prone....so many RP ideas with all of these GREAT THINGS.

I mean.....psssh RPing is for losers...hehe....he

Mar 30, 2012, 04:47 PM
Watching her slide around like a hovering CAST is funny.

Mar 30, 2012, 05:02 PM
Did anyone notice in the Beta trailer they had a Ramaral Stalking it's target?

Just going to enter parties and start crawling around, stalking people as I whisper sweet nothings into their ears.

Mar 30, 2012, 05:04 PM
I think it be pretty cool to hind in tall grass in the forest in PvP mode (if there is one) and snipe/stalk ppl.lol

Mar 31, 2012, 01:32 AM
from the cards can they be used like normal melee damge like throw them into enemy and does damage or doe sit have to cast the spell?. hopes they bring in other weapon types later like the psp2 cards where its like a tech hand gun and stuff. launcher seems liek the same as grenade in universe. or highe rlevel cards throw out more cards of atype possibly sure that could be broken easly XD

Mar 31, 2012, 01:35 AM
I read in a magazine (or was it the website?) that can be thrown normally for damage as well. Let me check the site and my magazine again and I'll edit this post.

Edit: Give me a moment while I type the Japanese and English


This is a Force exclusive magic weapon with a form different from the rod.
It can not only be thrown at enemies to deliver damage like a ranged weapon,
but can also fire off techniques where the card has been thrown.
It is possible to throw it into the air above enemies to effectively set off area based techniques
or to support team mates with resta who are at distant locations.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:37 AM
from the cards can they be used like normal melee damge like throw them into enemy and does damage or doe sit have to cast the spell?.

There are two throwing modes: one that deals damage as thrown and the other that you can cast spells from. Modes are selected through the alternate action button(shift/Rb/R1), a button that changes action depending on the weapon equipped.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:43 AM
There are two throwing modes: one that deals damage as thrown and the other that you can cast spells from. Modes are selected through the alternate action button(shift/Rb/R1), a button that changes action depending on the weapon equipped.

That's good to know. :) Where'd you get that info.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:45 AM
then the question is how do you load up the spell do you link spells to the card like a wand? or do you go into spell card mode then select spell. [ok why do i want to play U.N owen was her] while u seing those cards XD

Mar 31, 2012, 01:52 AM
That's good to know. :) Where'd you get that info.

The media briefing when Sakai explained it himself.

then the question is how do you load up the spell do you link spells to the card like a wand? or do you go into spell card mode then select spell. [ok why do i want to play U.N owen was her] while u seing those cards XD

I don't know for sure but there's a good chance that it will work like that.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:54 AM
The media briefing when Sakai explained it himself.

I don't know for sure but there's a good chance that it will work like that.

I see. I'll have to go back and watch it again.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:56 AM
I don't know for sure but there's a good chance that it will work like that.

Yeah, it'll most likely work EXACTLY as the Rod did in the alpha... Choose 3 techniques to link to it, and those are the only 3 that you'll be able to cast from the card. Using a technique from the subpallete will most likely be cast from wherever your character is standing, not where the card is set.

Mar 31, 2012, 01:57 AM
oh on last post
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jJZA-O_B78&feature=related UN owen was her XD hopefully higher level cards let throw out mulitple like in portable 1 and universe higher level PA for the throwing cards gave out multiple cards like up to 5 or somthing or for non spell mode of cards it does this. but for spell mode mayb eonly 1 that hits 5times like triggers 5 times or hits 5times ammount or just a single spel card and or 2 at highe rranks possibly.

Mar 31, 2012, 03:39 AM
also in old PSO did cast get suv weapons? or was that just universe. as so would love to se ethe fluge version that does damage and fan servese to flandre LOL

Saotome Kaneda
Mar 31, 2012, 04:33 AM
also in old PSO did cast get suv weapons? or was that just universe. as so would love to se ethe fluge version that does damage and fan servese to flandre LOL

SUVs, Nano Blasts and Mirage Blasts are unique to the PSU series. PSO's Photon Blasts were linked to your mag.

Neo Flint
Mar 31, 2012, 05:18 AM
Cards are pretty weak to me. I HATED them in PSP2. They were so slow and awkward to use. Why did they have to hover up in the air like that?

I hope the launcher good though. I am a fan of big weapons. Especially fire arms. They were pretty underwhelming from my experience.

Mar 31, 2012, 05:21 AM
Cards are pretty weak to me. I HATED them in PSP2. They were so slow and awkward to use. Why did they have to hover up in the air like that?.

Talis in PSO2 looks to be absolutely nothing like Cards in PSU

Neo Flint
Mar 31, 2012, 05:26 AM
Well, I'll just have to wait until I see actual gameplay footage before I actually start judging. I just hope you're right there.

Mar 31, 2012, 05:32 AM
Well, I'll just have to wait until I see actual gameplay footage before I actually start judging. I just hope you're right there.

There's quite a bit of cards footage out there.

Mar 31, 2012, 05:33 AM
Well, I'll just have to wait until I see actual gameplay footage before I actually start judging. I just hope you're right there.




Most interesting weapon in game next to the wired lance IMO.

Mar 31, 2012, 07:32 AM
Talis in PSO2 looks to be absolutely nothing like Cards in PSU

This. PSO Cards were essentially a reskinned Slicer. PSO2's Cards actually, you know, have a purpose now. I'm quite excited for them, adds a whole new level of strategy to Forces, since you can now launch your AoEs to the target, rather than wait for them to get closer to you. Might even be more to them than just that, too.