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View Full Version : what needs to be done to be eligible for closed beta access?

Mar 15, 2012, 02:14 PM
hey, sorry if this question has been brought up, i tried searching but pretty much a bunch of irrelevant threads came up.

i didn't sign up for alpha (so i dont have a japanese sega ID, and whatever else you needed to do for alpha)

can anybody tell me what they think I need to do (keeping in mind i'm basically starting from 0, need japanese sega id, have to register for newsletter, etc.) to be eligible for closed beta?

or am i good with just the sega id and newsletter?

thanks, i appreciate it.

Mar 15, 2012, 02:40 PM
It hasn't been announced how SEGA is going to choose the participants for the closed beta, the only thing we know is that those who reached level 10 in the alpha 2 test are guaranteed to participate in the closed beta.

Mar 15, 2012, 06:07 PM
Hey, and how to perform those alpha tests? XD
Guess some JP mate once told me that he performed that test and that was like over half year ago and he was totaly... excided. Well he is always excided about PSO so i was not very impressed, however, im sure it will be a much better experience than ever before.

Mar 15, 2012, 06:08 PM
Hey, and how to perform those alpha tests? XD

They ended weeks ago. <.<

You're best bet is to just sign up and hope for the best. If you can't get into the closed Beta test... There's going to be an OPEN Beta test after they do the Closed one, which will probably happen soon after the Closed one finishes. Anyone is allowed to play then.

Mar 15, 2012, 06:10 PM
Sign up? Where?

They should take me because they need to test on enthusiast systems aswell. :P

Mar 15, 2012, 06:17 PM
I meant sign up for the Sega ID and newsletter.

Odds are you're going to have to wait for the Open Beta anyway... But I guess it's possible they may take more entries for the Closed Beta.

Mar 16, 2012, 07:07 AM
Sega ID? All i know of is that i am registered at theyr forum. Anyway, im not gonna smash at theyr door if they are not handing out, its simply like that. I have always something other to put my hands on... i guess i experienced as good as everything but i never ever did experience boredom. Im just... hell of curious, you know? Ok arnt we all...