View Full Version : Introverts

Mar 16, 2012, 07:11 AM
A very well written article. I myself was very outgoing when I was younger but have become increasingly introvert later in life. But I see no issue with it whatsoever, whatever you find pleasure in in life is a good thing. I've never considered socializing a requirement to happiness and in all honesty overtly extrovert types tend to make me feel somewhat uneasy.



Mar 16, 2012, 08:04 AM
"Still waters run deep." My teachers kept saying to make the loud, annoying kids around me feel stupid for pestering me for being quiet all the time.

But it really depends on the person.

Mar 16, 2012, 06:29 PM
I'm a complete introvert; used to hate it when I'd get invited to parties / nights out on the town because the mass social interaction used to be something I'd never be comfortable with. Add that to me not drinking alcohol (I don't like the feeling of being under the influence and found most alcoholic drinks disgusting) and it felt like I was always 'that guy who never comes out'. I find that I'm happiest either on my own or in a small group of people, but I still had people constantly on my back trying to drag me here there and everywhere when I really had no interest in it.

It's a double-edged sword really; it means I can relax easily enough without feeling like I need to heavily interact but it also means that retaining a consistent circle of friends is all but impossible when they're extroverted. I barely see most of the people I grew up with now because they're all extroverts but I still don't think introverts should be criticized for it.

To be honest though, being introverted itself isn't a bad thing by any means; it just makes some things a lot more difficult. Talking to someone you don't know for the first time as an introvert is a horrible experience.

Mar 16, 2012, 09:19 PM
I dunno I thought this article was pretty uninteresting since a lot of these points and conclusions can be reach on ones own if you've taken any entry level or beginner college psych courses.

This article reminds me of a kid who feels good that he understands something and explains why a clever joke is funny, when everyone already knows it.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:10 PM
I'm an introvert. I hate people, and socializing with people, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:19 PM
I'm an introvert. I hate people, and socializing with people, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This pretty much sums up my life.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:35 PM
Funny. I wouldn't be so much of an introvert if I didn't have such a crippling case of social anxiety disorder.

Of course, the internet being what it is, I behave very differently on here than in person. I would probably have a hard time of it if it didn't exist...

Mar 17, 2012, 07:44 AM
Cool article. I've long considered myself sort of a "closet" introvert. I'm fairly outgoing and relaxed in most social situations, and I get on pretty well with new people or even complete strangers, but I get worn out quickly when I spend too much time with someone or a group of someones. I need a lot of down time to recharge.

Mar 17, 2012, 12:46 PM
Pardon me for saying this:

I hate the idea that psychology creates a label for everything. If you are a "Silent one" that "keeps to himself" then hey, guess what! You're an introvert. Hey, if you like to talk to people and can be a socialite, wait now...you're an extrovert.

How about if we go between super happy and super sad moods, maybe as a side effect to a pill or drug in some treatment regiment. Or maybe we just get depressed because of the place we are in or life we are living, oh wait....Now we are told by going opposite we are Bipolar..

Introvert and Extrovert are considered to actually referenced under people with "extreme versions" of that personality, with "problems occuring" on simply not having a balance of both halves. Some nations consider this to be a disease and drug people to submission. Others make basic articles on this because of all the psych students who want to actually write a disertation or put some paper out under their name, so they come out with these things.

Mar 17, 2012, 01:13 PM
Funny. I wouldn't be so much of an introvert if I didn't have such a crippling case of social anxiety disorder.

Of course, the internet being what it is, I behave very differently on here than in person. I would probably have a hard time of it if it didn't exist...

Even if I didn't have anxiety issues, I'd probably still keep to myself. Life's easier that way, at least on a non-professional level.

Also, I'd see it safe to wager that most people act differently on the internet. Like, I'm sarcastic, rude, and an all-around prick. Definitely not how I act outside of digital mediums (extremely shy, meek, and always looking down).

Mar 17, 2012, 01:15 PM
Basic rule of psychology, we have every disorder and mental illness. Plus I am a super extrovert!!!! People that are introverts usually I bring out their other side. 8-) Just that cool.

Also, I'd see it safe to wager that most people act differently on the internet. Like, I'm sarcastic, rude, and an all-around prick. Definitely not how I act outside of digital mediums (extremely shy, meek, and always looking down).

The way I act on the internet is how I act in real life. I really don't have an alternate alias. But awesome, you sound pretty chill in real life.

Mar 17, 2012, 06:15 PM
I tend to be the sort of person who isn't specifically opposed to social interaction, I just don't go looking for it. If you want to talk with me, that is fine if you have something I actually want to listen to. If not, then I'm not bothered either way and will gladly keep to myself.

Essentially, I like socializing when it isn't empty BS to take up time.

Ghost Inside
Mar 17, 2012, 09:08 PM
I'm an introvert. I hate people, and socializing with people, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Same here. ._.
That said, I'm fiercely loyal to the few friends I have and treasure them dearly!
So there are some people I like for sure, just "people" in general terms I hate.

And... I'm really not sure how people perceive me online.
But I'm sure I'd seem a lot more shy in person.

I'm that person that 's stands by herself most of the time and seems to be able to whip out awkward silence faster than Houdini could whip out cards.
People tend to get pretty impatient with me when asking me things. I don't like it... It's like people expects me to be talkative, but I'm really just shy and ponderous.
And I think I have issues with attention/working memory too, that doesn't help for sure. ._.

Nitro Vordex
Mar 18, 2012, 01:28 AM
The thing is, extrovert and introvert aren't black and white. There are merely degrees of introvert and extrovert; someone who is considered "introvert" at school may be an "extrovert" at work. I think that introvert and extrovert can be put on at any time, but there's never a one or the other, they both have degrees and ranges, and even specific different preferences. Maybe someone does like to go out (extrovert), but only likes to go out with maybe one of two people(introvert) to places that aren't extremely crowded(slightly introvert). This person may seem like they're introverted on paper, but when they're with this group they may seem outgoing and energetic(an extroverted trait).

Personally, I'd like to think I'm more introverted, as large groups and parties seem to exhaust me. But I'm pretty outgoing with small groups. So it just kinda depends on the social situation, or if I'm even being social. Though, it's kinda hard to be outgoing when you're by yourself.

Mar 18, 2012, 03:19 AM
I can tell you right now that I'm pretty introverted, lol. It wasn't until after high school that I started becoming more sociable with people.

This thread reminds me of the Myers-Briggs personality types. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-briggs) There should be some sites online that can help you determine what type you are through a series of questions. I think I ended up being an INTJ.

Mar 18, 2012, 03:50 AM
Interesting little test I took involving that. My 'Introvert' percentage was 89%, and my 'Thinking' percentage was 75%. Everything else was rather low. I got INTJ, as well.

But, Nitro had a good point. There are sociable introverts, and distant extroverts. The line is blurred, and obviously not 100%, like anything else.

Mar 18, 2012, 06:09 AM
As a little bitty kid, I used to be super extroverted, then during my late teenage years I became sharply introverted and pessimistic, and now in my early 20s I'm becoming gradually more extroverted again and yet still filled with endless pessimism. As silly as it sounds, when people invite me out to have fun/socialize/lounge about, I take them up on it, but by no means do I expect to have a good time. I guess since nothing especially terrible happens, I keep hanging out with people, even though my mindset never changes.

I do know that several times over the last few years, changes in conditions have led to me becoming a much more optimistic and sociable person for brief periods of time, but the outlook for the whole of the foreseeable future is endless pessimism, not necessarily exclusive to being antisocial.

My main reason for becoming more extroverted isn't necessarily by choice, but out of necessity. I'm reaching the point where I've decided what I want to do with my life (career-wise), and I realize I need more practical experience, information, and connections to get where I want to be. I suppose that means at my heart, I probably am still stuck in this antisocial rut, but if I don't break out of it, I feel like I won't be able to anything worthwhile with my life. Not to say that I'm a fish out of water when I'm conversing with people or doing public speaking, I would just prefer not to get in the spotlight if it's not absolutely necessary. But it is in this case.

As an aside, I've found that I'm a lot more straightforward and rude to people in person than I am online. Though I swear about a jillion times more online than I do in person. I might be the only person I've ever been familiar with who is nicer on the internet than in person.