View Full Version : Differences between PSP, PSP2 and PSP2I?

Apr 2, 2012, 02:28 AM
Hey everyone, I'm new here by the way.

As the thread topic says, I'm wondering about the differences between all of the Phantasy Star Portable games. I'm going to get a PSP pretty soon, and they all pretty much look the same to me from what I've seen. I've looked at other sources, but I figure that PSO-World can probably give me a more 'in-depth' description of the games and their similarities/differences.

Apr 2, 2012, 10:45 AM
PS-P is the most simular to psu. PS-P2 is different in many aspects but it has that PSU style. PS-P2i is basicaly PS-P2 but more flushed out and some added story to it. it was, howerever, never realeased in america so you'll be expericing the game and be saying "WTF is this/that how i do this/that" though to credit this site DOSE have a link to a translation guide. find the PS-P2i translation guide tread on the forms and you should find it.

Apr 2, 2012, 12:03 PM
If they still sell the Defender's Pack, it comes with both Phantasy Star Portable and Phantasy Star Portable 2 at a cheap price.

Apr 2, 2012, 12:11 PM
If they still sell the Defender's Pack, it comes with both Phantasy Star Portable and Phantasy Star Portable 2 at a cheap price.
That has been cancelled several months back. Originally it was supposed to be out in December or so, then got delayed, but is cancelled without much of a warning.

Apr 2, 2012, 05:33 PM
johnwolf touched on some basics, but I think you'd be better off knowing a little more.

Portable 1 is, in my opinion, only good for the story. They are events that happen between PSU and AotI. Everything, but the story, is in Portable 2: weapons, missions, etc. Plus more. This also includes a greatly improved play/battle system. The story is also completely new and takes place after AotI's story.

Now for the best part. Portable 2: Infinity! EVERYTHING from Portable 2, PLUS a whole lot more! Just in Japanese only. Don't let that scare you! Many who don't have any knowledge of Japanese are playing this, thanks to DeviFoxx's guide. You'll even pick up/improve upon your Japanese through this. Anyway, you get a whole new extra story, more weapons/items/decorations/missions/etc. Also, there are Infinity Missions (IMs), which are comparable to Treasure Maps (or whatever they're called in the English version) in Dragon Quest IX. So that means doing IMs gives you more IMs. Each IM has random attributes, like random area, monsters & bosses. EVEN MORESO, you can rebirth in Infinity! After you hit level 200, you can rebirth with better stats!

OK, I said a lot more than I hoped to, but hopefully this gives you a good idea. I know it's a very biased post/explanation, but hey, I love Infinity. You will, too.

Oh yeah, you also get special items for transferring characters from Portable 1 to Portable 2. Likewise with P2 to P2:I. So if you want those, just buy all 3 games. Also, DeviFoxx's guide only covers the story in Episode 2 of Infinity, so if you want to comprehend Episode 1 (P2's story), then play that Episode on P2, not the Infinity version. Or you can see the story segments for P1&2 on YouTube and just move on to Infinity. The choice is your's.

Also, if you want to play online with Infinity (highly recommended), you MUST buy a new copy. You can possibly get a new copy for cheap. I got mine for $20. Don't worry about region restrictions, either. Your PSP can play either.

Apr 4, 2012, 09:16 PM
PSP1 would be the best if online play was possible and the cap was 200.

PSP2 is fun, but gets old pretty fast.

PSP2i is the best but of course, in Japanese only. Would've been amazing if they skipped over PSP2 and just released PSP2i, but SEGA is run by monkeys.

Apr 4, 2012, 09:26 PM
PSP2i is the best but of course, in Japanese only. Would've been amazing if they skipped over PSP2 and just released PSP2i, but SEGA is run by monkeys.
Given that Infinity was announced shortly before the English version of PSP2 went on sale, that wouldn't have been a financially viable option. The translation was finished and UMDs likely pressed at when the new game was announced.

May 17, 2012, 09:15 PM
PSP1 would be the best if online play was possible and the cap was 200.

PSP2 is fun, but gets old pretty fast.

PSP2i is the best but of course, in Japanese only. Would've been amazing if they skipped over PSP2 and just released PSP2i, but SEGA is run by monkeys.

Why would you consider PSP1 better than PSP2? I'm confused, because PSP2 has virtually twice the amount of content, plus it has personal room customization and a few other features.

Also, is a new copy required to play PSP2 (Non-Infinity) online? Not really concerned whether or not I play online at all, but I'd still like to know.

May 17, 2012, 09:44 PM
Certain... Issues, made the Little Wing licenses for PSP2 useless, so there's nothing barring you from playing online with a used copy.

May 17, 2012, 09:51 PM
Just watch out for the people with bright multi colored names and most level 200's.

May 23, 2012, 07:57 PM
ok IMO
psp has the best story of any phantasy star game and got rid of the stupid crafting that i hate so much its only real crutch is lack of online mode and that its basically psu/atoi so game play feels like youve done it before
psp2 story is meh but game play is improved greatly with a new combat system new modes are added from phantasy stars past like battle challenge
psp2i story? game play is pretty much the same with minor tweaks and new stuff added RA weapons that have pa is reason enough to get this game but to top that off they added a new race sadly its jp only
hope 5 days is not to long to necro a thread

May 27, 2012, 03:15 AM
Why would you consider PSP1 better than PSP2? I'm confused, because PSP2 has virtually twice the amount of content, plus it has personal room customization and a few other features.

Also, is a new copy required to play PSP2 (Non-Infinity) online? Not really concerned whether or not I play online at all, but I'd still like to know.

I think PSP1 is better because the combat is more fun. Honestly, the chain system is boring is heck and isn't a solution to button mashing. Now instead of mashing triangle for flashy combos, you mash square for simple, dull combos. It's not "tactical" or requires strategy at all, it just slows the gameplay down.

And I agree with the content thing. PSP is inferior to PSP2 in content and customization, but the gameplay is better in my opinion.

May 27, 2012, 04:30 AM
The thing about the chain system is that it helps some weapons and breaks others.
Particulary, the duration of P.A animations changes alot of things.
If you get knocked away or knocked down during the chain break then that would disastrous in effectivness.

PSP1 donīt really have any downside there.
But the weapons are too strong instead.

Also, auto-lockon on ranged weapons like Laser Cannon doesnīt help at all.
Wasted potential, imo.