View Full Version : Phantasy Star Zero Revival 2 Recruitment Thread

Apr 2, 2012, 05:39 PM

Welcome everyone to the second recruitment thread for the most successful Phantasy Star Zero group on PSO-World. What makes our group different and more active than other groups on PSO-World is our approach towards keeping the group active. Twice a month, I will host a gathering, also known as a Revival, and all you have to do is attend on these Revival days to remain in the group. However, if you miss two revivals, then you are eliminated from the group. However, the ban is not permanent; all you have to do is send me a PM asking to be reinvited and you'll be welcomed back in (and I suppose a reasonable excuse as to why you were absent, but that's not mandatory). Lastly, all Revival information is available on the information board of the group page. Something else to keep in mind is that if you cannot make a Revival, you can ask to be exempted from it provided that you have a reasonable excuse, such as a real life issue.


*Notice: A new rule has been added where new members must attend their first Revival. If they don't have a reasonable excuse for being absent, they'll be removed from the group after that revival instead of having to wait for the second.

1. You must have a forum post count of 10 for activity reasons. *Effective on April 21st* *Temporarily removed on Septemper 4th*
2. If you wish to join up, please either leave a post in this thread, or send me a PM with the following information:

PSO-World account:
Friend Code:
DS Username:
Preferrable Difficulties:
Time Zone:

Character 1:
Character 2:
Character 3:

Here is an example of a typical profile in the spoiler box below:
[SPOILER-BOX]PSO-World account: Sugar Satellite
Friend Code: 1337 9001 9999
DS Username: Fairy
Preferable Difficulties: N, H, SH
Time Zone: GMT + 09:00

Character 1: Sunny Milk - Lv100 RAmarl
Character 2: StarSapphire - Lv56 FOmarl
Character 3: Luna Child - Lv9 HUmarl[/SPOILER-BOX]

And finally here is our MEMBERS LIST (http://j.mp/pszrmembers). Filling the above profile and joining the group will get you included in the list.


[SPOILER-BOX]If you haven't checked in for the last 24 hours, then yes, the group has finally been disbanded due to a lack of interest from the host AND the co-host.

I, however, didn't want this to happen. Especailly given the fact that we were oh-so-close to our 1-year mark. There are still many members interested in playing Phantasy Star Zero, and just because two people don't want to doesn't mean the rest of us need to follow suit. Which is why I've decided to take action.

What I have in mind is the exact same sort of group as the PSZR was, only with a new leader (who happens to have tons of free time on his hands up until June... September at the latest and maybe even more). I would host regular revivals twice a month, allow other members to host their own revivals, post pictures, etc, and most of all, I will be able to invite people from the get-go rather than having to wait for a day that won't come. If I can gather interest from at least 10 users, I will create this group. By the same token, if many of you think it was time for this group to come to a close, then...

Writing and repairing the front page will be an all day project for me. Friend Codes, Time Zones... hell, even current difficulty levels and maybe even character names. I'll state again that I DO have this sort of time on my hands. I'll be able to check in every morning, and late night (EST).

Lastly, if the mods think this belongs in the Player Matchup section, then please do. However, I have posted here in hopes to gather attention.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Apr 2, 2012, 06:06 PM
I'm willing, as I didn't get to play much with the old group but I guess it really depends on you vets in the end.

But I'm all for it.

Apr 2, 2012, 06:21 PM
hi there, I would be willing to join up to help out, I hope that this new group will turn out ok.

Apr 2, 2012, 06:24 PM
So do I.

Counting Shape who has expressed interest via PM, we now have 4. Cyst and a few others also expressed interest earlier, so I think I'll just go ahead and write the future Front Page.


Apr 2, 2012, 06:41 PM
I would like to join, I don't think I'm done with the game. While I took a long break and am not quite done enjoying other projects, I feel a second wind stirring. And although I didn't post a whole lot in the 2012 board I still checked and wanted to be updated with the going ons of the game. Revivals are hard for me because I work second shift monday-friday and like to spend my week-ends with my girlfriend, since while we live together, working opposite shifts we don't really get to see each other during the week. I will however push games with the times I have available.

Apr 2, 2012, 07:02 PM
Count me in. I think it would be VERY useful to create some web-based application for the group roster where everyone who joins can add himself to the list and fill in some details about his time zone etc. And the ability for admins to remove lines with inactive users just by clicking on [X] near them. Or, alternatively, it would be good to make an additional cell where the last user's login date will be stored (periodically updated when triggered by user's login or manually by revival's hoster), and the line will be automatically deleted if the time gap between last login and today exceeds 1 month or 2 weeks.

Apr 2, 2012, 07:27 PM
@Lune: That's a bit hard for me to understand; right now I'm considering just staying Vanilla, but could you elaborate on this possible web-based application?

@Mustache: You don't have to feel pressured to play if you don't want to. I know you usually check in all the time so I don't think I would be kicking you out for inactivity anytime soon :)


Apr 2, 2012, 08:04 PM
Probably, later. I'm too busy now with upcoming conference in my university.

Apr 2, 2012, 09:02 PM
I'm going to be headed to sleep soon. I plan to get this up and running tomorrow morning. I am about halfway done writing the Information board (I'm having way too much fun with it) and I also plan to send out invites to everyone who posts in this thread. See you all tomorrow. =)

Apr 2, 2012, 09:02 PM
I was waiting for this. :D

Apr 2, 2012, 09:05 PM
And while I'm here, I might as well part with a little goodnight gift.

-Including a member profile for each PSZR2 member. This profile
will include Time Zone information, character information, and
prefered difficulties/available difficulties. Maybe I'll include
more, but nothing comes to mind right now. Here is an example of
my planned template:

PSO-World account: Sugar Satellite
DS Username: Fairy
Friend Code: 1337-9001-9999
Difficulty: Super Hard
Time Zone: GMT + 09:00

Character 1: Sunny Milk - Lv100 RAmarl
Character 2: StarSapphire - Lv56 FOmarl
Character 3: Luna Child - Lv9 HUmarl

If any future member could fill this out just like so, I will post it in the information board. Thanks in advance.

Apr 2, 2012, 10:16 PM
I am interested in joining, but I'll still be unable to play for some time.

Apr 3, 2012, 12:04 AM
I shall help you recruit and organize, Shanks. I've been annoying people's visitor walls for runs for quite some time. :D

Apr 3, 2012, 12:13 AM
I'm definately interested in this. I'm expecting an invite ;)

Apr 3, 2012, 03:13 AM
Sure, I've got interest. I never even got the chance to join the old one, anyhow. I've still been kinda here and there but at this point it's just me spacing out on stuff and a good yank like a scheduled run or something should do something.

Apr 3, 2012, 04:05 AM
I cannot promise I will be active, however I am interested in joining ^^

Apr 3, 2012, 07:48 AM
Group is created and invites have been or are being sent out. I am still going to spend another hour or so this morning polishing, such as posting a few pictures and such.

EDIT: I've sent out invites to 23 people, four of which have already accepted. If you would like an invite, post here or send me a PM :)

EDIT2: I've gotta get to work soon. See you guys in about 6 hours.

Apr 3, 2012, 09:05 AM
Congrats Doctor Shanks I hope all Goes well with the new group and many happy Group Days for all of you

Apr 3, 2012, 10:29 AM
I knew it wouldn't be long before a new PSZ-R group takes over, but not THAT fast. :-o

Apr 3, 2012, 12:24 PM
I knew it wouldn't be long before a new PSZ-R group takes over, but not THAT fast. :-o
Fast is a good thing here in my oppinion. Great job of grabbing it and going with it.

Apr 4, 2012, 07:56 PM
We're already at 18 members with another 9 pending. The last revival had 39 before it was closed, and we're already almost halfway there without all the inactives =)

Apr 4, 2012, 10:28 PM
If anyone ever asks about mags in your new group, Doctor, I want to remind you of this thread for easy reference: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192672

Good luck with the PSZ-R 2. :)

Apr 5, 2012, 02:42 PM
just a little recommendation Doctor Shanks. when I started the original Revival I wanted to Cap membership at 20 active members opening invites after bans. of course the Membership cap went up in time. I did this because event days were easier to handle say up to 12 people and 2 designated co-hosts. play around with it and see how it works out. a perfect event day consisted of about 8 people showing up with 2 people set as designated hosts. hope that helps ya. a group of around 30 actives would be my recommended cap to ya. but its your group play around with it and see how it goes best for you

Apr 5, 2012, 07:21 PM
@AtBHR: I'll probably put the URLs to a bunch of important links on the information board. Thanks.

@Windy: That may have been the case when you were just starting up, but I believe we are REstarting this time around. We have old and new members, and an advanced members list for simple organization with bans and FC info. For this reason, I am indeed capping at 30 members instead of 20, mostly because we already have 21 members and another few pending. The cap will raise over time as interest in the group does.

Designated hosts huh? I remember in the last group, people would step up and say they wanted to be that guy. I think it'll be the case this time around as well since I don't want to pressure anyone.

Apr 5, 2012, 11:06 PM
I have no doubts you will do great Doctor Shanks. Sorry I didn't copy and paste all those FC codes for you to get started. I wish I had made a copy of the page to hand down to the next crew my mistake and my appologies. from what I've been watching you are going to be just fine. have fun and many more nice runs on PSZ

Apr 7, 2012, 07:41 PM
You don't have to worry about that Windy :). I tried to re-type everything as I remembered it, but I don't think I remembered any one sentence word for word. Either way, I think what I've written for the group right now works fine. I've also had everyone re-submit their Friend Codes and we have that awesome chart that LuneFox has going on (in my signature).

@Windy/AtBHR: The both of you are also welcome to join in if you wish to converse with any of the members. You don't have to play and you would be forever protected from ban.

Apr 10, 2012, 11:11 AM

I love getting involved in communities for the games that I play, so I would love to be involved in this. I'm hoping I'll be available for the two revival days each month. How much notice will we get for those days?

I'm in the 41st floor of Hard Eternal Tower right now, so I should have my friend code ready to post in the next couple days or so.

Apr 10, 2012, 01:54 PM
Sign me up , I decided to get the game today after over a year of putting it down sadly I have to start all over again . But I have to quench my phantasy star addiction somehow till PSO2 arrives , and I don't want to be lonely till then . And I got plenty of free time to help out anyway necessary .

Apr 16, 2012, 05:51 PM
I may not have been active on this forum for QUITE some time but I came back looking for people to play with and...looks like I've found some, if you'll have me. I had to rebuy the game after my old one got fried due to former roommate issues so I am not very high level on it just yet.

Apr 17, 2012, 02:22 PM
Well... it seems i missed out alot... hehehe well guys after finishing up on a few games and work isnt being a pain... i can officially come back and play, please note that my work hours seem to change from time to time.... and at nights I sometimes have to choose what games to take on for the night.. if there is anyone who stays up past midnight EST then we can work something out. I almost thought of trading my game in at one point since i was kicked from the group and no one replied to my profile on anything. Anyways, I see things have changed and some players left...

So how about it? Can I join and maybe give a helping hand? would be nice if we could use skype while playing too.. im usual doing that while playing some 3DS/DS games or PC games...

EDIT: now that i know PSO2's jp server will be up this summer.... im praying for a somewhat "worldwide" release...

Apr 18, 2012, 11:40 AM
It just dawned on me that I need to completely re-write the outdated OP on this thread. I'm at my placement right now so I'm not really able to do that without a whole bunch of people looking over my shoulder. But the things I plan to mention and link to are:

-The member list
-The profile (which is required to be filled out)
-Basic info on the revival.
-Our current success and 30 member count
-Next revival date
-And possibly the next planned revival after that date.

Anything else I should mention when I update the thread?

Apr 18, 2012, 09:01 PM
Join us! We have pizza ...boxes!

Apr 19, 2012, 04:41 PM
Funny how a piece of cardboard is one of the best armors in the game. :-P

Apr 20, 2012, 08:41 AM
Funny how a piece of cardboard is one of the best armors in the game. :-P

Haven't found the Pizza shop yet (I know where to look, but it likes to hide from me)

Apr 20, 2012, 12:04 PM
Look offline in Arca and Shrine in all difficulty. It has a 2% chance of appearing in both halves of the area. You should find it eventually if you look enough. Once you find one, dump 99 digrinders and you have the best armor until you can get a seven armor one on SH.

Apr 22, 2012, 11:00 AM
Well, the first revival as a success. Of the 32 members that we have now, a total of 15 showed up with another 5 excused. Everyone had fun, and I'm glad =)

The 10 post pre-requisite is in play now.

Apr 24, 2012, 04:16 PM
I'n interested in joining, and Shanks, I've already sent you a PM. I have a question though, how do revivals work, I mean, we aren't all going to fit into a game based for 4 players, I suppose there's a bunch of games going on at once and we all just hang out in a forum or IRC?

Apr 24, 2012, 04:48 PM
A revival is basically a bunch of games, yes. We usually organize parties right on the group's page, but a chat idea has already been proposed and implemented, too, although nobody uses it. I still think a chatroom is a good idea, though, especially now that I'm a mod there.

Apr 25, 2012, 12:51 PM
a chat idea has already been proposed and implemented, too, although nobody uses it.

R..really? I honestly had no idea this existed. Link please? We can probably use this instead for the next revival and for real-time chats for games in between revivals.

Apr 25, 2012, 03:37 PM
Chaos has agreed (I think) to donate his site's (http://z7.invisionfree.com/Final_Phantasy_Zero/index.php) chatroom for the cause. The chat itself: LINK (http://fpzlobby.chatango.com/).

Apr 25, 2012, 06:04 PM
I'm going to ask permission first. If all's good then I'll put the link on the information board to gather attention. This could be a very useful tool.

Apr 26, 2012, 12:45 PM
I'd just like to note that the next event is tomorrow and will last all day. The occasion being: tomorrow is the first anniversary of the original Phantasy Star Zero Revival. I'm not sure if many games will be played, but I just hope everyone will be able to check in and say happy birthday.

And I suppose to celebrate, we'll be working setting up Skype or a Chatroom for us really soon. We may already have a chatroom available as seen in the last couple of posts, but we're just waiting for the word from Chaos.

May 2, 2012, 10:47 AM
I just ordered this game. I have never played it. Looking forward to giving it a go.

I normally play PSO on Sega Dreamcast. There is only 5 or 6 regular players and I think we still manage to have an active and fun community. In spite of our low numbers, there are still daily games. kind of exciting :D

Anyway, I think this revival is kind of funny because it seems pretty populated to me. Much more populated than what I am currently considering to be a wonderful and active community. So, don't get discouraged. You are doing just fine!

And, you will have one more player when:
A) my game arrives, and
B) I spam 9 messages somewhere on the site to meet access requirements ;-)

May 2, 2012, 11:02 AM
This game is pretty similar to PSO in my opinion. I once referred to it as "Phantasy Star Online Easy Mode," but it's only easy after you figure the game out :P

And yeah, despite the name, we do have quite a few active (or hopefully active) players remaining. We've got around 6 people in the chatroom every night, and there are some players who play but don't check in all too often. Not to be discouraging, but the number of members will drop a little very soon.

The best games are always the ones that have only a handful of daily players huh? Small communities are awesome where everyone knows everyone.

May 2, 2012, 11:18 AM
Hearing that this game was similar to PSO on the DC was my number 1 reason for checking it out. I've checked out some psz vids on YouTube, and it did look like the PSO that I know and adore
There are no lobbies in the game, Correct? That would be weird for me, as hanging out in the lobby is a fun part of the game imo :-P

And yes. Quality over quantity, always

May 2, 2012, 11:30 AM
Well, the best I can explain online mode is like this:

-Select Nintendo WFC from the character's menu. (Keep in mind you need an Unencrypted or WEP encrypted router to connect to WFC. Private connections tend to work better).

-When you log on, you're greeted with 3 options. Play with Friends, Free Play, or Play Alone.

--Play with Friends is as close to a lobby as we're going to get. You get two options from here, being "Join Party" or "Form Party." When you select Form, other people (only those on your friend roster) will be able to join your party. When people join, you'll be able to chat with them using the touchscreen. (This game doesn't use a soft keyboard; you need to write everything out just like Pictochat or Swapnote). Once you press A to start, the party is "Set" and unlike in PSO, nobody else can join you. If you want to play with others, you need to quit and reform the party. Join party allows you to see who is online, who is forming a party, and who is already in a party/run. Yeah, this game got Nintendo'd hard.

--Free Play is a random matchup based on whatever options you specify. You get a list of 19 preset phrases that you get to use. Once the run is over, there's nothing left to do other than disconnect. Yeah, this game got Nintendo'd hard.

--Play Alone is just as the name implies. Only this time, you get a 25% bonus to your drop rates, and the enemies are harder than offline.

I recommend clearing Story Mode before logging on since the enemies are way too hard even on Normal Mode.

May 2, 2012, 12:03 PM
Hmm, all of that kind of sounds like a bummer! ( L0L, Nintendo'd hard)

Part of the fun of the game is having people randomly join your team mid game. You never really know what you're going to get. I am kind of bummed that this isn't possible with psz...

Nintendo did a pretty decent job with PSO ep2, don't be so harsh on 'em. :-P

The game has now arrived! But I can't find a "friend code" anywhere in/on the package. Is this something that is only accessible within the software?

Played the game, love it. It's very psoish, just cuter :P
Still haven't figured out the online stuff. The ds asked me to downgrade security to wep :(
Anyway, FaithY is now level 4 and loving' it!

May 11, 2012, 09:28 PM
I was directed to this group for looking for active people to play with, so i'll throw my hat into the ring. I am an expert player, but rarely ever go online, so forgive my strange tendencies at first.

PSO-World account: argh4430
Friend Code:2752 6806 8211
DS Username: Casey
Preferrable Difficulties: Hard or Super, but I can do Normal as well.
Time Zone:Eastern time zone, U.S.

Character 1: Relena, FOmarl, LV99
Character 2: Fortuna, HUnewearl, LV45
Character 3: Deano, RAcast, LV1

May 14, 2012, 12:35 PM
I'll be down to play anytime this week so just let me know.

PSO-World account: Rath-Kun
Friend Code:3524 2142 8715
DS Username: Rath
Preferrable Difficulties: Super for Rath, but I'll play anything.
Time Zone: PST, Pacific Time

Character 1: Rath, HUmar Lv85
Character 2: Kaiser, RAcast Lv32
Character 3: Marle, FOmarl Lv 18

May 16, 2012, 01:57 PM
Time to get back into business.

PSO-World account: Harlocke
Friend Code: 3869 1221 2218
DS Username: Harlocke
Preferrable Difficulties: Supah Hawd
Time Zone: EST

Character 1: Harlocke ⚫ Lv. 93
Character 2: N/A
Character 3: N/A

May 23, 2012, 10:35 AM
*Notice: A new rule has been added where new members must attend their first Revival. If they don't have a reasonable excuse for being absent, they'll be removed from the group after that revival instead of having to wait for the second.

It totally slipped my mind to update this. The reason we have this rule in play is to futher ensure that we are only inviting and keeping active PSO-World members.

Jun 3, 2012, 08:32 PM
I'm interested!

PSO-World account: ArrayD06
Friend Code: 2666 8065 8315
DS Username: Wank
Preferrable Difficulties: Super Hard, but I'll be willing to do Normal or Hard to help others out (I'm slightly over-leveled for Normal and Hard...)
Time Zone: Pacific Time

Character 1: Aqua Edge, FOmarl, LV1
Character 2: Bloody Howling, Fonewmn, LV89
Character 3: Rameesh, FOmar, LV100

Is there a way I'll find out if I'm registered or not? Oh and how do I find out when the upcoming arrivals are?

Jun 3, 2012, 08:44 PM
Hm... interesting group, though that 10 post thing was kinda random, guess I might just have to go off and be nostalgic about PSO on that board for a bit, hahaha!

Anywho, I'll just leave my info here for whenever I pass that threshold.

PSO-World account: Lorimaz
Friend Code: 5156 3834 1878
DS Username: Gregory
Preferrable Difficulties: Any is fine, I've got a character that's suited for each.
Time Zone: Eastern Time

Character 1: Leonard, LV 96 RAmar
Character 2: Isaac, LV 50 FOnewm
Character 3: Marco, LV 30 HUcast

Chaos Rappy
Jun 3, 2012, 09:00 PM
Is there a way I'll find out if I'm registered or not? Oh and how do I find out when the upcoming arrivals are?

I'm sure he'll either post here and tell you, or he'll PM you that you've been accepted when you do. After that, you just need to go to the group page and accept the invite, and you'll be good. ^_^

Also, all revival meets will be posted in the header for the group page, so you won't have to go digging through the posts to find out about it like it's a secret. If you have any ideas for revival meets as well, feel free to PM Shanks with that information as well, and he might just make it happen for you. ;P

Jun 3, 2012, 09:13 PM
Ohh ok thanks!

Jun 4, 2012, 10:15 AM
Here's to the next hour or two doing revival business whilst having nothing to do at my placement ^^

Well, 9 posts is okay I suppose, just be sure to make one more meaningful post eventually. By any chance Array, are you in contact with Lorimaz IRL? It's just both of your posts were so coincidentally close together that I'm curious. And to Lorimaz, yes, you'll be invited the second you hit that 10 post count :)

This reminds me, I need to consider bringing back that "Recommendations exception rule where if someone knows someone else, it'll be a free invitation to the group without needing a post count."

Jun 4, 2012, 12:19 PM
By any chance Array, are you in contact with Lorimaz IRL? It's just both of your posts were so coincidentally close together that I'm curious. And to Lorimaz, yes, you'll be invited the second you hit that 10 post count :)

Nah, it's just coincidence. I felt like finding people that still played PSZero online, and wanted a bigger group than the single people I usually found in Free Play. So since I saw certain posts like that were generally active around here, I felt like dropping some posts myself to see if I could find someone to play with, just at the same time as Array, apparently, hehe! XD

Jun 4, 2012, 04:37 PM
Yeah it's like Lorimaz said, it's just coincidence lol.

I was scrambling slightly to get 10 posts w/o trying to bs random comments lol.

Jun 5, 2012, 08:49 PM
Whoa you still play chaos? Anyway, I've had far too much time on my hands this summer alongside the job hunting. I need something to do and play so I figured, why not pick this up again?

PSO-World account: Captain_Headshot
Friend Code: 0775-4460-6871
DS Username: Red
Preferrable Difficulties: Hard and Super I don't really care usually though I just want to play!
Time Zone: GMT -05:00 EST

Character 1: CptHeadShot 100 RAmar
Character 2: Wing Gundam 100 HUcast
Character 3: Magic Adept 76 FOmarl

Chaos Rappy
Jun 5, 2012, 09:22 PM
Whoa you still play chaos?

It's almost as if you thought I would actually leave the PSZ community here if I could prevent it, haha! XP

But, yeah, I'm still here. Unable to connect with anyone due to router issues at the place I use the internet of, but as much here as I can be at the moment. Good to see you again, I thought I recognized the name when I heard you'd been invited to PSZR2. Welcome aboard, and have a Rappy day! :P

Jun 17, 2012, 07:29 PM
Don't make threads asking others to play PSZ. Just join this group.

Jun 21, 2012, 03:58 PM
May I please join? I first got the game 2-3 yrs ago. since then I've recruited 8 active people I play with on a daily basis

Jun 21, 2012, 06:36 PM
Certainly. Just post or PM your profile and I'll add you as soon as possible :)

Jun 27, 2012, 09:13 PM
This group looks interesting... I like it! ^o^b

CAN I JOIN?! ^o^

It's sad to see my FCs offline... ;n;


thank you! ^o^b

Looking forward to play with you all!
PSO-World account: CookieSundae
Friend Code: 0991 4310 2606
DS Username: Cookie
Preferrable Difficulties: Any diffculty! I'm down with anything! ^o^b
Time Zone: -8 GMT // Pacific Time Zone

Character 1: Yoshitake Lv 68 FOMar [cosplaying Yoshitake Tanaka LOL] [Main]
Character 2: CookieSundae Lv 100 HUNewearl [My first created character]
Character 3: Cookie Cake Lv 93 FONewearl [Main]
Character 0: CookieSundae HuMar Lv 100 [Deleted]

Jul 12, 2012, 01:21 PM
Bump. We've fallen into the depths of page 2 it seems.

ANYway, my Hiatus shouldn't last too much longer now so I'm bringing this group back into full force starting today. At present, I am updating all the members lists, left a couple of notes in the chat room, banned a couple of inactive members, and distributed warnings to the two who haven't showed up in a little while. I am currently writing out the information for the next revival. I don't have a clever name, but it'll be a plain themed one where we can hopefully all just gather up like old times. I THINK I'm only missing information from Street482 (if he's posted it, then I seem to have lost it unfortunately) and after I get it, I should be all caught up on this work. I've got a half hour to do it though so it may not all be done in time for today, but definitely by tomorrow.

Aug 4, 2012, 07:09 PM
Bump! :D

Sep 4, 2012, 09:18 PM
Daggart and I kind of decided that we are going to try removing the 10 post pre-requisite just to see how it goes with any potential new members. Our member count has been falling due to the release of other games, but anyone else who is still active on PSZero is more than welcome to join.