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Apr 22, 2012, 04:43 PM
I don't quite yet understand the stats/race/class balance of PSO2 yet.

Humans are easy. They're the jack of all trades, blah blah blah.

Usually, casts have high power and accuracy and low mst?

Neumans have high mst and speed/dodge and a low accuracy? This confuses me for this game though, since most of the dodging is done manually...

Are all these things still true?

Apr 22, 2012, 05:54 PM
I don't know if it is true but,
people told me online that if you never want to play a force, make a cast because they get better stats as a ranger and hunter than humans or newman.

I hope it is not true, because Humans would be useless again unless you want to make a Hunter or Ranger with Force as their subclass.

Apr 22, 2012, 06:18 PM
Attack is split between physical (S-ATK), ranged (R-ARK) and magic (T-ATK). Defense is treated the same. Humans are average, Newman get -S-ATK =R-ATK +T-ATK, Casts have =S-ATK +R-ATK -T-ATK. Typically males get better physical stats while females get better support. Each class has its own primary attribute, but the other two can be useful for mixed weapons like the Gunslash. Hopefully the full release will have more of those kinds of weapons, and we'll have to see what's up with the whole sub-class thing or whatever it is.

In the end, though, minmaxing is pretty pointless since the biggest gaps are at most only about 50 points.

Apr 22, 2012, 06:27 PM
The stats are pretty much the same as PSO before you get into the stat-capping range.

Human is equally good at everything.

Cast is slightly better than human in both melee and ranged attack, and health, but take a larger penalty in tech attack and defense to make up for it.

Newman is virtually equal to human in melee damage, a bit higher in tech damage and tech defense, and slightly weaker in ranged damage, health, and melee defense.

The gender differences are a bit more blurry on this game. A general formula is that guys are better with health, melee attack, and melee defense, while girls are better with ranged attack, tech attack, and tech defense. This seems to be rounded on the higher and lower ends, so that there are a lot of race/gender combinations with the same value in a stat. And the ones that end up being slightly weaker due to rounding have more ranged defense (i.e., male Newman and female Cast).

As has been true since PSU, it is easy to argue that there is no reason to play human as long as the class has little to no tech access. The primary difference this time seems to be that you don't have to pay for a second account to play as everything well if you settle for just good at everything. And, of course, the race and gender differences have been reduced to an all-time low and (besides the tech damage difference) these slight differences will only shave off a few seconds by the end of a boss battle.

And, of course, class customization will probably overshadow these gaps for a while. Unfortunately, stat increases from customization are static values, not multipliers. So you will need higher levels in each custom increase to make up for the increasing gap.

Apr 22, 2012, 06:55 PM
Skill builds will likely result in bigger differences than race. I can melee stuff down like a boss with a newearl, so... yeah.

Apr 22, 2012, 07:02 PM
does anyone have a link to the race stats and stuff?

Apr 22, 2012, 07:04 PM
I don't know if anyone's put together specific %s for race/sex yet.

Apr 22, 2012, 07:05 PM
Before I say anything, I'd like to say that Race Stat differences are so minuscule that they won't be able to trump things like Skill Builds and equipment.

If you want to min/max with the current three classes, you'll make a FOnewearl, a RAcaseal and a HUcast. The fruit of your labors? About 6% more of what you want (damage), and 6% less of what you could use but don't need.

The difference between RAcast and RAcaseal is particularly notable for being almost impossible to notice unless you look at the numbers, since RAcast loses approximately two points of damage for higher HP/Defense.

Race Stats are like Matter Boards: they don't matter.