View Full Version : Anyone else not having fun?

Noel Vermillion
Apr 23, 2012, 07:04 AM
Don't feel like playing today... I don't know. I guess it's because:

1. I'm on my own, I've never seen an English player.
2. I really don't know what I'm doing. I just seem to do the same quests over and over to level up.
3. Everything is confusing and Japanese. Pop-up boxes for no reason everywhere indicating I have to do things I'm unsure of.
4. Seems a bit laggy and runs badly on my laptop. The latter is my fault, though so it's not really a problem.

I like the game, I just can't seem to play it in Japanese only killing monsters over and over. It'd be like playing PSO and just doing the forest again and again without fighting the dragon and picking up items called ???????? which open windows and emote bubbles.

Anyone else feel like this? I mean when it's English I'll be all over it but as it is it's just too confusing for my small brain :(

Apr 23, 2012, 07:11 AM
nope, im having a blast, which was totally unexpected when i started with this game.

just a tip. get a translation patch. ill pm it to u

Apr 23, 2012, 07:21 AM
nope, im having a blast, which was totally unexpected when i started with this game.

just a tip. get a translation patch. ill pm it to u

Why anybody who can't read/speak Japanese would play without the language patch is beyond me. Madness.

Apr 23, 2012, 07:28 AM
Why anybody who can't read/speak Japanese would play without the language patch is beyond me. Madness.

i guess it depends on how much fun u find doing missions and grinding monsters :P aslong u keep doing that with all those quests in your questlog and matter board you gonna finish them eventually anyway, and unlock more maps.

Apr 23, 2012, 07:34 AM
Im having a lot of fun.

I usually play in Euro times so I see mostly english speakers.

The only bad thing is, because the maps are kinda on the short side, I already know all Forest zones by memory, even with the variables on it. I wish they were more like the PSO maps.

The gameplay still makes it up for me, and the Codes can get interesting, especially when bosses appear.

Apr 23, 2012, 07:36 AM
I'm having fun, except for the constant crashing of my laptop. I'm defintiely going to buy a proper gaming computer before this game launches. I'm playing on the lowest possible settings and I just watched a video of it on the highest settings... woah mama! I didn't realize the water in the forest actually has reflections.

And there's tons of english people, you must be on the wrong ship/block.

Sanada Yukimura
Apr 23, 2012, 07:41 AM
well if your on ship 3 and this is for anyone add me just go to the vision phone and search up
Ash crimson it should be under
Sanada yukimura

Apr 23, 2012, 07:54 AM
I was having lot of fun in forest, yesterday for the first time I played cave, I decided to stop playing but at the end I found myself playing till 3:30am.

Cave is really something ! :p
lot of action, and we were lucky in our party because it was so smooth no lag and we were in multiparty (so much players) it was war against monsters and a lot of boss :D

Love it.

Apr 23, 2012, 08:01 AM
yeah I am enjoying it, but I am only playing here and there, as any progress here would be lost, I hope that people in closed beta also get access to open beta by default ^.^

Apr 23, 2012, 08:04 AM
I hope that people in closed beta also get access to open beta by default ^.^I would assume so since it's an OPEN beta.

Apr 23, 2012, 08:07 AM
Im having a lot of fun.

I usually play in Euro times so I see mostly english speakers.

The only bad thing is, because the maps are kinda on the short side, I already know all Forest zones by memory, even with the variables on it. I wish they were more like the PSO maps.

The gameplay still makes it up for me, and the Codes can get interesting, especially when bosses appear.

try doing the koffie npc quests, u will unlock forest and cave exploration maps which are alot bigger. 2 big maps with a boss at the end

Apr 23, 2012, 08:56 AM
1. I'm on my own, I've never seen an English player
What ship are you on? Most english players are on ship 2 block 20 heck th there always danceing around and shouting something... its really hard to miss us. They also help you out just say what you need help with and bam someone in the lobby tells you what to do its like you have a txt activated help guide always ready.

Noel Vermillion
Apr 23, 2012, 09:43 AM
What ship are you on? Most english players are on ship 2 block 20 heck th there always danceing around and shouting something... its really hard to miss us. They also help you out just say what you need help with and bam someone in the lobby tells you what to do its like you have a txt activated help guide always ready.

Ship 2 but I don't change block.

I guess the feeling of just losing my character after a few days makes it feel futile too :P I'm not saying I don't like the game - I do - it's just I don't feel like playing it when I don't know what I'm doing and it's all rather pointless :(

Apr 23, 2012, 09:53 AM
Ship 2 but I don't change block.

I guess the feeling of just losing my character after a few days makes it feel futile too :P I'm not saying I don't like the game - I do - it's just I don't feel like playing it when I don't know what I'm doing and it's all rather pointless :(

Haha, I keep myself playing because I'm curious what each class can do... but I still can't decide what to focus on come launch... I'm enjoying all three classes.

Apr 23, 2012, 01:43 PM
Ship 2 but I don't change block.

I guess the feeling of just losing my character after a few days makes it feel futile too :P I'm not saying I don't like the game - I do - it's just I don't feel like playing it when I don't know what I'm doing and it's all rather pointless :(

Ahh. I know what you mean and how thats like. Well. Y not just chat and try and have a good time that way?

Apr 23, 2012, 04:43 PM
Are you guys serious?

It wasn't that bad to get used to playing without the english patch. Though I only took mine off due to paranoia.

And yeah ship2 Block 20... Japanese people were actually a MINORITY there when I went yesterday for the first time.

I kinda hit the cap in like 3 days and got most of the things I wanted, for hunter at least. But there's not really much to lose, it's not like it's hard starting over in this game. I assume we're playing with like, only a 4th of what we'll get, by the time Open Beta/Full release comes.

I'm gonna have to sound like a know-it-all self righteous douche and tell you that if you followed a lot of the info on here and bumped, you'd be enjoying this game way over it's language barrier.

Also Ship 1 has 2342342342342343 times less lag, I dunno how you guys should group up and move around a bit.