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View Full Version : BB Lets Play of PSO

May 4, 2012, 12:32 AM
I wasn't sure if this went in fan works or in PSO general.

Me and my bro talk about vidya games as we play PSO.

We keep it pretty clean but I think a curse or two may slip in the entirety of the series so if such language offends you may want to keep the volume down. I'd say its more of a precaution for are grating voices rather than grating words. Either way I hope you enjoy.


May 5, 2012, 12:27 PM
I enjoyed it, plus it looks like you guys are having fun in PSOBB, and thats never a bad thing ^ ^

May 5, 2012, 03:54 PM
I enjoyed it, plus it looks like you guys are having fun in PSOBB, and thats never a bad thing ^ ^

Well its like that in any video game just about. its always more fun when you have other people to play with. I did the video right after the announcement of PSO2 going free to play. Up until that point I figured their payment scheme was going to be
buy the game (say 39 or 49 bucks) and then have it be free to play with a cash shop or DLC - think guild wars/ Dungeon defenders. Suffice it to say was more than a little surprised when it went completely free to play.