View Full Version : Chu Chu Fever

Mar 22, 2003, 05:55 AM
What is the purpose of this "rare" armor i realized i could make this armor and so i did but it was far weaker then my gaurdian Armor i mean it spewing out the chu chu's is neat but its fundamentally weak. thankfully i knew from an earlier exprience by pressing reset it doesn't save so i didn't waste my mag and my spirit garment for the piece of crap armor.

Mar 22, 2003, 08:23 AM
you mean..Chu Chu fever doesn't raies your stats at all!? come on it can't be useless, m-maybe it's def/evp raises extremely when someone has a Naku Naku mag.... eh darn it why would they make it if it was completely useless compared to other items...

Mar 22, 2003, 08:34 AM
this just in from thanks to PSOW i got the info

Chu Chu fever isn't exactly useless.

take a look at these stats

DFP + 5
EVP + 5
EDK + 20
ELT + 20
Class = Armor
Required Level: 101
Stars: 10

as you can see it only raises defence and evadions by 5 points, weak i know, but look at the Dark and Elt defence a whopping 20 each, nice prtection against those darn obbies. so it is ok to have a CHU CHU fever it's rather cute and it has one of Sega's TM characters popping out of it.

so if you want some awesoem defence and not wanna get pumuled to nothing, don't use this armor with out some metal bodies. now if you want that extra kick when you see that poor ob lily sad because it can't hit you with it's bad breath as you turn it into mulch/salad then sure Chu chu Fever is a good pick, if you like mice, heh my Friend wants one, well maybe i'll surprize her with a spirit garment..
by the way random question
on the halloween quest pumkins were given out as a quest prize as in, just by completely the quest?! you coudl do the quest over and over to get more and more cells?

Mar 22, 2003, 12:20 PM
On 2003-03-22 05:34, Ryo_Hayasa wrote:
on the halloween quest pumkins were given out as a quest prize as in, just by completely the quest?! you coudl do the quest over and over to get more and more cells?

One per character.

Mar 22, 2003, 04:23 PM
When i had the Chu Chu Fever Equpied on my Humar i use to create items since i bassically abondond him i checked out elemental defense and it was 0 across the board.

Mar 22, 2003, 04:36 PM
Ah, would that it were true that 20 was "awesome" light and dark resist. On a shield it is, but shields normally don't give any boost to those stats. That's why Delsaber Shields are worn with its 25 dark resist. On armor, 20 is 8 less than some of the nonrare armors provide and is thus not particularly useful.