View Full Version : Now SEGA won't be able to fight the Cheaters......

Mar 5, 2001, 02:16 PM
Code Master released two new codes for PSO, they change the game time and another to multiply any items. Sega won't be able to do a thing against these codes..... That's bad news.....

Mar 5, 2001, 02:58 PM
I hate to admit it but I like the 'save to diff vmu' code, seriouslly thats the best one i've seen yet...

as for duping, welp you didn't need a GS to dupe items.

Mar 5, 2001, 03:41 PM
ive already encountered a lvl 999 mag from this crap. hopefully PSO2 will have server side saving or give each item a serial # so if duplicate items appear the self delete or somthing.

Mar 5, 2001, 05:37 PM
ahhh server side saving is the worst! I'll take cheaters over server side saving anyday. Also, i don't understand why everyone is all upset about cheaters. I have encountered almost none my entire gaming experience and the ones that I did meet didn't spoil my fun.

Mar 5, 2001, 06:13 PM
I agree... if they bother you just leave the game.... I think that sega will filter the obvious errors like a lvl 999 mag soon so just hang in there

Mar 5, 2001, 06:24 PM
Yes I agree dont focus on cheaters, that's how they want to play let em, it's thier loss. I'd rather focus on the fighting!

Mar 5, 2001, 06:33 PM
I encountered 2 cheaters it was quite funny. One was lvl 100 and was a complete ass he barely knew how to play too he was getting his asskicked bad no spells a low lvl mag man it was fun to laugh at him. Another 1 was lvl 100 and no armor of frames.he asked for any kind of defense item and i gave him an extra shock frame and he was estatic about the thing and it was quite sucky too. He got his ass kicked by the dragon on hard hehehehehttp://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Mar 5, 2001, 07:29 PM
Server side saves are the best! lol. I quit diablo 2 for this. And well diablo 2 may have gotten old but the lack of cheating and item dupeing might just draw me back. This game is fun but when everyone has the excact same items and theres no reason to trade why bother? One of my favorite thing is killing monsters and constanly flying over to see if theres a SPECIAL WEAPON lieng there. Then when u go and indentify it it turns out to be the weapon uve been trying to get your whole time playing the game. But now that dupers have flooded the game with items that joy is gone. I can soon see myself losing intrest in the repetitive killing, and intern this game.