View Full Version : Fan Fic Phantasy Star: Light in the Darkness

May 13, 2012, 08:55 PM
The ShadowDragon Chronicles By: Alan V.
ACT I: Prologue

A.W. 1284, The Algol Star System.

Eusis raises the Nei Sword, deflecting several energy blasts from the crimson cloaked Dark Lords. The sword glows with the voilet light of Nei’s life force as he and his companions battle the hundred malefic human nobles. In what seems like forever the ravages of the deadly battle are strewn across the great hall. Some of Eusis’s companions now lay dead among several dozen bodies of the dark lords; Huey the biologist, Shilka the theif, Annu the healer, Kainz the wrecker each of them fought valiantly to their last breaths.

Amia struggles to her feet with her slicers in each hand along with Rudger with his particle cannon, together, standing back-to-back they face off against the remaining thirty six dark lords. Amia sneers, blood dripping down her face “There’s only a 'few' left now”, Rudger props up his energy cannon with right leg, his broken, blood coated left arm is limp;"yeah, this… will be 'easy'…"Rudger fires his Nei Cannon hitting a group of dark lords with it’s spread shot, then immediately after, Amia throws both her two slicers which cut through four of the dark lords. Then both Amia and Rudger collapse under great pain and loss of blood from their wounds.

Eusis, desperate, began to channel the power of a Megid Technique. The Nei Sword glowed even brighter filling the massive hall with a brilliant white light. The power of Megid flew forth from a slash of Eusis’s sword. Everything in the great all is engulfed into the white light… The massive starship Noah, drifted through space, it’s last hyperspace jump used up, leaving the Algol Star System, now no longer troubled with the dark lords and their machinations.The Noah encounters a wormhole and is pulled through, upon exiting the vortex it plunges through the atmosphere of a large verdant planet and crashes violently, thrusting deep into the earth. The ground up heaved, split and crumbled, burying the starship Noah.

Light years away, Lutz the High Esper and sorcerer, peered into the Aero Prism seeing all that had transpired. Closing his yes, as a few tears run down his face. He turns and goes to lay down upon his suspended animation pod. It closes over him. One of his attendants sets the pod to revive Lutz in a thousand years. 

A.W. 2294

Upon the verdant planet Ragol, deep beneath the earth, the wreckage of the Noah sits silently. Within Pandora’s Box, it’s lid still open, radiates an eerie, sickly green aura. A swirling vortex appears within the box, and an azure, clawed hand begins to emerge, a gutteral growling echoes through the corridoors of and halls of the crashed ship. Lutz awakens and his suspension pod’s canopy opens up detecting an anomaly in Lutz life readings. Thray Lutz, the inheritor of the mind and soul of the legenday Esper Sorcerer sits up, his head racked with pain, his mind feeling a great sense of foreboding. “There’s another Dark Falz trying to manifest…I can feel it..”

He slips on his white hooded cloak and grabs the Psycho Wand that was mounted on the wall. The Aero Prism crystal's light fills a hallway and beams out from the main meeting chamber within Esper Mansion. Lutz rushes to the chamber and gazes at the crystal and sees the image of a dark form attempting to crawl it’s way out from Pandora’s Box, that is many light years away. Thray Lutz grabs several supply bags, and ascends the stairs to the teleporter room. Stepping onto the teleport pad there’s a flash and beam of light encompasses Lutz. He opens his eyes, and before him is the ship, the Luveno, used by him and Alis long, long ago to travel to Dezoris. He boards the ship, and it rises up into the sky and leaves the snowy and frozen planet. The Luveno quickly jumps into a quick burst of faster than light travel. The Luveno flies into the swirling wormhole just beyond the Algol Star System, and then shoots out the other side, soaring down to planet Ragol. The Luveno lands upon the surface.

Lutz leaving the ship takes out the Soothe Flute,which teleports him down into the wreckage of the Noah. The walls of the great hall is covered in a pulsating mass of bloody flesh, and at the center of the room is black mist with two glowing red eyes. The malefic form growls “need a body, must live, must destroy..” Thray Lutz then pulls out from one of his supply bags an amber orb, the “Amber Eye ”. Lutz activates the small orb with a tap of his fingers, it flies forward ripping through the black mist and transforms into a huge obelisk, beams of light radiate down pushing the malefic form back into the casket-like Pandora's Box, and closes the lid. A massive dome forms over it the Obelisk and casket. Lutz raises his arms, with Psycho Wand in hand, and chants the words “Motavia Sa Muut, Dezoris Ra Ditts, Palma Na Poumn”. The Obelisk glows and the interior of the dome glows with light and forms an illusionary sky, and the ground is covered with an illusionary grassy field.

Thray Lutz uses his Soothe Flute, transporting himself outside of the domed chamber. He then makes his way to three locations, a cave with flowing lava deep under a large hill, and a even deeper cave filled with luminous crystals and moss, and then a cold cave filled with rich ore deposits. At each of the three spots within these caves and caverns Lutz took out several components from his supply bags and carefully constructed a metallic-ceramic pillar using his skills in true magic and alchemy. He imbued each pillar with a piece of his own life force, empowering them by chanting into them the spell “Muut Dittz Poumn” at each of the pillars. “With this the Seal System is complete. May it seal this Dark Falz for all eternity..” 

Lutz was about to depart in the Luveno, when he sensed something amiss, and noticed a violet glow beaming out from deep crevice leading down into one of the dark caves he had placed one of the three pillars.He carefully decended down the face of the crevice, reaching the bottom he found three large amethyst crystal caskets. Each one containing the last survivors of the great battle with the dark lords. Eusis, Amia, and Rudger were still alive. Somehow the power of the Nei Sword saved them and preserved them in amethyst caskets, transporting them into the crevise outside the wreckage of the Noah. Where they have been for over a millenia.“ The legendary lost heroes. I knew part of their minds were imbeded within the Elsydeon Sword, but I never thought they could actually still be alive somewhere!” Thray Lutz covered each casket with a TeleCloth and played the Lullaby of Algol with the Soothe Flute teleporting him and the caskets back to the Luveno.

The starship Luveno left planet Ragol and made it’s flight back to the Algol Star System. Shortly after the ship entered the wormhole. A black humanoid form appeared within the ship. The Falzian specter flies into the power system and the ship is racked back and forth. Black, etheric tendrils grab the caskets and pulling them out of the ship, like ghostly coffins ripped from the hull, the black tendrils hurled them into the swirling tunnel of the wormhole to each vanish into time and space. Lutz cast a Tandle lightning bolt destroying the Falzian specter.The Luveno spins out of control and then exits out the wormhole. Lutz regains control of the ship and taking out a Telepath Ball records a copy of his mind. He modifies the emergency on-board transporter, then places the Telepath Ball on the pad. “I’m sending this back to Esper Mansion on Dezoris in case I never return from my search. Luveno flight recorder, mark, I begin my search for Eusis and the others. I hope to find them someday soon. I have two cryo-beds and enough power to last me for a little over one millenia. Thankfully backup cells can be charged with the converter system that scoops up steller gas."
Lutz sets the trans-dimensional scanners to long-range scan to detect three human life signs and the Nei energy signature. The Luveno flies back into the wormhole to begin it’s new journey.  

ACT II : The Return of Eusis Landale
A.W. 3082

An amethyst casket is picked up by a drone pod with it’s out-stretched robotic arms, and then turns and flies back towards a massive starship. At it’s center is a huge city covered with a transparent dome. The drone-pod enters through a entry port beneath the massive ship.

Inside the sterile Bio Analysis Lab 5, several laser scalpels carefully cut away the violet crystal surrounding the young human male encased within. Medical personnel quickly hook up life support devices to his body. One tall, thin, elderly doctor says to his assistant "We don’t know who he is or where he came from. We must report this to the Principal-Governer of Pioneer 2 at once." The short, glasses wearing assistant proclaims with a worried tone in his voice "of.. of course, Sir…"

Days pass, the young man opens his eyes. A nurse has partially cut the young man’s very long, violent hair. He whsipers “stop…” He looks into a nearby mirror with a look of bewilderment and confusion. There’s a scar down over his left eye.The nurse exclaims “oh my goodness! Your awake!” She excitedly rushes out of sick bay.The violet, long hair haired man gets off of the bed just as the tall, elderly doctor enters the room. “oh, well, well, it’s been awhile. We weren’t sure if you’d ever wake up from that coma. It’s been over a year.” The young man, struggling to remember something says “who..are…? ” and he then slumps back into the bed and passes out.

A.W. 3084

“It’s been six months since I fully recovered. I can only recall bits and pieces of who I am and where I come from. It’s too incredible for anyone here on Pioneer II to believe. I think my name was ‘Ursis’or maybe ‘Yu..sis’ once, long ago. I think I come from another world. Not Coral, but another star system that I can’t exactly remember, I do know it had three worlds with people living on them.I’ve since assumed the name Ursis Arundeel (the nurse back at the sick bay said I should take the name "Rolf" but I didn't much like that name), and joined the Hunter’s Guild as a for-hire agent. My code name or ‘call sign’ is "ShadowDragon."

For some reason every night when I sleep I have nightmares of fighting in this huge battle and I see the bodies of friends I can barely remember lying around me, mangled and covered in blood. There’s also a girl with long violet hair, and ears like a Newman’s calling out to me but I can’t hear what she says in that dream. It seems like I know her, and to see her a face fills me with this sense of great sadness.
Well, I have to get going, I‘ve been ordered to see the Principle-Governor Tyrell; seems there was a huge explosion on planet Ragol coming from the Pioneer One settlement, well that's all I've been told so far. Somehow, I feel like I‘ve been there before, but I am sure I‘ve not been there yet."

ShadowDragon switches off his desk recorder unit, he then leaves his quarters.“ I wonder what I will find down there on Ragol. End Private Journal Recording."

May 22, 2012, 08:20 PM
79 views, and no replies?.. wow... :(