View Full Version : wanna clear something up about mags...

May 18, 2012, 08:21 PM
hi, i'm new to the forums and to PSO and I'm alittle confused about the mag system and would like for someone to help me clear up something for me.

okay, let's say I make a force character and I want to make a Ribhava mag. according to the charts, I should turn it into Ashvinau by having Dex>Pow&Mind.
And then after, Dex>Power>Mind, correct?

okay, now let's say I have the lvl50 Ribhava mag, but since I'm a force, I want my stats to be Mind>Dex>Pow. If I raise up the Mind as the highest by lvl.55 after having the Ribhava, would it turn into a Kabanda? because if I read correctly, after the third evolution, it will continue to evolve into other mags every 5 lvls if the stats change.

btw, I'm just using this character and mag as an example. i'm not necessarily going for a force character and a ribhava mag.

reason i'm asking is because I may want a certain mag, but I don't want the stats that's required to make it. i'm just wondering if my mag will turn into something else if I change the stats the way i want after it's been turned into tha mag that I want.

i hope i'm not confusing anybody. but i hope someone can help clear this up for me. thanks =)

May 19, 2012, 06:43 AM
The normal mag evolutions will continue to change depending on their stats so yes, getting the stats you want will loose the form you want. Only the special mag forms do not change.

May 19, 2012, 03:46 PM
The rare mags are generally better anyways. You also may want to consider the PBs you get. Controlling the way your mag grows is easy if you know how to do it. I LOVE making mag plans, so if you have a good idea what you want out of your mag, and don't feel like doing the reasearch, I would be grateful to help out!