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View Full Version : if they don't have a global release?

Jun 11, 2012, 06:14 PM
This game is so pretty and yet if they don't have a global release (or a well done release anyway) no one will get to experience the magic of Phantasy Star. :(

Most of the people I know have never heard of Phantasy Star Online. Most of them don't know PSO2 or that it's coming out either, and why should they? It's been Japan only. I feel like all this development and stuff was just for Japanese people. People all over the world are craving for a great online game to play and if PSO2 is great then Sega is missing out on a huge market. Phantasy Star is a great futuristic and cute universe and amidst all the medieval and "realism" in the RPG genre it's so fresh to find this kind of uniqueness.

I dunno what I'm complaining about lol but I just hope PSO2 gets the recognition it deserves it ends up being well done and fun. I'm sick of not having anyone to talk to about Phantasy Star or everyone giving me weird looks when I bring up the series.

Market the Phantasy Star, Sega!!!

Jun 11, 2012, 06:19 PM
i don't know, the fact Sega reserved all those domain names (pos2.com, etc.) says they might have planes for the future+^_^+

Jun 11, 2012, 06:42 PM
Honestly and this is just me speaking I feel its a bit too early to worry about things like this and yes Im itching to play this gem of a sequel since I heard they were gonna make it yeeears ago.

Jun 11, 2012, 08:05 PM
OMFG. They haven't ever said that it's not coming out in other countries. There is absolutely no reason for them to talk about a release outside of Japan when it's not even out in Japan yet. If it weren't for all the public alpha and beta testing, we probably wouldn't even have heard about the game until very recently.

All previous PSO games were also released in America.
There are place holder localization options even in the beta clients.
All signs point to it being released here eventually.

Jun 11, 2012, 08:52 PM
Mag-X if you were mocking me that was pretty darn funny while I chuckled and rolled my eyes but now that I think about it I guess they could worry cause I totaly agree with you all previous games were released a bit later with the exception of infinity which never touched soils outside the japanese region which made me a sad an upset Focast panda when I heard of this horrible news.

Jun 11, 2012, 09:59 PM
Yea, did Sega even make a showing of PSO2 @ E3? Really sucks that Sega doesn't seem to care about the domestic market. I'm just grateful dedicated US fans can still play.

Dan Maku
Jun 11, 2012, 10:49 PM
Yea, did Sega even make a showing of PSO2 @ E3? Really sucks that Sega doesn't seem to care about the domestic market. I'm just grateful dedicated US fans can still play.

They didn't show off PSO2 at E3. Keep in mind, though, the game is still in beta. In all likelihood, there won't be any serious talks of localizing PSO2 until maybe a year after official service starts.

Besides, the fact that there is an English swear filter, English credits, and that PSO2.com re-directs to SoA's website should be a good sign of things to come.

Jun 11, 2012, 11:21 PM
This game is so pretty and yet if they don't have a global release (or a well done release anyway) no one will get to experience the magic of Phantasy Star. :(

Most of the people I know have never heard of Phantasy Star Online. Most of them don't know PSO2 or that it's coming out either, and why should they? It's been Japan only. I feel like all this development and stuff was just for Japanese people. People all over the world are craving for a great online game to play and if PSO2 is great then Sega is missing out on a huge market. Phantasy Star is a great futuristic and cute universe and amidst all the medieval and "realism" in the RPG genre it's so fresh to find this kind of uniqueness.

I dunno what I'm complaining about lol but I just hope PSO2 gets the recognition it deserves it ends up being well done and fun. I'm sick of not having anyone to talk to about Phantasy Star or everyone giving me weird looks when I bring up the series.

Market the Phantasy Star, Sega!!!

why not talk to us then???? were all fans here. im hopeing it dose get recognized cause your right ps in general is a great series. we can only cross our fingers tho cant complain with what we have now tho.

Jun 11, 2012, 11:28 PM
why not talk to us then???? were all fans here. im hopeing it dose get recognized cause your right ps in general is a great series. we can only cross our fingers tho cant complain with what we have now tho.

I'm fine with playing on Japanese servers forever more.

Jun 11, 2012, 11:31 PM
I really don't know what some of you think they would have showed at E3? The same game preview trailers everyone who cares has already seen? They can't let people play the game because no one would be able to understand what's going on with everything written in moon language.

Let them release the game and get the bugs worked out first. Then worry if they don't start talking about a western release. If you can't wait that long, learn some moon runes and play the Japanese version with the rest of us. (It'll be better than the US version anyway.)

Jun 11, 2012, 11:32 PM
I'm fine with playing on Japanese servers forever more.
lol same here XD

Jun 11, 2012, 11:32 PM
I'm not waiting for Sega of Japan or America to show support for a "international version" with other languages or a page about PSO2 on the SoA site.. I'm just going to play on the JP servers until hopefully SoA gets smart and gets it's stuff straight.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:19 AM
i don't know, the fact Sega reserved all those domain names (pos2.com, etc.) says they might have planes for the future+^_^+

We have time machine planes now? Awesome!

Jun 12, 2012, 12:26 AM
I'm fine with playing on Japanese servers forever more.

This. Even if it comes out in america i might ignore it in favor of jp.

Dan Maku
Jun 12, 2012, 12:47 AM
This. Even if it comes out in america i might ignore it in favor of jp.

I'll prolly play on both the US and JP servers if they localize it. That's how much I fucking love this series. >:3

Jun 12, 2012, 01:13 AM
Well if we look at past releases, it's usually only a few months between Japanese and other language releases.

If they release in the Summer, following past release history, it could show up overseas anywhere from September to February.

Until the game is actually released in Japan, I don't think we will hear anything about bringing it over.

Til SEGA just comes out and says it will never be released outside Japan, we can always have hope.

But then again, SOA made all the cut backs, with focusing on IP that sells here...

Jun 12, 2012, 06:02 AM
I really don't know what some of you think they would have showed at E3? The same game preview trailers everyone who cares has already seen? They can't let people play the game because no one would be able to understand what's going on with everything written in moon language.

Let them release the game and get the bugs worked out first. Then worry if they don't start talking about a western release. If you can't wait that long, learn some moon runes and play the Japanese version with the rest of us. (It'll be better than the US version anyway.)

Yes, everyone who cares has seen the trailers. That is why they should have shown them at E3 to advertise to those who didn't initially care. That is pretty much the case with any game; if someone cares, they have already took the effort to find out everything available about the game, but you need advertisement to hook those who haven't heard about it.

Anyway, it wouldn't have taken too much effort to make a cheap translation patch for a working demo. I mean it's a demo, people don't expect it to be perfect.

I have no doubt that PSO2 will eventually be localized for the English market, but it was a huge slap in the face for SEGA to not mention something at E3. Even if it's not going to happen this year, that doesn't mean they can't say something. Jerks...

Jun 12, 2012, 06:23 AM
The only problem with our collective willingness to play on the JP servers is it could mean even less of a chance of NA/EU Phantasy Star releases in the future. If we all play on Japan's servers, the demand and need for an English server diminishes and there won't be much of a desire with which to justify SoA handling NA/EU servers. Just a thought.

Not that I'm trying to call anyone out on this, because I fully intend on playing on the JP side as of now, but it's a risk we're taking and it should be factored into future expectations.

Jun 12, 2012, 06:31 AM
The only problem with our collective willingness to play on the JP servers is it could mean even less of a chance of NA/EU Phantasy Star releases in the future. If we all play on Japan's servers, the demand and need for an English server diminishes and there won't be much of a desire with which to justify SoA handling NA/EU servers. Just a thought.

Not that I'm trying to call anyone out on this, because I fully intend on playing on the JP side as of now, but it's a risk we're taking and it should be factored into future expectations.

That's what i've been thinking. On the other hand, the more successful it is in Japan - regardless of who plays - the more likely it will be localised. However, I don't doubt that it will be released outside of Japan, in fact i'm quite certain it will be - just a matter of time. I do still wonder from time to time though, what effects our presence will have on its on-going development.

Jun 12, 2012, 08:55 AM
I don't think having a game with cutsie anime characters is going to appeal to americans.

Jun 12, 2012, 09:45 AM
I don't think having a game with cutsie anime characters is going to appeal to americans.

Dang... And here I thought I was an American all this time... Oh why didn't my parents tell me I was adopted!? Now I'll have a life-long complex, and it's all your fault!

But seriously, I know you mean mainstream America, and you're probably right. They'll be too busy playing Call of Duty 37 and WoW clones. There will however be enough Americans to support the game, since there is enough to keep on supporting PSU on the XBOX.

Jun 12, 2012, 09:53 AM
If there are enough people in America keeping crappy old Korean MMOs like Rose Online afloat, I think PSO2 will find enough customers. Especially if they're smart and distribute through Steam.

Jun 12, 2012, 10:17 AM
I'm hopeful for a NA release mainly b/c I don't wanna have to load a stupid language patch everytime I load the game. Not to mention the fact that I hate purchasing Japanese yen cards like I had to do w/PSPo2 before it released here. Losing out on a little bit of content won't bother me as much as others here. As long as I get the "meat & potatoes" I'll be ok.

Jun 12, 2012, 10:21 AM
I'm hopeful for a NA release mainly b/c I don't wanna have to load a stupid language patch everytime I load the game. Not to mention the fact that I hate purchasing Japanese yen cards like I had to do w/PSPo2 before it released here. Losing out on a little bit of content won't bother me as much as others here. As long as I get the "meat & potatoes" I'll be ok.

You don't have to do it every time you load the game, just after updates.

Jun 12, 2012, 10:24 AM
You don't have to do it every time you load the game, just after updates.

Still something an American release would take care of. Or better yet, AN OFFICIAL ENGLISH OPTION! Such a tease...

Jun 12, 2012, 10:32 AM
I don't think having a game with cutsie anime characters is going to appeal to americans.

You would be surprised ;p

Jun 12, 2012, 11:42 AM
they could just ad an English option with subtitles and item/menu translations and we would be all satisfied.


Jun 12, 2012, 11:47 AM
You can select Japanese language in the options right now, so I expect being able to select other languages in the future. Hopefully we won't have to trade English language for universal servers.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:05 PM
Still something an American release would take care of. Or better yet, AN OFFICIAL ENGLISH OPTION! Such a tease...

Well, tbh, you won't even have to load up any language patches during the pre-open as there won't be any to load up. You're stuck with Japanese until open beta. I hope you've been studying.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:07 PM
Guys and Gals. I think your worries are overblown. MMORPG like POS 2 needs more testing which is why we are honored that Sega of Japan let Gaijin trying it. Take a look at fighting game like Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown where community actively help novices getting into the game.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:23 PM
It might have global release and it might not. Just play the Japanese version until you find out.

Also, why are people calling it POS2? Kinda annoying...

Jun 12, 2012, 12:27 PM
It might have global release and it might not. Just play the Japanese version until you find out.

Also, why are people calling it POS2? Kinda annoying...

You no make sense Jong.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:47 PM
I'm not waiting for Sega of Japan or America to show support for a "international version" with other languages or a page about PSO2 on the SoA site.. I'm just going to play on the JP servers until hopefully SoA gets smart and gets it's stuff straight.

You mean until SoJ lets SoA do something?

Jun 12, 2012, 12:51 PM
And until SoA decides it's worth doing.

Jun 12, 2012, 01:57 PM
If the western servers are separate from the japanese servers (I mean, if they have separate update schedules), most likely PSO2 EN is going so suffer the same fate as PSO and PSU, increasingly delayed content followed by premature shutdown. I'll probably still make a character in the english servers, but I'll play mostly in the japanese servers.

Jun 12, 2012, 02:42 PM
Then we're screwed...