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View Full Version : Xbox 360 If I start now, could I have the achievements before shutdown?

Jun 12, 2012, 08:00 AM
Hey guys.

If someone (Namely me), were to start playing online within the next few days, do you think it would be possible to get all the AotI acheivements before the servers are shut down in September? I loved PSU, but never got around to playing it online, and I'd hate to feel like I "missed out". I know one of the acheivements requires me to be level 90. Could I get there and geared enough to do it within the few months? And would I be able to solo it, or would I really need to be in a group?

Thanks in advance for your answers. =)

Jun 12, 2012, 08:10 AM
yes defiantly when i played i was lvl 90 in about 2-3 weeks of playing just don't get lazy and keep on playing and also make friends with good helpful people it is good to know someone that knows what he or she is doing and i'm not saying not to but try not to get caught up in clans because that can make other players hate you from the start with out even meeting you.

Jun 12, 2012, 08:35 AM
the 360 achievements are offline boss battles during story mode, and the AoTI achievements are the new bosses like alteraz and mother brain. Reaching lvl 90 isn't an achievement so I wouldn't worry about that. And you can get the achievement by just killing the AOTI bosses on C rank if I'm not mistaken.

Jun 12, 2012, 09:58 AM
the 360 achievements are offline boss battles during story mode, and the AoTI achievements are the new bosses like alteraz and mother brain. Reaching lvl 90 isn't an achievement so I wouldn't worry about that. And you can get the achievement by just killing the AOTI bosses on C rank if I'm not mistaken.

I've got all the acheivements from the story in vanilla PSU. The reason I mentioned level 90 was that I read one of the AotI bosses (Falz form 2) was only accessable in a mission that was only available to level 90's, but I could have read that wrong, or it could have been misinformation, I'm not sure.

Sounds like it's a pretty acheivable goal though. =)

Jun 12, 2012, 12:06 PM
With the events going on, it would take less than a week to get to 90. You could get 90 in a day if you tried hard enough. So yes, very easily attainable. And no need to be in a group, you can solo it.

Jun 12, 2012, 12:30 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the info all. =)

Jun 13, 2012, 09:03 AM
Alterazgohg Slayer
De Rol Le Slayer
Mother Brain Slayer
Dark Falz Slayer
Dark Falz 2 Slayer

try c rank irs easy only take 10 min

Midori Oku
Jun 14, 2012, 12:40 AM
I've got all the acheivements from the story in vanilla PSU. The reason I mentioned level 90 was that I read one of the AotI bosses (Falz form 2) was only accessable in a mission that was only available to level 90's, but I could have read that wrong, or it could have been misinformation, I'm not sure.

Sounds like it's a pretty acheivable goal though. =)

You could always go to Falz Memoria, and do Distant Memory C. If you wanted to put enough time into it, you could actually be lvl 90 in less than a day.

Jun 14, 2012, 06:46 AM
I've only played PSU offline, so I wasn't quite sure what bosses were in what missions. I read that Falz 2 was only available in a level 90 mission, but that's clearly outdated info now.