View Full Version : Want to trade MMO items in South Korea? Enjoy 5 years in prison!

Jun 18, 2012, 12:32 PM

Want to trade a Booma's Claw or the like? South Korea is not the place to live for that then!

Hell, if I'm reading it right, this applies to offline games too, so their goes any hope of completing the Pokedex in South Korea!

Jun 18, 2012, 12:42 PM
thats horrible!

Jun 18, 2012, 01:11 PM
glad that i don't live in South Korea. :cat:

also, South Korea really hates Diablo 3. can't blame them, Blizzard is on
a role of really BAD customer services plus they release a Diablo 3 game that
has WAY too many problems. i bought an authenticator from blizzard and they
mail me a DEFECTIVE one. i have been trying to get them to replace me a new
one; it's been more than 2 weeks now, and i still have no response from blizzard.
i tried calling them, but the lines were ALWAYS busy and they hang up on me.

Blizzard just recently added the real money auction house. i will probably not even
going to spend $1 on that KRAP. i guess some people have money to burn, i don't.
i rather earn the items through my effort. the gold auction house was good enough.
Blizzard should not added the real money KRAP. South Korea was attacking blizzard
office over there asking for refund and stuff. i wouldnt be surprise that they pass
this new law banning trading virtual goods was because of DIABLO 3.

anyways, Blizzard customer services = 1/10 pts.!
they suck so much BALLS! i really have no respect for them anymore.

Jun 18, 2012, 02:34 PM
Hmm, it looks like the law MAY be focused more on RMT than just generic in-game trading.

Still, the real gem is this: "According to Kim Kap-soo, head of the ministry's content policy division, the move is aimed at making sure students in the country did not waste time with games..."

Really now? I know they're paraphrasing (Not to mention translating!), but that seems rather... ignorant?

Alucard V
Jun 21, 2012, 07:08 PM
Sucks to be South Korea.