View Full Version : how many runs?

Mar 23, 2003, 11:18 AM
how many runs did it take you to find your first red box in the ultimate seabed?
i hate this friggin place. i played many times as oran, never saw one red box... not even a photon drop. not like my hucaseal at the time could survuve the place. bow, my purplenum has donwe more, as far as i can go, can survive better and still not even a photon drop. nothing. nada.
whoever said that the ultimate seabed was the best place for rare searches should be shot.

Mar 23, 2003, 11:27 AM
I don't go through Ultimate Seabed much but I have also not gotten any red boxes there. A lot of the stuff IDs find there are pretty rare, so that's probably the case right there. I still don't understand why I haven't at least found a photon drop though.

Mar 23, 2003, 11:31 AM
I don't think anyone has ever said that Seabed is a good place to find red boxes. There are a lot of good items there, but their appearance rate is very low.

I think the first red box I saw in Ult Seabed was a SILENCE CLAW (VIRIDIA). Needless to say, it's probably a common drop. It was also probably under 10 runs.

The only find mentioning is the MKB I found way back... I think it was fround during my 3rd REDRIA Seabed.

Overall, I've probably come across about half a dozen red boxes in Ultimate Seabed. That probably works out to 1 red box per 10 runs or so.

Mar 23, 2003, 11:53 AM
Now, I must agree with Phalanx here, who said that the Seabed was good for red boxes? O_o

Oh well, if you're an Orna you might want to check out the Temple or the Jungle, Oran seems to find the most rares in those two places.

PS- The person who said this was probably referring to Olga Flow's DNA which is probably extrememly hard to get (I wouldn't know, I don't have an Oran)... Plus, if I remember correctly I think it's a highly duped item... (not sure though)

Mar 23, 2003, 12:03 PM
I've gotten two Stink Frames and a Spirit Garment out of Ultimate Seabed. That's it. I'm Whitill, and those two come from the basic Dolmolm and Dolmdarl enemies.

And I use to play LOTS of Ultimate Seabed--- about two months back, before Yamigarasu was duped. But ever since it got duped, I quit playing Seabed. It's far too difficult and the payback is at a minimum.

Mar 23, 2003, 03:13 PM
My first ever trip into the Seabed (with two other players online) netted one Vjaya (there may have been more but that's all I saw). However, my first solo run through Ultimate offline spit out at least three red boxes. A Dragon Slayer, a Silence Claw, and a Standstill Shield (I think I may have also gotten a Photon Drop, but I don't remember). I considered that run quite lucky, 'cuz nothing like that has ever happened again.

Mar 23, 2003, 04:29 PM
I got an Ano Rifle and a Stink Frame down there, easily done 50+ offline Seabed runs.

Mar 23, 2003, 08:51 PM
Oh, yeah, I forgot to comment. You're doing just solo offline, no? Try multi, as the enemy count is significantly higher (especially the Sinow Zele population)