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View Full Version : Guide Force Ambient Occlusion for PSO2 on NVidia cards

Jun 22, 2012, 09:07 AM
Ambient occlusion works for PSO2!

For those who don't know how it works, see this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_occlusion). If you've never forced ambient occlusion on for any game before, note that it has a massive performance impact on lower-end cards; as such, I don't recommend enabling it if you're already having performance issues.

Enabling it is simple:

1. Download Nvidia Inspector (http://downloads.guru3d.com/NVIDIA-Inspector-1.94-download-2612.html)

2. When Nvidia Inspector is open, click on the wrench-and-screwdriver button to the right of the "Driver Version" field

3. Go down to the Phantasy Star Online 2 profile (note: it should already be there if the drivers are up-to-date; if it is not there, either create one for yourself or update your drivers)

4. At the top under "compatibility", you will see a field called "Ambient Occlusion compatibility" with a large drop-down list. Don't be intimidated by it and go down to the option marked "0x00000026 (Warmonger)" and click on it to enable it. Alternatively, you can use any of the Unreal Engine 3 bits (Mirror's Edge's is recommended for how well it meshes with the game's aesthetic, though you can also use Mass Effect's, Unreal Tournament 3's, Gears of War's, and so on and so forth, with varying results).

5. Go down to the section titled "Common" and set "Ambient Occlusion usage" to "Enabled", and if "Ambient Occlusion setting" isn't already set, set it to either "Performance" or "Quality" (depending on preference and the performance of your PC) - do NOT set it to High Quality, as your frame rates will drop below reasonably smooth levels, unless you have two high end video cards in SLI.

6. Click "Apply Changes" in the upper right corner. You're done!

You will notice that characters now shadow themselves, as well as make contact shadows on the ground and walls, and areas where light is being occluded will also see some shadowing (most notable on any 90-degree angle contact points, like the corners of rooms). IMO, this is a major improvement as the flatness of the lighting was just driving me bonkers.

Example screenshots:
Note the shadowing on the wall.http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8039/pso20120622085139000.jpg

Characters now shadow the chairs they sit on! And themselves, naturally.

Before and after (open them in separate tabs and switch between them):


Jun 22, 2012, 06:00 PM
Ohohohoho~~~ /spasm

I hit log-out to set this up immediately when I read this.
Thank you very much, Zyrusticae.

Jun 22, 2012, 09:24 PM
You're welcome. :)

Side note, it's kind of noisy/pixelated and there are some minor glitches (to be expected - this compatibility profile is intended for an Unreal Engine 3 game, after all). Most notably, there are a couple spots on the camp ship where the occlusion just glitches out and covers the screen in darkness for a split second. Nothing big, just felt like pointing it out.

Jun 23, 2012, 01:25 AM
It was looking great on my SLI 460's until servers went down, Thanks a bunch!!

Jun 23, 2012, 01:28 AM
Hm, that looks nice. Added to the floating sticky.

Jun 23, 2012, 04:49 AM
As Zyrusticae already mentioned, some glitches and artifacts are to be expected, but I thought I'd share this rather funny graphical happening.
It would seem my 560Ti decided to splatter the AO over the ambient fog, resulting in a rather quirky effect:
This was using the 0x00000026 (Warmonger) compatibility profile and the performance setting. I'll be messing around with the settings some more when the server goes back up. >:3

Jun 23, 2012, 05:24 AM
It's kinda hard to see from these screenshots whether it actually looks better or not....
any chance of showing some screenshots of the forest / caves? Or maybe some before / after comparison pictures?

Jun 23, 2012, 05:58 AM
Thanks for this guide. I thought I'd try it, and I got annoyed by the minor glitches overall. My card also can't handle normal quality, so that's a shame :(

I'll try tweaking with lower settings to see if I can get some better balance for the slight improvements. Thanks again for this.

Jun 23, 2012, 08:08 AM
I think my framerate dips a little too much for my liking but perhaps when I upgrade :P.

Too spoiled by constant 60+ FPS.

Jun 23, 2012, 09:07 AM
As Zyrusticae already mentioned, some glitches and artifacts are to be expected, but I thought I'd share this rather funny graphical happening.
It would seem my 560Ti decided to splatter the AO over the ambient fog, resulting in a rather quirky effect:
I should note that this happens in every game you force Ambient Occlusion on - the drivers do not have access to the information necessary to account for fog and similar effects, so you'll see the occlusion show up in front of objects (it's just a post-process, and a bit of a hacky one at that).

Fortunately, the fog is only one of the possible weather effects, and tends not to last very long. It is pretty jarring when it does happen, though.

I'm going to try to get some comparison shots for the camp ship now. It'd be too difficult to do comparison shots from the forest or caves due to the randomness and the fact that I have to restart the game to get changes to apply.

Edit: Put up comparison screenies. It's a very subtle effect, but it certainly helps in reducing flatness, especially in where the terminals meet the walls. Also note the character shadowing.

Edit #2: Hmmm, it appears that setting ambient occlusion to "quality" actually does account for the fog. I must admit, I am surprised, especially considering this is not an Unreal Engine 3 game...

Jun 23, 2012, 03:12 PM
Is this even remotely possible with ATi?

Jun 23, 2012, 03:46 PM
No, this is an Nvidia feature only. It's built into the drivers.

Jun 23, 2012, 05:16 PM
Maybe its just me but I don't see a diff. also how badly does Ambient occlusion rape your fps? cuz in most games it cuts my fps in half when I turn it on.

Jun 23, 2012, 06:36 PM
Like I said, it's rather subtle. If you can't notice a difference, you may as well keep it off.

The game is a constant 60 FPS with it on or off for me, so performance is pretty much a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. Obviously, most people aren't going to have the GPU equivalent of two GTX 560s in SLI, so it should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Jul 20, 2012, 11:05 AM
I've been using this for a while now; it's about time I thank you for the vastly superior graphics quality.

Jul 23, 2012, 10:09 PM
Like I said, it's rather subtle. If you can't notice a difference, you may as well keep it off.

The game is a constant 60 FPS with it on or off for me, so performance is pretty much a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. Obviously, most people aren't going to have the GPU equivalent of two GTX 560s in SLI, so it should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

I'm using an i5-2500k @ 3.66ghz w/ 4 gb of ram, and a 560 (the non-Ti version). My game runs fine w/ or without ambient occlusion on. Constant 60 fps.

Aug 22, 2012, 03:29 PM
i knew it would rape my FPS, but i finally gave this a try+^_^+ i must say, i really want to build a PC now just for AO on PSO2+^_^+ i mean i was already using Inspector for AA, but never tried AO until i read this thread and looked at pics+^_^+ but alas the 540M is limited+^_^+ still, for screenshots, if i ever get good at taking them, ima remember to turn on AO+^_^+

Aug 23, 2012, 05:04 AM
Testing out different graphic setting currently

Shadow 3 seems better to me for most of the time, suprisingly...

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 5

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 3

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 5

Testing out different graphic setting currently
4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 5

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 3

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 3

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 5

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 3

Aug 23, 2012, 10:15 AM
@Sizustar, could you redo those comparisons in another part of the game? like say the shop area? just somewhere with good lighting and nice contrasting shadows+^_^+ those pics all look the same to me, well all the shadow 5 like alike and the shadow 3 look alike+^_^+

Aug 23, 2012, 10:16 AM
Glad you guys are enjoying it.

Have another example picture:
16x Anisotropic Filtering
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 5)
[spoiler-box]https://xptjdq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1mU1cXuS5xL4vPV86b1ktvBwCxPOGCpi_DmxEJdwMPeBsf4MS 4VF81LzzMYEdwfxW8HAsNiMSyG5urr6w2BvYB_CT2FQJ8QX-aeYki6uXIa3SpDJrrlp00fg/pso20120823_095039_000.png?psid=1[/spoiler-box]
Note the shadows around her hip, her feet, her neck, her pits, her right arm, and the rod itself.

And a couple more (same settings):
[spoiler-box]https://xptjdq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1mi2eKl3YtS_ZkZy_PEo6RC6Z8DQZHL_xDbp5sOgFvWdRPCTf 5F7VRaM_y5gaAfeYJe8SzINlGX7vR95pk96DVu4JfWLKq8eVBr xcYADKaQ-uPR_jwLI-OQw/pso20120823_101706_001.png?psid=1
https://xptjdq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1myCYmeVvdCZ4tXcXC68RKCqY_V5GyrLGVDZirnwJguCdecGO qZkGb35KyEH0ndHIcMPbDwyH87CynDiMovYrqkqRhItHeLR54u hlGhNsYMH53GjPKSRiA5A/pso20120823_101756_002.png?psid=1[/spoiler-box]

Aug 23, 2012, 10:57 AM
@Sizustar, could you redo those comparisons in another part of the game? like say the shop area? just somewhere with good lighting and nice contrasting shadows+^_^+ those pics all look the same to me, well all the shadow 5 like alike and the shadow 3 look alike+^_^+

And Regarind AO Quality and Performance, Let me get another screenshot to show the difference.

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 3


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 3


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 3


Aug 23, 2012, 09:44 PM
I just tried this out of curiosity:

No AO:


Standard Quality AO:


High Quality AO:


HQ results dont seem bad at all, lol.

Sep 10, 2012, 08:33 AM
Either Nvidia Inspector has changed a lot since the OP or I just suck at reading guides. It's been a long, long time since I messed with gfx profiles so could someone help me out?

Using NVIDIA Inspector, how would I go about setting the options Sizustar has above? Thanks.

Nov 4, 2012, 10:46 AM
I sort of wanted to try this out just to see how it looks, but I'm really bad at this sort of super-technical stuff. Since I don't know how to update drivers or whatever, I was curious: I don't really understand how it would work if PSO2 doesn't have a profile on the Inspector program. How would the game know if you made a profile for it on the Inspector? Wouldn't it have to synch up somehow?

I'm more of a visual learner, so the instructions in the OP don't make much sense to me.

Nov 4, 2012, 04:12 PM
Then, before executing Inspector, you should go here (http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us) and install the latest drivers.

Perhaps after that the profile may show.

Nov 4, 2012, 04:51 PM
Thank you very much. I think I've got it working now.

Nov 5, 2012, 03:34 AM
^ good, it looks amazing, yes? too bad i get 10 FPS with it, Inspector only has whatever profiles your regular video card driver has, and as of march (or possibly earlier), Nvidia drivers have a profile for PSO2+^_^+ mostly these profiles are hidden and are used only when games are run, but you can load them into inspector and mess with them there, force better AA, ambient occlusion, FXAA and a few other things+^_^+

Jan 8, 2013, 07:10 AM
Anyone with ATI try using Radeon Pro to force AO?

Mar 9, 2013, 12:07 AM
Updated OP to mention that all UE3 bits work with the game.

I highly recommend people try the Mirror's Edge bits (0x00000002), they're VERY good.

Mar 9, 2013, 11:35 PM
And Regarind AO Quality and Performance, Let me get another screenshot to show the difference.

4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Shadow 3


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - Performance
Shadow 3


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 5


4x SMAA +4x Sprase Grid Sampling
Anisotrophix 16x
Ambient Occlusion - None
Shadow 3

Images aren't working for me, I'd love to see a comparison.

Drifting Fable
Mar 13, 2013, 12:07 AM
Out of pure curiosity, what are your settings for the inspector and what kind of ram are you packing, Zyrusticae?

I'm always mind boggled by the quality of your images.

Mar 26, 2013, 08:06 PM
That wrench option you speak of is grayed out for me. :/

Mar 26, 2013, 08:42 PM
it only works if you have a recognizable nvidea card

Mar 26, 2013, 09:15 PM
Ah alright. Guess that explains it since I'm using a 9800GT. :/

Mar 26, 2013, 09:22 PM
hmm, I think that Nvidia card has force ambient occlusion, so it should work, maybe you have a different issue.

Mar 31, 2013, 12:57 AM
Alright, after getting sick of the hair seams but also getting sick of just not having any AO, I started testing a bunch of other AO bits once again. Of the ones that work, here are my findings:

Mirror's Edge: Medium darkness, most physically accurate, does not ignore fog or particle effects, has hair seams
Unreal Tournament III: High darkness, very high AO radius, ignores fog and particle effects (and even clips through load screens), does not have hair seams
Mass Effect: High darkness, high AO radius, not sure about fog/particle effects (didn't get that far), buggy as hell and shows hair seams
Gears of War: Extreme darkness, high AO radius, ignores fog and particle effects (loading screen included), shows hair seams
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Same as UTIII, except darker
Warmonger: Medium-high darkness, very high AO radius, does not ignore fog and particle effects, shows hair seams
Hawken: Low darkness, medium AO radius, ignores fog and particle effects (including clipping through load screens), does not show hair seams, jitters between overall darkness values

So from what I can gather, whatever causes the AO to take into account fog and particle effects is the same as what causes the hair seams. Either you take the hair seams in exchange for AO properly applying before fog or you take the AO showing up through fog in exchange for not seeing any hair seams. There's also no happy "middle ground" between barely-there AO and stupid-dark AO for the ones that don't show hair seams.

Pick your poison. :)

Update: The ones that don't show hair seams also don't show up in screenshots.

Out of pure curiosity, what are your settings for the inspector and what kind of ram are you packing, Zyrusticae?

I'm always mind boggled by the quality of your images.
I'm still kind of messing with the settings right now. Right now I'm using 4x SGSSAA and switching between a bunch of different AO bits to try to figure out which ones have the best quality without the bloody fucking hair seams that have been driving me insane lately.

I run this machine:
Core i5 2500k @ 4.5 GHz
16 GBs DDR3-1600
2x GTX 670 (4GB models)

Jul 19, 2013, 09:41 PM
is there any new findings I noticed the last reply is a bit old just wondering lol
also anyone know how to do this?

Jul 28, 2013, 03:04 PM
is there any new findings I noticed the last reply is a bit old just wondering lol
also anyone know how to do this?

I'm curious to know this as well. I think it's SweetFX, but I'm not certain.

Here's a screenshot of another user on this board.



Aug 1, 2013, 12:02 AM
hi everyone here, I'm building a PC soon and hoping it's one capable of looking as good as at least Sizustar's PSO2. Well, I guess not "least" since his looks the best imo.

Anyway, I'm on a 500 dollar budget, can someone recommend me a good GPU and CPU while keeping in mind I have to buy all the other stuff needed to build a computer too. Thanks.

Aug 1, 2013, 01:37 AM
not gonna get a GPU powerful enough if all you have is 500 dollars

Aug 1, 2013, 12:36 PM
funny since every other person has recommended me GPU that should be able to run the game fine at max with a little bit of AO as well. Once again pso-world is shit for help

Aug 1, 2013, 01:04 PM
A $500 budget won't be able to get you a GPU that can run these settings anyway. Don't know why you're complaining.

Edson Drake
Oct 16, 2013, 01:00 AM
Any info on something like that for ATI/AMD cards? I have a 7970 Lightning that smokes every game I play on it, but all games these days only scream NVIDIA! NVIDIA! at you non-stop.

Oct 16, 2013, 01:22 AM
Any info on something like that for ATI/AMD cards? I have a 7970 Lightning that smokes every game I play on it, but all games these days only scream NVIDIA! NVIDIA! at you non-stop.

Radeon Pro, but the AO on there isn't as good as the Nvidia one.
You can also use Sweetfx for more effect choice.

Oct 16, 2013, 02:01 AM
funny since every other person has recommended me GPU that should be able to run the game fine at max with a little bit of AO as well. Once again pso-world is shit for help

My GPU alone cost me about 200€ (a GTX660), and I already have FPS drops using just enough antialiasing to fix texture shimmering and without AO. Now add the cost of the rest of the components and you're already over 700€. Might be a bit less if you're recycling some components (in my case I didn't have to buy power sources nor hard drives since I had them from my old PC).

I suppose the numbers shouldn't be too different in dollars.

Oct 16, 2013, 10:00 PM
He seems to be confused about running the game at the game's max settings vs forcing enhancements not native to the game. not really relevant though since if you noticed the posts are from july/august

Oct 16, 2013, 10:14 PM
When someone bumps, no one pays attention to the last date posted.

Oct 16, 2013, 10:25 PM
I noticed that too

Oct 21, 2013, 04:35 AM
really great tut sir very helpful
I like it so far. And I see that you're all shearing

Dec 1, 2013, 01:32 PM
I don't know if this question was asked prior to me thinking of it, but does this work with any other games?

Jan 2, 2014, 10:22 AM
I cant get this to work. My drivers are up to date. I follow all the steps but nothing changes
Gtx 780ti
Intel 4770k
Win 8.1

Jan 25, 2014, 03:41 AM
I cant get this to work. My drivers are up to date. I follow all the steps but nothing changes
Gtx 780ti
Intel 4770k
Win 8.1
because driver 331.4 AO change HBAO+
it work in old ver. driver only
but 780ti have no old ver. driver

i am 780ti too
i am Very depressed

Mar 8, 2014, 11:30 PM
Hm, what does it mean when you download nvidia inspector and it doesn't have a compatibility tab?

Aug 19, 2014, 01:11 PM
So, I can't seem to see any difference using my Nvidia Inspector. I'm currently using Nvidia Geforce GTX850M. And if the driver I can use are only HBAO+, does anyone know how to activate it in PSO2?

Oct 18, 2014, 10:08 AM
is a GTX 850m able to handle this?

Jun 24, 2015, 02:15 AM
Anyone have any luck getting this so work on a newer Nvidia card such as the GTX 980?

Jun 27, 2015, 12:54 PM
M870 here, applying settings resets them to "ambiant occlusion disabled". Just saying.