View Full Version : Fanfiction help?

Mar 23, 2003, 10:32 PM
How do i make Fan Fiction stories?

Mar 23, 2003, 10:44 PM
Fanfiction is basically "Fiction written by fans".

Since this is a PSO site, it means fanfiction is written about PSO. This will involve doing a little research into the world of Phantasy Star Online, such as locations (forest, caves, mines, ruins, Ragol, Pioneer 2 and Pioneer 1, etc), and depending on what you're writing, characters and such. This can take the form of using the existing characters (most common in other fanfiction using other series), or using original characters, or even avatars/SI's (self-insert), which is basically your characters on PSO.

One thing to watch out for is the "Mary Sue", the SI or avatar of the author. The Mary Sue will be all-knowing, all powerful, infallible, and everyone will fall in love with him/her. This can drive away readers quickly. However, a good SI fic can be written if the author makes the character believable.

As for existing characters, PSO does have them. All NPCs count, as well as the people in P2. If you do some research into the quests, a storyline is already there.

From the storyline, you could write character thoughts, perhaps, or even from the NPC's view. Heck, you could even do it from the enemy's view! Why was Dark Falz banished? How about Rico, who is possessed by Falz? How does she feel? Does she feel fear when she can sense a team of hunters has entered her 'secret garden', or does she feel liberation?

The Military can also come into play. From the storyline, they have been proven to have ulterior motives which aren't beneficial to P2. Could they recreate the disaster that happened to P1 without knowing it?

etc etc, the world of PSO is very large. All you need as well is decent literay skills, and you're all set!

Mar 23, 2003, 10:52 PM
i mean to say how do i start to make one, where do i click to start writing?

Mar 23, 2003, 11:26 PM
Just post the fic as you would a normal post. Look at other fics to see how that is done.

Mar 24, 2003, 08:23 AM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O=