View Full Version : Cant beat Katakana captcha boss please help

Jul 4, 2012, 10:56 PM
Hey, so ... Im sure most of you had to do this to get you ID able to play PSO 2 *if there is a way around this do tell please* but im stuck ... My id is registred but I need to log into the site to be able to log into the game severs...Im using


ect... but its not working out for me.. I cannot copy the text in the captcha to google and I cant seem to figure out the text on my own.. any suggestions around this or help with would be GREATLY appreceated I want to join yall!!

the only way around it I can figure is ... If i save the image and quickly show someone to translate it for me before it times out << >> lol

Jul 5, 2012, 12:57 AM
I'm not sure what you are trying to do... but you can try this.


gotten from http://bumped.org/psublog/purchasing-arks-cash-in-phantasy-star-online-2-japan/

Jul 5, 2012, 08:12 PM
Hey thank you VERY much I was stuck on Sega's login page to verify I wasnt a both with the Captcha I couldnt decode it via the sites I linked but yours worked first try!!

If there is a way to rate SolRiver please tell me their links were very helpful and they are due credit! Thanks again!!

Minus now im stuck with error 249 and from what Ive read it means the servers are down for something.. tis ok though got past that part :D