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Jul 6, 2012, 09:41 AM
All gone now

Jul 6, 2012, 09:51 AM
Okay. I'll post translations here form now on.

//Also reserving spot if necessary

Jul 6, 2012, 10:03 AM
64 Under investigation
Patty: That was dangerous. You make sure to get out of my way. Now if you'll excuse me, back to gathering information.
Tia: Sorry about my sister, we're kind of in a hurry.
Tia: Hey Patty, you're going the wrong way. It's in the complete opposite direction. Hey, listen to what I'm saying idiot!

Jul 6, 2012, 11:19 AM
Yes and yes.
"i did kind of screw up"
Echo: Xeno....
Xeno: Echo...

The event missions I'm trying to go through as fast as possible. They're not very central to the story and i'd drive myself crazy spending all of the time, checking, double checking, and editing required for a full translation.

Jul 6, 2012, 10:29 PM
Chapter 2 if you guys require it.



If anyone can tell me how to turn off team chat from appearing at all that would also be useful here.[/spoiler-box]

Jul 6, 2012, 10:48 PM
Sweet, I'll get right on it. RocSage, are you going to update the first post with the story content?

Jul 6, 2012, 11:59 PM
yes, it's coming. I am sleepy today and was waiting for this footage to convert so i past out.

14 new videos on the way ^.^

Jul 7, 2012, 02:10 AM
Updated with 15 new scenes. I need to download and edit the Chapter 1: Memories from the Past video and Find the other Shion Videos, and perhaps the John one.

I also left the Translation of The Masked Figure off for right now as the new video has more to translate since it has the entire start to finish of the mission, rather than just where the split occurs. Don't know if they say something different so best to check first

Jul 7, 2012, 09:10 AM
Got more footage to fill in Shion and Mission stories, but more importantly Agrajag posted the full list of events and I updated them along with moving all the event tabs that weren't on the list to where they are on the list which makes the list all that much better.

Jul 7, 2012, 10:45 AM
Updated with 15 new scenes. I need to download and edit the Chapter 1: Memories from the Past video and Find the other Shion Videos, and perhaps the John one.

I also left the Translation of The Masked Figure off for right now as the new video has more to translate since it has the entire start to finish of the mission, rather than just where the split occurs. Don't know if they say something different so best to check first

15 new videos? I hope Sega gives me a chance to translate this before they add more content. I'm going to be focusing on matter boards and story missions if they come up first. There really isn't too much information given in the events that's doesn't come up in the main story anyways.

Jul 7, 2012, 11:46 AM
14 videos + the story mission video.
So far there are 50ish videos.

Jul 7, 2012, 10:16 PM
Here is the first part of Chapter 3


Already did the 2nd part, rendering that video to upload.

Jul 7, 2012, 11:40 PM
Here's what the second option gives you in the first story section part
PSO2 Day I was Waiting For (2nd Option) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_0vw_DuSwk)

I'm curious what peoples' opinion is as far as the dated event tablets that are in the mother board as far as the timeline.

There is 2 timelines in effect
Linear Time which is 1 event moving to the next event in a straight line, basically how the world usually runs.
And then there is this Personal Timeline which is the the linear timeline of a person from their own perspect, ie you could experience days 12345 in the order of 32451 in a straight line for you.

I could just toss them, but they are clearly dated for a reason and may give clues. On the other hand it seems if you toss them the timeline is very simple to follow with missions happening in a linear fashion and then shion shows up to kick you back in time, forming a consistent loop. With them it looks more like a slingshot affect of some sort that can only be maintained for so long.

To me it seems like time is moving in a linear fashion. Only that by using the motherboard you're able to experience two events at the same time. You start off on 238/2/20 with The day i was going for, go straight and meet Xeno. The matter board events go in forward normal motion and then you go back to 238/2/20 in Memories from the past and find Matoi. And then 238/2/20 again to meet the masked figure and Ghetmert. In the two i just translated, frozen orgin and questionable histories both take place on 238/3/2 going both right and left.

So pretty much time keeps going forward except for story quests which allow you to experience multiple aspects of the same events.

As for the Affin video, for the option *did you say something* he says, "just forget i said anything. I won't bother you". I think it works the same way PSP2 worked, where you're given two options and two or three lines of dialog change, but has little impact on the events that happen. Shion does mention multiple outcomes. So i'm not sure how they're doing to manage that. I mean you'd have to start an entirely new account to see another version of the story. Which seems like it'd suck because you'd have to level up through a new character to see it. Hopefully they'll let you go back and retry the story on one character if that's the case. Hopefully it doesn't come down to a Deus Ex human revolution, "choose your ending at the last second all the choices you made up to now were bullshit anyways" kind of ending.

Jul 8, 2012, 10:44 PM
I also wonder how or if they are going to explain the time line splits because you split it 3 ways and you keep the experiences of each pass through in the Ch0&1. Xeno & Echo still remembers you after you alter the timeline so that you don't meet him, and Matoi remembers you after you alter it the second time so that you don't save her. I would say it is just a matter of you going back and you are a second/third presence, but you are very clearly with Affin and he is acting like the first time you went through so the Time travel must be more on a quantum level where you don't transport bodily, but rather somehow mentally return to an earlier point and act differently causing you to be in 3 different places at once.

I was thinking about that too. It's really convenient time travel.

Also two minor points about the first post. "In mission scenes" sounds like 'events'. "Story Missions" might be a better title. And i don't know which one is easier to read, but for the for post chronological order with story missions, matter boards, and shion so it's easier to read top-to-bottom rather than having to click through different spoiler-boxes. Maybe someone can weigh in.

Jul 8, 2012, 10:50 PM
Shion MB1 End
- AP 238/2/27 14:00 -
Shion: I have something I need to tell you. That is, there is a fluctuation.
Shion: Cause and effect are focusing towards one event. We may have a chance to act.
Shion: This maybe an event linked to fate.
Shion: That;s what we're been hoping and longing to happen.
Shion: I must apologize.
Shion: I've been vague in my explanations. There is something that you still do not understand.
Shion: I must adjust my way of thinking and tell you. This is a request from me to you.
Shion: I want you to goto planet Naberius.
Shion: Why I cannot tell you. That only your future can answer that.
Shion: I can only observe.

Jul 8, 2012, 11:06 PM
cool thread, good work you two

Jul 8, 2012, 11:09 PM
Matoi 6

Matoi: Hello I was waiting here, thinking that you might come by to talk again. I'm really happy that you came.
Matoi: I'm not very good at talking to other people. It's actually very scary.
Matoi: Fria said that I might have some trauma but I'm really not sure.
Matoi: But you, for some reason I can talk to you normally with no problems.
Matoi: That's why i guess it's okay. I don't have any memory but at least i have someone to talk to and feel at ease with.

Jul 8, 2012, 11:13 PM
Very good thread. I wonder if you two feel like to finish all the translation first before you have people to make comment? Or you don't mind that?

For a thread like this it is possible to bump first few posts to edit it later. and You can ask mod to help you to remove those insert comment from other people and locked if you need.

Jul 8, 2012, 11:15 PM
Matoi 7 (anyone else thing matoi's voice actor is exceptionally great?)

Matoi: What am I doing? Observing. Not anyone person, just everyone.
Matoi: It's really interesting. There are tons of people here and no persons are exactly the same.
Matoi: I guess that's to be expected. But i wonder why....
Matoi: for some reason in my head, everyone seemed to have the same face.
Matoi: I .... can't remember. I don't think it does any good to get frustrated. I guess I'll relax.
Matoi: I'm still not very good at talking to people, but I like looking at their faces. It's a lot of fun.
Matoi: For some reason it happy me happy. Not sure why, but it just does.

Jul 8, 2012, 11:17 PM
Very good thread. I wonder if you two feel like to finish all the translation first before you have people to make comment? Or you don't mind that?

For a thread like this it is possible to bump first few posts to edit it later. and You can ask mod to help you to remove those insert comment from other people and locked if you need.

I'm pretty much throwing translations into the thread and then once rocsage adds them to the first post i delete them. So anyone can comment, everything is in the first post. I leave my translations up a little longer than necessarily as i don't make back ups. I translate in notepad with youtube playing in the background and then just copy paste into pso-w.

Jul 8, 2012, 11:19 PM
alright cool then!

Jul 8, 2012, 11:44 PM
If anyone would like to help by finding videos or translating or editing some of the already translated material I know I'd be most appreciative since there is a lot and we have roughly half (around 50 videos) with about 20-30 more videos once i get the other matter boards unlocked.

I record with 29.95 FPS (also run my game at this speed) using fraps at 1440x900 and have enlarged my font as Kion told me how ^.^.
And then I try to record a second or two before i click the tablet to get the name of the event.
I then convert the footage to wmv and 1080p .

If you can get non-converted 1080p or 720p those would look a lot better than what I'm currently uploading.

If you want to translate just use the names of the videos or the numbers so i can reference it and put it up there
Same thing if you want to help edit.

As far as the layout of the first post. I prefer to be able to reference a video, rather than see it chronologically because you don't always do them chronologically or you just want to know that particular section. Just my opinion. It seems quicker the way i have it and if someone wants to see it chronologically they can just take the timeline and find the vids from there.

Jul 9, 2012, 12:02 AM
Actually I think i'll edit my first post in this thread to be a chronological bare-bone sequence of events. At leats not at the moment though. Working on more translations. And yeah, more translators would definitely be appreciated too.

Jul 9, 2012, 12:39 AM
All of the missing matter board 2 events.

MB2 A-5
AP 238/2/20
Mask: Where is (s)he?

MB2 B-1
AP 238/2/21
Patty: Oh you came! What information do you want to listen to?
Patty: It's fine, ask anything. Patty can definitely answer it.
Tia: Sorry it looks like my sister likes you.
Tia: I wonder if it's because you actually listened to her.
Tia: Don't worry I research all of the information so it's accurate, and we don't ask for any payment.
Tia: Patty's super energy, well it would be nice if she took it down a little.
Patty: What are you two secretly talking about, let me in too.
Tia: What are you talking about, why don't you just spill out more information.
Patty: Oh right, how about this, "Dangerous Arks"
Patty: we say arks, but it's not like all arks are devoted to justice and truth.
Patty: There are a couple of teams that just enjoy killing or dont really care about friend or foe.
Patty: Just thinking about it pisses me off.
Tia: aside from the exceptions that Patty just mentioned the vast majority of arks are upstandign members.
Tia: It's just that one section is expecially rotten.
Tia: More than being a good person having power is a trait that's sought after in this world. I guess it can't be helped.
Patty: Just watch out, if come in contact with those members it could turn out to be a problem.

MB2 B-3
AP 238/2/22
Xeno: Oh hey, what's up?
Xeno: Coincidence meeting you here. How are you doing?
Xeno: Meeting here in this forest could be a good chance. Come help us.
Echo: Xeno, we're mid-mission right now.
Xeno: Don't worry about the details.
Xeno: Besides we've pretty much finished up already right?
Echo: You're right, when did we....
Xeno: When you were running away from all of the native creatures.
Echo: I wasn't scared, anyways do what ever.
Xeno: then it's fine. Let's go.

MB2 B-4 (also scene 2 in events)
AP 238/2/23
Patty: hey you. Did we see you before? Or not? Anyways it doesn't matter.
Patty: It looks like you want information. You want it right? That's fine just be honest.
Patty: The number one information industry in arks, Patty-n-Tia is us.
Tia: Don't pay attention to her. She just named it on the spot right now.
Tia: But we really do collect information like... the one about the weird dark on Naberius.
Patty: That's right! The rumored 'searching darker'. He's supposedly a lot more powerful than a normal darker.
Patty: something-team let their guard down and got done in by him. Not good right?
Tia: We heard about that and went looking. Call it good luck, or bad luck, but we weren't able to confirm it.
Tia: It is possible that darkers have other objectives besides just fighting arks members.
Patty: I know weird right! Anyways if you see it come tell us.

MB2 C-1
AP 238/2/24
Ulc: Oh hey, good timing. There's something i wanted to aks you. is it okay?
Ulc: What does controlling photons feel like?
Ulc: Kneeding dough? Holding back liquid? oh, uh...
Ulc: I mean i was thinking that if i could get the feeling of it, then maybe i'd be able to control them too.
Ulc: Not that's fine. I asked other people too and that just said 'somehow'.
Ulc: Maybe that not knowing that 'somehow' means i have no tallent.
Ulc: That sucks i mean really sucks.
Ulc: But i guess complaining doesn't help.
Ulc: I guess i'll just have to search for something else i can do.

MB2 E-4
AP 238/3/3
Echo: You're quickly building up a reputation. The rookie that will listen to anything and help out.
Xeno: But looking at you run around helping people like that makes me remember my teahcer.
Xeno: He kept listenging to people's requesting going from there to here...
Echo: Oh it started, when Xeno starts talking about his teacher he won't stop.
Xeno: I'm not about to start monolouging here. Besides I'm not about to put them in the same group.
Xeno: but really the aura that you have really looks close to him as well.
Xeno: Just remember that our teacher spent all of his time and effort helping other people that he ended up poor himself. Just take care about that much.
Echo: Okay, Xeno let's keep going.
Xeno: Right, later.

Jul 9, 2012, 12:59 AM
You translated those and I just uploaded 5 more videos into the Event tablets ^.^ The new ones may have to do with the story, but I can't remember what they all are. One of them have that grey guy from Masked figure in it and another has a New Ninja Cast girl, and another has another scene that is dated and is part of the Mage guy (as i have dubbed him hehe) series.

i actually have 2 other videos that I haven't uploaded, but I don't know their names and I don't feel like adding the unnamed section again. One is Yet another Tia and patty Scene. They have a ton of scenes At least 6 or 7 at present count. And the other is a maloo scene. I think I could figure it out if translated, but I'll just try to get that video again.

Lastly I get the feeling that Ulc is Affin's sister or something.

Jul 9, 2012, 03:47 AM

Heres the next one for you guys. (780p & 1080p still processing as of this post)

Also currently uploading the first part of CH4.

Jul 9, 2012, 09:17 AM
Awesome :). Finally know what's going on :P
Would be really cool if you could add annotations to the video that show the translated subs :)

Jul 9, 2012, 10:40 AM

CH4 First Part for you guys, Still rendering as of this post.

Jul 9, 2012, 10:43 AM
woohoo after this latest session I got 11 more videos, 1 is messed up a little cuz i hit the exit out button...somehow, but it doesn't block the text so it's all good and it's not like John moves much or is entertaining, but if I come across it again I'll replace it.

I'll start converting them soon. But this brings the video count to 57/103. I know there is 12 videos in the Matter Board 3. I just haven't gotten to them yet.

Jul 9, 2012, 10:49 AM
Awesome work Roc!

Jul 9, 2012, 12:04 PM
Took today to catch up on leveling. Finally hit 30. I'll get on chapter 3b and 4a tomorrow.

Jul 9, 2012, 04:47 PM
I just realized I haven't posted here yet, so I figure now's a great time. Thank you, everyone who's involved in this project, for your work. I really wanted to know more about the characters and what's going on, and to sit down and enjoy the story. Because of this list, I can now afford to be somewhat emotionally invested in the story. And that's one of the main things I wanted, coming in to this game. So, thank you.

Jul 9, 2012, 09:52 PM
I just realized I haven't posted here yet, so I figure now's a great time. Thank you, everyone who's involved in this project, for your work. I really wanted to know more about the characters and what's going on, and to sit down and enjoy the story. Because of this list, I can now afford to be somewhat emotionally invested in the story. And that's one of the main things I wanted, coming in to this game. So, thank you.

I don't read japanese either, but I was invested in the characters because they are somewhat basic characters, at least the ones that stand out, so I knew what they were saying in general before I ever read any translation.

THe new videos are up yay ^.^

Jul 10, 2012, 10:52 AM
Wow, this was a long chapter. There are two options in this. So maybe other people can check if choosing other options has any impact.

Chapter 3 - The Tyrant in the Dunes
AP 238/3/12
Furie: Okay, let's try again.
Furie: We'll definitely say thank you this time.
Furie: A bouquet? I don;t have anything like that, just show them how i feel.
Furie: I'm not very smart. I don't think that thinking will help any.
Furie: Anyways, let's just try and see how it works out. We can always think later.
Furie: I know it's not very cast like, but this is how I am.
Fuire: Okay, let's go. Where should we start from today?

Furie: Oh wait, I forgot to file this mission.
Furie: Oh, uh... write this, write that.
Fure: Uh, what time is it again?

a) 11:00
b) 8:00

Furie: Right, 8:00. Okay data input complete.
Furie: Today we started off really early.
Furie: No one else is around yet. This early morning mission is a nice change of pace.

AP 238/3/12 9:00
Furie: Hey look over there.
Furie: Are the reminants of some kind of battle. It's in such bad shape that I can't look at it.
Furie: The idea that an Arks member could have doen this is pretty scary.
Furie: Oh, sorry, I was thinking about their safety.
Furie: On Lilipa, there are pretty much only battle drones and darkers.
Furie: So for them, everything here is an enemy.
Furie: And Arks maybe a treat too.
Furie: With us running around blowing things up it makes sense for them to run away.
Furie: Sorry to space off like that.
Furie: If we don't tell them that we're not enemies then there's no way communication can start.
Furie: Since we're able to meet, not interacting seems like a shame.

AP 238/3/12 10:00

Furie: I wonder what this sound is? The sound of weapons? Is there a battle somewhere?
Ghetmurt: Hey! I thought a metal body was supposed to be more rugged. This is boring. Try harder!
Furie: This is terrible.
Ghetmurt: What are you worms doing here. This is my playground. I'm about to turn it over.
Ghertmurt: Wait, not the female cast. I've seen you before haven't I?
Shina: You met before on Naberius.
Ghetmurt: Oh that's right. My memory is no good. I should at least remember the names of my prey.
Ghetmurt: The fact that you're here means that fucking masked guy is around too right?
Ghetmurt: Or did you come here to entertain me?
Ghetmurt: Get out of my way woman, I have no interest in you.
Furie: So the Arks causing so much trouble around here is you.
Ghetmurt: Trouble? This is what Arks do.
Ghetmurt: Going to different planets. Annihilating enemies. That's what we do right?
Furie: That's nto true, we also are supposed to take care of local populations.
Ghetmurt: That's part of what I'm implying idiot!
Ghetmurt: You think we can communicate with populations that have been infected by arks?
Ghetmurt: You think so too right?

1)Nod your head (*)
2)Shake your head

Ghetmurt: See you get what I'm saying right? You're just like me.
Furie: He's not like that. He sympathizes with others.
Ghetmurt: Ha!
Ghetmurt: What's with this little bastard. he justs keeps staring.
Ghetmurt: It doesn't matter probably been infected by darkers and is coming after us.
Ghetmurt: So I'll just have to splatter his brains here and save Arks some trouble later.
Furie: Stop!
Ghetmurt: What?
Furie: Are you okay? Hurry up and run.
Ghetmurt: I really don;t have any words to descrive an idiot who jumps out to protect an
Furie: They're not enemies. They saved me before. That's why this time i wanted to..
Ghetmurt: Oh, so you're a pussy too?
Ghetmurt: You guys just really don't get it do you?
Ghetmurt: Even those little furballs are going to end up infected and coming after us.
Ghetmurt: That's why tearing them apart now is actually the nice way to settle.
Ghetmurt: Don't look at me like that you filthy cast.
Ghetmurt: This place just got old. Let's go Shina.
Shina: Yes. Then please excuse us.
Ghetmurt: Shina, hurry your ass up!
Furie: I'm okay. This isn't as bad as it looks.
Furie: I know that part of what he said is true,
Furie: If they get infected by darkers then we'll have to fight them.
Furie: I know that what I'm doing doesn't change that.
Furie: But even so I'd still like to believe in what I'm doing.
Furie: You're worried about me? Thanks, I'm okay.
Furie: You're still a little scared, but it's okay.
Furie: It may take a bit of time, but i'm not going to give up.


Jul 10, 2012, 11:30 AM
Wow, this was a long chapter. There are two options in this. So maybe other people can check if choosing other options has any impact.

So he selected 8? I'll just keep a note of it when I play through and record it.

I started recording Matter Board 3 scenes and 5 will be up soon. Don't know how soon I'll get the rest of the scenes.

Jul 10, 2012, 12:13 PM
Uh, choosing 8:00 is what is required to do the next part. From how I see both are actually the "truth" (Time is altered to which you choose?) thus how if you choose 8:00 the enemies you encounter are still the Robots "protecting" the area and how Ghetmurt is still around.

In the first run of it my character automatically replied 11:00 with no choice. The time stamps also changed from what I remember.

Jul 10, 2012, 12:40 PM
Uh, choosing 8:00 is what is required to do the next part. From how I see both are actually the "truth" (Time is altered to which you choose?) thus how if you choose 8:00 the enemies you encounter are still the Robots "protecting" the area and how Ghetmurt is still around.

In the first run of it my character automatically replied 11:00 with no choice. The time stamps also changed from what I remember.

did you choose 11 and it didn't advance the story? Kinda like how you can choose to go straight ahead in the chapter 1 missions and it will just replay the tutorial stuff?

Jul 10, 2012, 12:52 PM
If I choose 11 I go the "Sands, Machines, and..." chapter route again.

Jul 10, 2012, 12:53 PM
I can confirm from last night that, yes, choosing 11 re-does part 1 (Sands, Machines, and...; Gwanada). Choosing 8 nets you part 2 (Tyrant in Dunes; Gearnas). I went and chose the first choice to the ham's question, so now I look like a jerk.

Jul 10, 2012, 12:59 PM
cool cool good to know

Jul 10, 2012, 05:17 PM
My mistake, just double checking.

Jul 10, 2012, 05:24 PM

Here's the last one released for now.

The Trigger to go this path is to kill the Breeda & the El Ahdas.

Thanks once again for the translations guys.

Jul 11, 2012, 12:25 AM
Good work Vashyron
Or is it Vashzaron. One must be the evil clone and if that's the case we fell into their nefarious plot, oh no!

Updated to add those 6 MB3 videos (there is more to get to, at least 9 more.)

As to the story I think I'm gonna go with really convenient time travel (or RCT ^.^) theory that says that you can be in multiple places at once AND you travel there at will via the matter board AND this does allow traveling to the future as well.

So for Chapter 1 You save Matoi which caused Mask not able to find her which leads to your encounter with him. Quantum Version 1 of you met Xeno and Quantum Version 2 of you saved Matoi already and thus those events will now always happen. When the mission is done you return to the present and the new events are added to the old ones.

So when you see those Dates on the videos, those are the dates they happen in regular time which means that you are seeing the events of the story somewhat out of order to everyone else's perspective... Maybe Tia and Patty are also time travels and is the reason they always introduce themselves.

Jul 11, 2012, 12:30 AM
Chapter 4 part 1. Didn't get much sleep and I'm translating this at school. My teacher wouldn't shut up the entire time I was trying to translate this. Not my bet work, but the jist is there. Also any suggestions for 龍族? Literally it's dragon family/type. I abbreviated it to just 'dragon'. But maybe dragoon or something might be better fitting. 'Dragon' feels too general.

AP 238/3/19
Aki: Thanks for coming. We were waiting. I don't think i need to explain the objective.
Aki: No wait, you're the arks member i recognize. That question was unnecesary.
Aki: Let's get going. While we talk our quest isn't quietly waiting for us.
Light: Sorry for the lack of explanation.
Light: This is a normal dragon-type investigation, but
Light: Aki maybe thinking of something different. I hope it doesn't turn violent like before.
Light: If that happens then me may need to grab her and head back.
Light: So thanks for your help today.


AP 238/3/19 12:20
Aki: As expected dragon-types are really strong. And you're not bad either for dealing with them normally.
Aki: Lately though, they've been up in arms against arks. It wasn't think bad before.
Aki: Arks and dragons actually communicated somewhat.
Aki: We've already translated their language. So there should be people who can communicate.
Aki: There's a dragon over there.
Aki: When someone as skilled as you comes along, they'll come after you one after the other. Leave this to me.
Aki: hey dragon my name is AKi. If it's okay, would you like to talk?
Aki: He's responding to me as if he understands our language. So they've translated our words as well.
Aki: I guess that's commonly reffered to as being ignored. Kind of pisses me off.
Aki: I've started to want to communicate with these guys more.
Aki: Just you wait, I'll show you that I'm not the easiest person to be ignored.
Light: Sensei. Sensei! Oh shit, she ran off again.
Light: But the dragon just now didn't attack us. I wonder why.
Light: Putting on airs? Not sure i understand what you mean.
Light: Oh that's right, while we were talking she got further away. Let's hurry.

AP 238/3/19 12:40
Aki: The number of darkers seems exceptionally high. This is not a good trend.
Light: Sensei, the dragons can hold the darkers off on their own right?
Aki: Supposedly. That's why it was announced there is no need to support them.
AKi: I'd like to propose that that is not the best course of action.
Aki: Arks using photon based weapons are the only group that can completely destroy darkers.
Aki: Even though dragons are strong, using brute force is not enough. Darkers will keep coming.
Aki: That's part of what i think caused the sudden change in them. If we don't cooperate i can't investigate completely.
Aki: That's why i've been doing field work like this myself.

Ap 238/3/19 13:00
Aki: It's said that dragons poccess more knowledge than humans.
Aki: but looking at behavior like that, i can't imagine that it's true.

1) It looks like it's mad (*)
2) Looks like it's going to cry

Aki: You're right it does resemble rage. But what is it angry towards?
Aki: Is it angry? Or is it that it can only be angry?
Light: Nows the the time to be taliing. It's coming this way.

Ap 238/3/19 13:30
Bi・En: I was too late.
Aki: A voice in my head. You are you a dragon that can understand our words?
AKi: If you're going to be nice enough to make contact with us, will you hear ehat i have to say?
Bi・En: I refuse. Leave at once. I have nothing to say to you.
Aki: I'm sorry that we have to fight with your kind.
Aki: But i think you're more than intelegent enough to realize how odd this situation is.
Aki: You, a normal dragon won't attack us with out reason right?
Bi・En: Just playing with words. I have no intention of sticking around.
Aki: Wait...
Aki: I know, this is as far as we'll get for now. Let's head back.


Jul 12, 2012, 10:32 AM
completed chapter 4. 龍族 translates to dragon clan. Can't believe i spaced on that last time. Also a note at the end of this chapter a dragon gives his name to the hero. He says ヒのエン. Which could mean a bunch of things. ヒ is probably 火 as in fire. エン could be a lot of things, salt, chance, smoke, ect. So if he comes up in anymore chapters I'm just going to call him "Flamebert".

AP 238/3/19 12:00
Aki: Thanks for coming. I don't think I need to fill you in on the details.
Aki: Please forgive me. You're the arks i hired. I don't think I need to explain.
Aki: Let's go, while we're talking my intellectual quest won't stay quiet.
Light: Sorry for not providing a full explanation.
Light: This is a normal dragon-type investigation.
Light: But Aki is thinking of something else. I hope it doesn't turn violent like before.
Light: If that happens, let's grab her and get out of there.
Light: And thanks for coming today.
Aki: Can you please go ahead and destroy the darkers for us.
Aki: I've seen some data. But I'd like to try defeating them ourselves.
Aki: Details change during a battle, so I'll leave the details up to you.

AP 238/3/19 12:20

Aki: Defeating all of those darkers ate up a lot of time.
Aki: But for you to go through them with out much trouble is also comendable.
Aki: While we're taking a break might as well talk about the dragon clan. Lately they've been up in arms, but it wasn't like that before.
Aki: Arks and the dragon clan actually communicated. AKi: We've already translated their words. And there should be people who know how to speak the language.
Aki: Is that a dragon clan over there?
Aki: If you approach him, he may get the wrong idea and attack. Leave this to me.
Aki: Hey dragon, my name is Aki. If you have time can you listen to what i have to say?
Aki: What's this? It sounds like it's going directly into my head. Are these dragon clan words?
Light: Sensei, it's not the time to be thinking about that. It doesn't look like he wants to be friends at all.
Aki: Yeah I know, shut up.

AP 238/3/19 12:40
Aki: A dragon clan corpse? This doesn't fit the archetype at all.
Light: Discusting. Sensei, I'm surprised you can touch it. *pukes*
Aki: If you're my assistant then you should know i like studying living objects.
AKi: I have no interest in dead things. But this is just an empty object. I have no reason not to touch it.
Aki: okay, organs...
Light: *puke*, *puke*, *puke*.
Aki: Light shut up. Even if you're not interested at least try not to squirm.
Aki: I guess it's just as i expected.
Aki: Sorry I got lost in thought.
Aki: Looking into his organs it seems as if it was infected by darkers and acculumated inside his body.
Aki: Darkers if not destroyed by photon weaponsstill remain, that is to say, do you know this?
Aki: To put it simply if dirt is left over then a mountain will form. [English version: light gains make heavy purses]
Aki: Be it good luck or bad luck, looks like i got what I came here for. With this i can continue my research.
Aki: But fundamentally if i can't communicate with the dragon clan then this won't get resolved.

AP 238/3/19 13:00
Dragon: Loga! Please be calm. Why are you angry? Please respond loga.
Loga: *fire breath*
Dragon: Loga. Why?
Light: The dragon clan is fighting amoungst themselves?
Aki: That's not an impossibility, but listening towhat's going on, I doubt that's the case.
Aki: Okay then, Light: No way, you plan on getting involved?
Aki: You can't convince me to do otherwise. Hey dragon, he's been infected by darkers. There's no way he's in a normal state right now.
Dragon: Arks? I have no time to deal with you. Go away.
Light: Let's do as he says and just go home. This is too dangerous.
Aki: Shut up. Seriously just shut up.
Aki: So dragon, it's easy to say but what do you plan on doing about that in front of you?

//Note: poor translation for these two lines. hard to here what he says and pausing youtube video covers up the words. It's not important anyways so i figured screw it.
--Dragon: Unfortunate to kill own clan.
--Dragon: Kashina.

Aki: Kashina? That's the legendary hell dragon in dragon clan legend. So in order words you plan on killing it.
Dragon: Shrewd Arks, what are you thinking?
Aki: Leave it to us. I don't like letting things die.
Aki: Listen, if we attack that growth with photons all at once we may still be able to save it.
Aki: I don't know if it will work but we at least have to try.

AP 238/3/19 13:30
Loga: This.... is..
Dragon: Loga? You returned to normal.
Aki: It was a gamble but it turned out okay. Also it was lucky we caught it in the early stages.
Dragon: Shrewd arks. Just what did you do?
Aki: Simple, we just destroyed the darker formation with photons.
Aki: More than me, it was this guy that did most of the work.
Aki: He may have sustained some small wounds, but dragons heal fast. In time it should heal on its own.
Dragon: The power of arks?
Aki: It's still to early to be relieved. This is just the beginning.
Aki: More and more of you are going to become like this.
Dragon: What do you seak from us?
Aki: I want to communicate with you. That's what we both need right now.
Dragon: My name is ヒのエン.And I ask your name as well arks.
Aki: My name is AKi. This is my assistant Light. And this is [player].
Dragon: Arks, I apologize for being rude. And offer my thanks.
Dragon: The power that save Loga. I will not forget it.


Jul 12, 2012, 12:30 PM
Yay, updated...

6 more videos added taking us to a total of...a lot of videos and 63/103 event tablets, leaving us with only 40 more to go. A good number of those being matter board videos.

So of the new videos
1 new Matoi scene
1 new Maloo event tab scene
4 new Matter board 3 scenes

I'm thinking there are quite a few Matoi scene still remaining as it seems there is 1 scene for each story mission unlocked and 1 scene for each "area" unlock. I think there should be at least 5 more that I haven't gotten yet.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:35 PM
okay, i'll focus on the matter board videos. one more week until summer, so i'll do what i can but don't expect too much. And wow, 63/103 I'm surprised sega is releasing this much content already. I wonder if there will be content downloaded in a new patch or if they can handle it server side.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:54 PM
If you look at the translation files that is for Agrajag's English Patch there are "Group 0" "Group 1" I am betting that those Groups are for yet unfinished updates or possible future expansions.

As it is with just doing the Matter board events it would take the video count to 78/103. Assuming that there is 10 or so videos that are unlocked by unlocking each story Mission or Matter Board there is at least 20 videos I can't access yet which would take the count to ~98 for just that.

So I suspect all 103 videos are already in the released content and the next "major" update will come with a whole new set of videos for Event Tabs.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:04 PM
Looking at sega's long term schedule, http://pso2.jp/players/news/?id=165 new Lilipa field as of 7/18 and new story mission early august. Sega sure brings the content fast and hard to the Jp side.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:18 PM
When that happens I think I'll have to make a new thread and try to take a whole page of posts, because that first post is absurdly long and confusing to edit. I also think there is a character limit to posts so at some point the forum might not allow further updating.

I've also considered Separating the Event tabs into Character related sections for quick look ups. The videos are already somewhat like that. The first 20ish videos all seem to be matter boards or story related or important info related. Then after that they seem to be broken up between the characters so you can predict about how many videos each character has.

1 thing I'm hoping for in the next video group though is less Tia and Patty. I love them as characters but seeing them over and over and over due to how many videos they have just get aggravating.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:20 PM
can someone tell me how to pick up items in pso2

Jul 12, 2012, 01:41 PM
can someone tell me how to pick up items in pso2

Please ask in game, or else where. This not the proper thread to be asking that.

Jul 12, 2012, 08:59 PM
Press 'E'

Jul 13, 2012, 06:21 PM
I have another group i'll be uploading in the next 24 hours...
the rest of MB3's videos
New matoi video...indeed unlocked by the story mission.
New shion video
possibly new event tabs that aren't matter board related. I haven't looked through them yet.

Jul 14, 2012, 09:12 AM
uploaded all the new videos...

Jul 14, 2012, 11:48 AM
how do you access masked man version on chapter 1 ? when I try to check this way the npc stop me each time, I can't go this way at all :/

Jul 14, 2012, 11:51 AM
Do all the yellow spots on Matter Board 2.

Jul 14, 2012, 12:38 PM
Do all the yellow spots on Matter Board 2.


Jul 15, 2012, 12:43 PM
Been kind of busy lately, but I figured I should keep the updates coming even if it's only a little bit at a time.

Matoi 8 was pretty hard to transate. I did just a quick literal translation into english. If you've studied even a little Japanese or picked up japanese from anime then you could probably pick this conversation with out too many problems. The translations are someone rough as it's a lot of short phrases that don't have good direct english equivalents (like 相づち).

Matoi: What am I like when I talk to other people?
Matoi: One seond, let me try.
Matoi: "um, yes"
Matoi: "understood"
Matoi: "is that so?"
Matoi: Just brief acknowledgements. I wonder if it's because I'm nervous.
Matoi: My tone is also too polite. Kind of odd.

Jul 15, 2012, 12:46 PM
A very short matoi 9

Matoi: Oh, hi, ugh.
Matoi: Sorry, it's just.. my head hurts. I'm not trying too hard (to remember). I can't.
Matoi: Thanks for coming by, but I think if i rest I might get better.

Jul 16, 2012, 02:13 PM
updated the first post, and it's cool. There is a lot there to translate already and I'm taking the time to complete MB3, before i start on MB4 which has 13 more videos on it and MB5 that has 11 more.

Yup, it's a lot.

Jul 17, 2012, 03:09 PM
yo Roc, mind if i put the story stuff on the pso2 wiki (http://p2o.wikkii.net/wiki/Main_Page)?

Jul 17, 2012, 03:26 PM
yo Roc, mind if i put the story stuff on the pso2 wiki (http://p2o.wikkii.net/wiki/Main_Page)?

what do you mean story stuff?

The videos? I don't care, but I might eventually delete them to clean up my youtube account. Also some of them are not on my account, but are someone else' videos so I don't have a say in that.

The translations are all Kion's other than that little bit so I don't see where I would have any say in that.

I would personally wait until we get this stuff all translated or edited and such so you can just put the synopsis, but that is just me.

Jul 17, 2012, 04:28 PM
ah, i was just going to put the stuff you have in the first post into the wiki. :P

Jul 17, 2012, 04:41 PM
ah, i was just going to put the stuff you have in the first post into the wiki. :P

I don't care for my stuff, but again, the translation stuff is Kion's.
I would say that you should put correct credits though.
The correct credits for me is not this user name but the user name on the youtube account.

Jul 17, 2012, 05:43 PM
No problem with that.

Jul 17, 2012, 06:25 PM
Sure, you can put the translations in the wiki.

And sorry i haven't been updating, school finishes up for the summer today, so i'll get on Shion once i get home tonight.

Edit: I didn't mean that to be double entendre.

Jul 17, 2012, 06:37 PM
Sure, you can put the translations in the wiki.

And sorry i haven't been updating, school finishes up for the summer today, so i'll get on Shion once i get home tonight.

Edit: I didn't mean that to be double entendre.

And ride her like a cowboy?

Jul 18, 2012, 12:22 PM
All of the stuff that is on the first page is on the wiki.
You guy's can update it if you wish and you could use this thread as a discussion for it.

Jul 18, 2012, 09:30 PM
Note: When shion says weapon, she doesn't mean an actual weapon. In japanese 武器 is kind of also extended to mean a skill, ability or tool.

AP 238/3/314:00
Shion: A new matter born has been formed. This shows that your actions are starting to come to fruit and favorable changes can be seen.
Shion: From me and us, we offer a thousand thanks.
Shion: Wh know that things simply don't go as planned. That's why we asked for your help.
Shion: You answered. Your will answered. ANd that is why I am greatful.
Shion: Because of your conscious decisions, the path taken is the best possible option. This is something only you could have accomplished.
Shion: The weapon you have in your hand, I have no knowledge of. I can not understand.
Shion: But i think someday you come come to understand yourself. This is something I know.
Shion: I have nothing more that I can say... please forgiv me.
Shion: And so having to depend on you time and time again, I must apologize.

Jul 18, 2012, 09:41 PM
MB3 A-2
Maria: I don't think I've seen you before. Wait, we did meet that time before. Sorry, I'm not very good at memorizing faces.
Maria: My name is Maria. I'm one for the more senior Arks.
Maria: To highlight an area of concern, I'd like to talk about the dragon clan.
Maria: The dragon clan is somewhat extreme. That is to say they are a closed society. There's a large gap between friend and foe.
Maria: If they see an ally, they relax but if they see an enemy they don't give any mercy.
Maria: Arks are seen as enemies. You get attacked often right?
Maria: Before we we able to talk a little bit, but recently things have gotten brutal.
Maria: And if you strike down one, then you further get seen as an enemy. It's troublesome.
Maria: The dragon clan has their own culture and their own way of communicating. Unless we understand their perspective then i think communication will be difficult.
Maria: I think Sara [サラ(another character)?] should be moving soon.
Maria: Then i'll be off. I'll try to remember your face, but if i don't then please forgive me.

Jul 19, 2012, 11:09 PM
Grrrr. These two MB3 points aren't dropping for me. I haven't started MB4 yet. I want to complete MB3 before I move on so if this doesn't drop you have plenty of time to catch up lol ^.^

Jul 20, 2012, 12:20 AM
MB3 A5 leda
AP 238/2/28
Leda: Hey listen up. I spent sometime thinking of a way to become stronger.
Leda: And I think the key to becominng stronger is definitely a strong weapon.
Leda: The higher ups all have their own exclusive weapons. We want some of that too.
Leda: That's why i went to the swordshithm but he said i have to pay upfront.
Leda: He said I need go have more passion or something.
Leda: Hey can you ask for me?
Leda: What we need are stronger weapons right? Then help me out.

Jul 20, 2012, 01:13 AM
The one after Leda

AP 238/3/1
Patty: Patty from the Arks Number 1 information bureau. Todays we are also in business.
Tia: And who couldn't get their hands on any decent information?
Patty: I don't look back on the past.
Patty: But i did get friendly with an old man in the lobby area.
Patty: He made a lot of weapons in the past. Pretty amazing right?
Tia: That's probably the famous blacksmith Zigg.
Tia: You call yourself an information seller and you don't even know that?
Patty: Who freaking cares?
Tia: What ever.
Tia: 40 years ago he was a stern weapons maker, but recently he's let go of himself.
Tia: But it's said that the weapons he did make are supposedly the genesis.
Patty: Genesis? You mean like the firts swords he made or something?
Tia: Exactly. Disregarding any thought of making a profit, he made an overpowered prototype that one one could use. Tuning that design is what all our current weapons are based off of.
Patty: SO the old guy I ran into is that amazing of a person?
Tia: That's not who you ran into. You should listen to what other people say occasionally.
Patty: Who cares. Anyways, it was good to hear right?
Patty: If he's that amazing then maybe I should get him to make a weapon for me.
Tia: That's why I said he doesn't have the motivation anymore.

Jul 20, 2012, 01:44 AM
021: ゼノとエコー (Xeno & Echo)
[spoiler-box]Xeno and Echo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A77z6jDLb1s)
AP 238/2/28
Echo: THAT's WHY. How many times do i have to repeat myself? Not that way, this way. We've been around the same area twice now.
Xeno: Shut up, it doesn't really matter either way we're almost done.
Echo: You're always like that. It's a matter of efficiency.
Xeno: Okay, sorry my bad.
Xeno: But you were the one who was messed up what we were actually supposed to do this mission.
Echo: You're always the one that says, it doesn't matter, or try to act cool and then immediately go back on what you say; you suck.
Xeno: Hey don't get on my case, you looked like you were going to cry back there.
Echo: Don't talk about that. I did kind of screw up.
Xeno: Hey I wasn't trying to get on your case.
Xeno: We've been together since we were kids so you know that right.
Echo: I know, but I don't want to be a burden.
*Character walks in*
Xeno: uh.... you....
Echo: uh....
Xeno: So Echo, let's get back to the mission.
Echo: Yeah, that's right the mission, we should hurry up and get back to it.
Xeno: You're right but if somebody hadn't messed up we'd already be done.
Echo: Xeno.... ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸
xeno: Echo・・・(゚_゚i)

Just want to mention that this awesome story continue with client order from Echo and Zeno. (each of them are going to do the same quest, but with our character instead.) And they will mention little more story.

Jul 20, 2012, 03:08 AM
AP 238/2/28
Zig: What's wrong with you. Did you come to laugh at me?
Zig: Laugh all you want. This swordsmith, 75 years old is all withered up.
Zig: I can't get passionate. What used to flow so naturally, recently I haven't had a creative spark.
Zig: The deciding battle 40 years ago made my heart quiver. The great battle 10 years ago did too. For some reason fighting brings the best out of me.
Zig: BUt after the war, things have calmed down. My passion has grown cold.
Zig: I still have the desire to craft weapons, but I don't want to make anything half-assed. This is my pride as a craftsman.
Zig: ... sorry to ramble on like that. It's easy to talk to you.
Zig: So to make something of my rambling, if you can find something to peak my interest, please bring it to me.
Zig: Yeah, something that will fill me with inspiration.

Jul 20, 2012, 03:31 AM
AP 238/2/28
Zig: What's wrong with you. Did you come to laugh at me?
Zig: Laugh all you want. This swordsmith, 75 years old is all withered up.
Zig: I can't get passionate. What used to flow so naturally, recently I haven't had a creative spark.
Zig: The deciding battle 40 years ago made my heart quiver. The great battle 10 years ago did too. For some reason fighting brings the best out of me.
Zig: BUt after the war, things have calmed down. My passion has grown cold.
Zig: I still have the desire to craft weapons, but I don't want to make anything half-assed. This is my pride as a craftsman.
Zig: ... sorry to ramble on like that. It's easy to talk to you.
Zig: So to make something of my rambling, if you can find something to peak my interest, please bring it to me.
Zig: Yeah, something that will fill me with inspiration.

!!!! Orotiagito is back?!

Jul 20, 2012, 03:44 AM
AUW 1975 model. Made by Dousetsu.
Special attack drains 7% of your maximum HP to fire a yellow wave that goes through monsters with the power of a hard attack, but lower accuracy.

no idea.

Jul 21, 2012, 07:26 AM
Curious, not sure if this is the right spot to ask, but...

Has the Arkz for this theme been really defined? i.e. What kind of organization is it?

I mean the..

Hunter Guild from PSO: They were a separate entity from the government, who had their soldiers that patrolled the city. The Hunter Guild members are able to pick jobs that they want and had freedom that the soldiers dislike since they were seen as just mercenaries, so there was a lot of conflict in that small ship.

GUARDIANS from PSU: They seemed more like an actual military force/intergalatic police corps. They had their own rules of engagement and had to maintain peace across the galaxy.

ARKZ of PSO2: This one, I find myself uncertain.

Jul 21, 2012, 09:44 AM
Curious, not sure if this is the right spot to ask, but...

Has the Arkz for this theme been really defined? i.e. What kind of organization is it?

I mean the..

Hunter Guild from PSO: They were a separate entity from the government, who had their soldiers that patrolled the city. The Hunter Guild members are able to pick jobs that they want and had freedom that the soldiers dislike since they were seen as just mercenaries, so there was a lot of conflict in that small ship.

GUARDIANS from PSU: They seemed more like an actual military force/intergalatic police corps. They had their own rules of engagement and had to maintain peace across the galaxy.

ARKZ of PSO2: This one, I find myself uncertain.

it is ARKS, not ARKZ.
ARKS as as far as we can tell is a specialized military force formed by the ORACLE Fleet to scout out and make safe new planets that are found preparing them for colonization. They, so far, don't seem to have any real command structure or ranks and act more as mercs than a military force, but it is made clear that they are associated with the government of ORACLE. It is also know that they generally work in pairs of two, a fighter and someone who deals with looking up information on the fly.

We've seen this dynamic with...
Xeno & Echo
Getthart (or whatever his name is) & Kashina
Tia & Patty (though both seem to be informer)

You could also see we see the pair dynamic with "The Player" and Affin

The only "higher ranked" person we ever see is at the beginning with the guy giving the intro who is likely the head-master of an ARKS academy. Beyond that we only ever hear references to more senior members and rookies.

We also know that to become a ARKS you must be able to manipulate photons to some degree and there is a test before you join ARKS to see if you can or not.

Jul 21, 2012, 10:42 AM

Got it. Thanks for the information. I have been wondering about what sets them apart in this theme. (Besides, for those who RP being an Arks, it helps to know what you are!)

Jul 22, 2012, 12:19 AM
MB3 C4 Rojio

AP 238/2/21
Rojio: Are from Arks? Does that mean you'll accept my request?
Rojio: You will? Thank you very much. This helps a lot!
Rojio: As a student I've been studying the origins of the planets. BUt as for Naberius there's little information.
Rojio: It's the first planet that Arks go to, so I thought there'd be more information.
Rojio: Sorry. I got ahead of myself. My name is Rojio: My request is simple, a survey of Naberius' geological features. That's about it.
Rojio: I want to analyze it for myself. I don't know why it's kind of a feeling.
Rojio: Even if I ask other Arks, they all think that there's nothing more to be learned, and I don't get very nice replies.
Rojio: Sp thank you for helping me.
Rojio: It's fine when ever you have time.

Jul 22, 2012, 12:21 AM
And MB3 A5 and MB3 A1 are my two posts above the Zig conversation.

Jul 22, 2012, 12:28 AM
MB3 C4 Rojio Part2
AP 238/2/22
Rojio: Hello
Rojio: Thanks for acceping my request the other day.
Rojio: With your help I was able to get the data I was looking for... but-
Rojio: I'm not sure how to say this; the geographical features don't match up with each other. There are a few locations that are very odd.
Rojio: Sorry for my poor explanations. Anyways, this is the data I was looking for. I need to examine it further.

Jul 22, 2012, 01:06 AM
MB3 C5 Ulc Scene
AP 238/3/1
Ulc: Hello. Looks like you've been doing well.
Ulc: Being in Arks is a dangerous profession, so i's easy to get injured.
Ulc: Being able to talk like this kind of a blessing when you think about it.
Ulc: For someone being protected, then it's not exactly my place to say so.
Ulc: Uh, buess I didn't need to say that.
Ulc: Arks do the fighting and us normal people do the mainenance. That's how the roles are devided.
Ulc: What should I do? Food stuff management? ... not really suited for that. Product development? Maybe not...
Ulc: Oh wait, maybe an Arks-assosiated office job would be good.
Ulc: Might be irresolute as I wont be able to fight as an Arks.
Ulc: But since I've always wanted to join, wanting to be involved in someway or another is only natural.

Jul 22, 2012, 02:04 AM
MB3 D1
AP 238/3/5

Patty: Hey, hey, hey. It's Patty-chan.
Tia: Hello. This is Tia.
Patty: Tia why the low tension? I'm really high strung.
Patty: And want to know why? It's because we found some great information!
Patty: Want to hear? Don't want to hear? It doesn't matter because I'm going to tell you anyways.
Tia: Not exactly an information "business". What ever.
Patty: The location is here, Lilipa. It doesn't matter where you look, it's all sand. But recently small shadows have been sighted.
Patty: While it might not seem like much, there are a bunch of sighting reports.
Patty: just when i was thinking there could be something else here, I got this information.
Patty: Um.. what was it..
Tia: That an arks that was about to die got rescued by the little shadows.
Tia: This Arks wants to thank them and is trying to find the little shadows.
Patty: It was a female cast. If you're interested you should talk to her directly.

Jul 22, 2012, 02:13 AM
MB3 D3
AP 238/3/1
Rojio: You came at a good time. I was just thinking of contacting you.
Rojio: About the Naberius data, it looks like the back area data is also required.
Rojio: You already know the background information, thought you'd be the easiest to ask.
Rojio: I already have enough information for the forest. This time what I'd like to investigate is the Tundra.
Rojio: Regionally going right from a tropical forest right into tundra, something is off.
Rojio: It exists, so I have no choice but to acknowledge it. But somehow it feels off.
Rojio: There's no detailed data on the subject. It looks like records are being hidden.
Rojio: Got carried away, those aren't accusations a student should start throwing out.
Rojio: If I have an issue, the only option is to look into it first. If we look we may find something.
Rojio: It may be of trouble to you, but thanks for the help.

Jul 22, 2012, 02:19 AM
MB3 E1
AP 238/2/28
Affin: Oh good timing. Hey partner listen to this!
Affin: Just a second ago, in the tundra I saw it.
Affin: Just what? A really eerie looking person. He looked like he was searching for something.
Affin: An Arks on a quest? That's definitely not the case.
Affin: I've never seen someone so creepy like that.
Affin: From afar I didn't get a good look, but he was all black.
Affin: Anyways, if you're headed down this way stay on your guard. I'm going to head back.

Jul 22, 2012, 02:28 AM
MB3 E2
AP 238/3/1
John: Hey you. Have you seen a rare weapon in this area?
John: You haven't? The thing is my old friend is a swordsmith. Lately he's lost sight of himself.
John: Was thinking of asking him to make something for me. But unless he has a weapon in his hand can't get inspired.
John: That's why i was thinking of finding something to help him get inspired, but the search isn't going well.
John: It maybe that you don't need to show him a completed weapon, just something with potential.
John: if you find something that fits, then i think you should try showing it to him.
John: If you see a stern looking cast standing around not doing anything, then that's him.
John: Sorry for taking up your time. Wish us both luck.

Jul 22, 2012, 10:14 AM
So Zig invented photon weapons and since the requirement to be a ARKS is photon manipulation they must have been created within the last 40 years and the Darkers must have only been first encountered in the last 40 years, interesting.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:14 AM
MB3 E6
AP 238/2/26
Xeno: Hey, have you gotten used to fighting?
Xeno: What's your class? Oh that's right, you can pretty much manage anything.
Xeno: being able to change your photon manipulation specialization is pretty enviable.
Xeno: From your perspective, what do i look like?
Xeno: Do I look like a hunter? Because actually my photon specialization is mostly suited towards ranger.
Xeno: Right now I'm trying my best, but a class your not suited towards is hard.
Xeno: it would be nice to be someone like you.
Xeno: No point in dwelling on things i have no control over. I just have to do what I can.
Xeno: Go back to being a ranger? I've been thinking about that.
Xeno: But there's something i need to protect. And I think hunter does that best.
Xeno: Sorry it seems that when ever i talk to you i end up complaining about something.
Xeno: But what's this nastalgic feelign i get around you?

Jul 23, 2012, 04:18 AM
MB3 F1
Affin: Hey partner. This planet is really hot. Just walking around makes me tired.
Affin: The person i'm looking for hasn't turned up. That's to be expected.
Affin: Looking for someone on this undeveloped planet doesnt have a high probability of success in the first place.
Affin: But a while ago I saw a small little shadow.
Affin: For a person it's too small. I wonder what i was.
Affin: It's too hot, i cant think straight. Anyways I'm headed back.
Affin: Later partner, don't over exert yourself.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:30 AM
MB3 f3
AP 238/3/6
Patty: Hello
Patty: Information for when you're in a pinch. Want some fresh info?
Tia: He looks more annoyed by you than anything.
Patty: Good luck. There's no documented way of getting me to shut up.
Patty: Anyways, as far as information goes the place is right here, the third planet; 'Amu', 'Ammumu-'.
Tia: 'Amuduskia'.
Patty: That's right Amuduskia. The planet that got struck by a meteroirite and is now a weird shape.
Patty: As such the native creatures living here are really tough. You knwo what i mean, the dragons.
Patty: The dragons on Amuduskia are really intelegent and used to communicate with Arks before.
Patty: But recently violent dragons have been increasing. They'll attack Arks for no reaosn on sight.
Patty: It's kill or be killed.
Patty: But seriously when they attack you need to defent yourself.
Patty: That's right, if you're not around then there's no one to listen to my constant chatter.
Tia: Anyways, it's dangerous so be careful is all she's trying to say.
Tia: It's mostly Patty's meddling, but at least be on your guard.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:36 AM
MB3 F5
AP 238/2/28
Krot: Hey there. Are you on a quest, or come here on a mission?
Krot: I came here to eliminate darkers. But i've kind of gotten discouraged.
Krot: I ran into a some darkers, but rather than attack me, it looked like they were searching for something.
Krot: I defeated as amany as I could, but some still got away. They may still be searching in that area.
Krot: For darkers, it looked like they were being lead. Was really odd.
Krot: But I guess darkers being odd is nothign new.
Kort: Let's both take care. Later.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:46 AM
So Zig invented photon weapons and since the requirement to be a ARKS is photon manipulation they must have been created within the last 40 years and the Darkers must have only been first encountered in the last 40 years, interesting.

I'm kind of going on this being PSO(2). In the lore thread, AP meaning 'after pioneer' seems like a good guess. There's Naberius with forest, hildebears, Amaduskia with caves and shark-looking enemies. And then Lilipa a planet with mines, machines and Vader a vol-opt looking boss. Which might indicate darkers are the enemies from the ruins.

It's only that they can't be completely destroyed with out using photons. It's probably that Zig's weaponry changed the mechanics of how Arks fight.

Anyways, matter board 3 down, ready for 4 when ever your ready.

Jul 23, 2012, 11:57 AM
Created a new thread due to problems with the first post of this thread.
Namely it is too big which makes it hard to edit and also with it's size the videos don't work right.
So time to move again ^.^

Jul 23, 2012, 12:32 PM
y not use the wiki page for the data?

Jul 23, 2012, 12:46 PM
y not use the wiki page for the data?

I hate relearning wiki code. Also... other things.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:23 PM
I hate relearning wiki code. Also... other things.

It's not that hard. Heck the foundation for it is already laid out. all you'd have to do is just add "<br>" to the end of the sentences.

Jul 23, 2012, 04:32 PM
It's not that hard. Heck the foundation for it is already laid out. all you'd have to do is just add "<br>" to the end of the sentences.

I understand that and your position. I also have nothing against you or what you are trying to do. However I'm trying to politely tell you no I am not going to do that, no matter how much you ask. If you wish to do it go right ahead, but you are largely wasting your time asking me to post things on a wiki as my position right now.

Jul 23, 2012, 05:29 PM
K. Door's open if you want to work on it.

Aug 11, 2012, 10:30 AM
where the hell did everything go? one day almost everything was translated and now i can't find it on this thread! why that? new thread maybe?

Aug 11, 2012, 11:10 AM
It's here now: Return of the Translation Thread (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=199319)