View Full Version : The 'Akatsuki In dilemma'

Jul 7, 2012, 08:48 AM
Farm it in SH Dark Shrine


Farm it in SH Eternal Tower

Hmmm.... Phobos Dynas can be rather elusive. I can go 2 runs without encountering a single one, but while I think farming in Eternal Tower would be more advantageous on various other levels (given the amount of decent rares that could be found there alone) I fear it isn't the best spot to get Phobos Dyna spawns for the time spent there.

Jul 7, 2012, 09:00 AM
Simple. Either farm it in SH Dark Shrine or don't think about it in Eternal Tower.

Tower's good for extended "hunt breaks", since it has almost everything and all. But it's not really good at hunting one specific thing (Tower-specific rares aside. Then again, sometimes it's not good at that!)

Jul 7, 2012, 09:04 AM
Yeah I hear ya; took me a few runs in there just to get a Radam soul! But I think I'll take a break from my farming and run up the tower just for a change in scenery. I swear, I'm seeing those Dark Shrine rooms when I close my eyes...

Chaos Rappy
Jul 7, 2012, 05:13 PM
I'd just run the tower. You never know what you might get in the process! So much stuff is possible there, it's almost gut-wrenchingly addicting to run it just to see what you might get! :D

Still, almost 300 Super Shrine runs and over 30 SH Tower runs, here I am with no Akatsuki In, but two Yonohate Ins... the heck is wrong with me? D:

Jul 8, 2012, 07:38 PM


Farm SH tower? You might get other rares besides Akatsuki in! [Radam, Shurikens, rare armor, and physco weps... ^o^b
then Dark shrine online or offline when you're bored of ET. LOL
I wish you can save during ET [saving point]. For example, you save in ET. When you turn off DS and turn it back on, it takes you the the menu screen. It'll don't mess up if you press wifi mode to play multiplayer and resume saving point when you press "Storymode". "REsume playing SH ET? YES OR NO?" That'll convenient! :D

Chaos Rappy
Jul 8, 2012, 08:24 PM
That would be convenient, but that would be too much work on Sega's part, haha... they can make a 101 floor dungeon easy enough, but not be able to make it be able to be soft-continued at any given point... even being able to soft-continue at just floor 50 would be heavenly.

But, alas, complaining at this point would be useless... they don't call it a "Psycho" Wand for nothing, aye? -_-;

Jul 9, 2012, 10:57 AM
Yeah and I don't trust my DSi: I thought PSZ had a problem when, several times (including SH ET floor 82... I so remember), I'd pop out of sleep mode and... it decided to go off. Went from blue light to no light. I thought ''maybe I was just on low-bat'' *turns DSi again* ''O... I have full or 3 bars... wtf''.

And then it happened to me with an ALARM I set using the OS of the DSi... flipped it open and it turned off the same way. So if I do ET runs, I gotta do them in one run... and I ached to do that in the past and rather not pull it off again x.x