View Full Version : Accidental dupe...

Mar 25, 2003, 02:45 AM
I recently obtained a Spirit Garment with no slots after 11 runs in the mountains offline. I then went online to to use 4 of my 50 PDs to trade for 4 addslots. After getting 4 addslots I quit immediately during the quest. I used the addslots on the Spirit Garment during a offline game and quit. Later that night, I went online and was greeted with the FSOD... Luckily only meseta was gone, but when I checked my bank after going back online, I had 50 PDs still... ever happen to u?

Mar 25, 2003, 02:51 AM
Yes, I accedently duped my s-beats arms ones.
I donīt know how, I was in the middle of a trade..
strange that only meseas leave us sometimes..

Mar 26, 2003, 05:28 AM
Ooh duped PDs... I've never had the pleasure of anything like this happening, due to my stuck-on-DC-v.2-offlineness but duping PDs sounds like fun...
I've always wanted to dupe Monomates, or something that people can obtain easily/are cursed with finding and just gve them to random people and with a smile say "Here, free dewped monomaet!"...