View Full Version : "Downloadable Quests"

Mar 25, 2003, 05:22 AM
I have been online for some time now and I have yet to hear or see anything about "Downloadable Quests". I would like to know some information about what is going on about this part of the game. Are they making them, not making them, only for Japanese players or what?

Any information on this is good information.

Mar 25, 2003, 11:47 AM
as of now...nobody knows.

Mar 25, 2003, 05:06 PM
Sega want us to keep paying to play online. If they have the downloadable quest up they would lose some of the paying customer because they be playing offline. For me, that what I would do if I don't have real friends to play online with. Only activate account during the holiday season for special rare items. I think this is part of their strategy. Anyways, if Sega give me Heat Sword quest and Maximum Attacks 2 as a downloadable quest you won't see me until the holiday quest is up. Think about it why they're not putting it out. Either that, sega is just being lazy ass. If there were other online game for gamecube i would play that instead. I'm tired of all this FSOD, BSOD and corruption. So for, I had 2 FSOD and 1 BSOD but no corruption. I did have 2 corruption but that was just a test so it doesn't count. lol. ok... i'll shut up now. lol

Mar 25, 2003, 05:40 PM
it's more likely that they're just lazy.