View Full Version : Game What do you guys think of the new console, Ouya?

Jul 12, 2012, 12:03 AM
I'm not sure if anyone has posted anything about this yet, but the Ouya is a new, open platform, Android based home console that is still in it it's development stage. They're part of the kickstarter program and now have over 3.6 million dollars donated for the cause. Here is a link to the kickstarter web page:


One of the first things that came to my mind when learning about this console was remembering SEGA talking about a PSO2 android release. I think that this would be an ideal game to play on the Ouya, considering the controller set up. What do you guys think about this? I, for one, am fairly excited to see console gaming devs throw off the virtual shackles that have been forced on them by companies like Sony and Microsoft.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:33 AM
Not to be pessimistic here, but I think this thing will flop harder than a limp elephant dick. Here's why I think so:

1. This console seems to be based on this generation, soon to be last generation. I don't see this thing going up against the next xbox and playstation.

2. The hardware is a joke! A gigabyte of RAM? Really? And the Tegra demo might've been impressive 7 years ago, but it sure as hell isn't now.

3. So what if it can have apps installed to it. I'm a gamer, not a fucking appaholic.

4. PC > consoles most of the time.

The $100+ price tag ( not $99 because there a fucking thing called a TAX ) might appeal to poor people who can finally afford to play games popular 10 years ago, but I'd rather take that money and put it towards a next-gen console or even a new CPU or GPU.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:42 AM
To each there own, I say. But where you see a flop, I see potential. This console is not going to(nor was it designed to) battle the big gaming consoles. It's meant to be an indie game console, essentially. This could be viewed as good or bad, depending on who you ask, but I personally think this is a step in the right direction for console gaming.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:14 AM
I guess it could be good for developers.

Jul 12, 2012, 03:36 AM
I wanna be optimistic about this sort of thing, problem is people are too used to the Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo threesome, that a new console on the market would just seem way too weird in this current generation.

Hope it does well though, the people behind it who put their blood, sweat, and tears into a project like this deserve some rooting, despite if you want it to flop or not.

Jul 12, 2012, 03:52 AM
Hey, looks better than Wii

Jul 12, 2012, 04:54 AM
I'm honestly kind of confused and shocked when I hear that people still care about consoles these days.

Ghost Inside
Jul 12, 2012, 05:06 AM
Nice... I guess it's kind of what the GP2X (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GP2X) is for the handheld market. (this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GP2X_Caanoo) would be the current-gen model) Might be pretty cool!
The GP2X did the same thing and while it's a bit obscure to most I woudn't call it a flop!

Yes the specs might be 'low' compared to what other consoles may soon be on the horizon, but keep in mind they're planning to sell it for $99 a pop.
So it really won't be competing in the same way as the other major consoles on the market.

Still, why would I want a console when handhelds are so much nicer?
Oh well, I'm sure some people will like it!

Edit: I might consider one of those gamepads if they're nice, though. If I ever need one. Which I'm not sure I would. Oh well.

Jul 12, 2012, 05:58 AM
A console specifically made for F2P games sounds like a thing, but I can't tell if they are trying for PC games or Android games. If PC, it shows more promise for actual content. If Android, it gives them a better way to deal with lower spec, but then the amount of worthy F2P games would be a lot lower.

This really does sound like a console version of a GP2X, for which I don't really see much market penetration for it. It'll be quite a niche release, and I have the GP2X myself. It was rather neat when it first came out, but in the end, I hardly use it with the exception of a few emulated things. in general, whenever a real port or release of a game hits another system, it runs better on that one.

Jul 12, 2012, 11:09 AM
I don't get the point of the Ouya. I think the real strength of the iOS and Android games market is that these titles are readily available on devices many people already own and are 'good enough' play experiences that they can replace dedicated gaming devices for a lot of people.

Instead, this is a dedicated gaming device featuring games that generally aren't as in-depth as other dedicated gaming devices. The low price point obviously helps with that, but I think it's just completely missing the potential of getting Android games on a user's TV screen.

Don't get me wrong - iOS and Android games are definitely going to begin invading the home gaming space. I just don't think Ouya is going to be the device to do it. In my mind, the real success will come from including iOS/Android games on set-top boxes or Apple/Google TV devices. Honestly, if either company wanted to introduce a standardized controller, they could pretty painlessly enter the market already.

Jul 12, 2012, 11:19 AM
I don't get the point of the Ouya. I think the real strength of the iOS and Android games market is that these titles are readily available on devices many people already own and are 'good enough' play experiences that they can replace dedicated gaming devices for a lot of people.

Instead, this is a dedicated gaming device featuring games that generally aren't as in-depth as other dedicated gaming devices. The low price point obviously helps with that, but I think it's just completely missing the potential of getting Android games on a user's TV screen.

Don't get me wrong - iOS and Android games are definitely going to begin invading the home gaming space. I just don't think Ouya is going to be the device to do it. In my mind, the real success will come from including iOS/Android games on set-top boxes or Apple/Google TV devices. Honestly, if either company wanted to introduce a standardized controller, they could pretty painlessly enter the market already.

Oh god...

They still have those..???

Jul 12, 2012, 11:31 AM
I think people are missing the point here. Just because the Ouya is going to be running off Android doesn't mean it's only going to be mobile phone games developed for the system. This is an open platform, just like PC. Anything could be made for it.

Jul 12, 2012, 11:40 AM
I think the idea is its supposed to be a platform for for big screen inde games. But android has compatibility problems so it will probably end up being used as an emulator box.

Jul 12, 2012, 11:49 AM
I think people are missing the point here. Just because the Ouya is going to be running off Android doesn't mean it's only going to be mobile phone games developed for the system. This is an open platform, just like PC. Anything could be made for it.

Regardless, they're still going to be Android-platform games. The majority of the titles they showed in their promo videos are just current Android games.

Still, you have a point that developers can certainly make exclusive content for the Ouya. I just struggle to see that happening.

Jul 12, 2012, 11:51 AM
Its like the Sega 32x all over again :D jk lol

Jul 12, 2012, 12:41 PM
I think it's gonna be good, but nowhere near competition for the REAL consoles.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:22 PM
Regardless, they're still going to be Android-platform games. The majority of the titles they showed in their promo videos are just current Android games.

Still, you have a point that developers can certainly make exclusive content for the Ouya. I just struggle to see that happening.

I would agree with you except that the people behind Ouya have been promoting the product very well to both consumers AND developers. Even the folk at Mojang have shown great interest in Ouya. That said, only time will tell. This seems like the console I've been wanting for a while, so I can't help but feel pretty optimistic about the whole thing. Having raised over 4 million in just a few short days really tells you something, I think.

Jul 12, 2012, 07:41 PM
It could be a fun toy. I work very heavily with Android development, and getting away from the limitations of a touch screen might be fun. It's popularity will hinge solely on how creative people are with it. At only a $100, its a perfect impulse buy.

Jul 12, 2012, 08:08 PM
It's more likely to exceed my expectations than not.