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View Full Version : What is the point of different mag types...?

Jul 12, 2012, 10:35 PM
I saw the lvl 100 mag guide, and all the different evolutions, but I'm really wondering...why would I want to go for a particular evolution? Aren't the stats of the mag all that matter, not the particular type it is? Do different types have better/worse attacks, or do special things or something?

If so...I'm going for a range mag, and as for now, I'm going pure range on my mag. Is there any reason I'd want Tucana (Range with some Attack) or Caelum (Range with some tech) over Cepheus (pure Range)...? Other than the stats they give of course.

Jul 12, 2012, 10:47 PM
People go for different evolutions of mag types for a couple of reasons.
1. They just like how a different form looks.
2. They like different mags photon blasts more then others.
3. Mags have other abilities such as, attacking with a laser every couple min. Or picking a enemy up occasionally, for example I have a level 134 mag that I went full striking on. I HATE my mag because when I'm doing combos he will randomly pick my enemy up and toss him to the ground, he does very minimal damage and this is honestly just kinda annoying it doesn't help my combat at all. So I'm currently making a new mag of striking but evolving it thru the ability traits first so it will have a different attack ability at level 100.

Their are many other reasons but these are the primary ones.

Jul 12, 2012, 10:47 PM
Those stats you put into the mag apply to your base stats increasing your abilities. Also you get Photon Bursts.

Jul 12, 2012, 10:52 PM
you pretty much answered your own question, especially with hybrid classes that might want a boost to a specific stat to help them in combat.

A mag type is simply a classification of what stats that it has focused on, and its physical appearance changes to reflect those stat focuses. Also there are the points that Stegodon pointed out.

Jul 12, 2012, 10:55 PM
Well, three reasons:

1) Photon Blasts: every mag has a different type, with some exceptions. Your Cepheus will have Ajax Proi, which is the one who shoots a single target, while Tucana would use Ajax Imera, which seems to do some sort of Heaven Punisher-like attack (not confirmed).

2) Aesthetics, of course. There's people who may not like how Cepheus looks, and to have a Caelum, for example, you'd only have to invest 1 point in tech (that could be TDEF, still useful for a ranger) and points in Ability which are useful for every class. Choosing different mags doesn't neccesary mean to sacrifice stats for looks, simply to rearrange your stats in a different way.

3) with the upcoming thee new classes people is assuming that they will most probably be hybrids. So, for a hybrid class, a hybrid mag would be a good option, too, as well as a pure mag to focus on one of the two "sides" of the class, of course.

Jul 13, 2012, 04:07 PM
on the caelum mag, (the tech + range mag), the ability plus the tech always has to be higher than the range, but the range has to be bigger.i mean, like.. say at 100 you have 49 in ranged attack but 1 in tech attack, 45 in ability and 5 in tech defense. with that combo tech would be larger when added together, but ranged is still bigger.

what i want to ask here is... for an opinion. i wanna raise a caelum mag, but what stats should i put into so it wont change to the other ranged mag? and, more importanly, will i be gimping myself if i, say.. put more in tech defense to keep the tech+ abil higher than the ranged number.

recently i found a 9 star rfle, and a 9 star ranger leg armor that im far from being able to equip. will they be useful to me later, or should i be able to equip them now?

another thought..while im on the armors thing. ranger armors naturally have low tech-defense. so it makes sense to have a variation of mag that changes based on the tech stat. but... eventually, will i or will i not be able to equip the rares that i found? at that point, willl they even be useful?

ok, edit: with some research, i was able to see that the 9 star unit i found actually has a melle defense requirement of 398 ( mine is 250) but the highest defense on it is 122, and is R- defense. so i guess they just wanna make sure you're not skimping on melle defense in order to equip this rare.

Jul 13, 2012, 10:47 PM
why do people ask questions on forums