View Full Version : So we have pso2 how about...

Jul 14, 2012, 03:56 PM
Kirby air ride 2? Lol this is random as crap but i was looking for my pso and i ran across kirby air ride. And was like wat the heck y not. I loved that game and it was a nice blast from the past. Anyone play it? If so how much would u look forwerd to air ride 2? Im board cant u tell?

Jul 14, 2012, 04:04 PM
Kirby air ride 2? Lol this is random as crap but i was looking for my pso and i ran across kirby air ride. And was like wat the heck y not. I loved that game and it was a nice blast from the past. Anyone play it? If so how much would u look forwerd to air ride 2? Im board cant u tell?

That would be badass, City mode was all I ever played lol, loved gathering those powerups and getting the secret Machines. ^^

Jul 14, 2012, 05:29 PM
That would be badass, City mode was all I ever played lol, loved gathering those powerups and getting the secret Machines. ^^

Dude ikr i loved it. I wish they would make a second but only time will tell.

Jul 14, 2012, 05:32 PM
Never played it but its got kirby in it so thats a guarantee it will give ya a cuteness overload :3

Isn't this the game that used the f zero gx engine or was that that crap sonic hoverboard thing?

Jul 14, 2012, 05:35 PM
Never played it but its got kirby in it so thats a guarantee it will give ya a cuteness overload :3

Isn't this the game that used the f zero gx engine or was that that crap sonic hoverboard thing?

That would b sonic riders or zero gravity or maybe freeriders (i think thats the name of it) you must look it up lol its a fun game for its time sorta like super monkey ball 2 was. Well to me anyway.

Jul 14, 2012, 05:45 PM
I never played Kirby Air Ride, but I feel you on wishing random games would get sequels. If they made Diddy Kong Racing 2 (a true N64 sequel, on an N64 cart), I'm pretty sure I would play it until I simply dropped dead.

Jul 14, 2012, 06:01 PM
On the topic of any ol' game getting another installment-
I know they had Pokemon Battle Revolution, but that was so not Pokemon Stadium. Where were the minigames!?

I never played Kirby Air Ride specifically, but I do love me some Kirby. I recently played Kirby64 again. That game is awesome. c:

Jul 14, 2012, 06:22 PM
Ho-ly shit, I remember Kirby Air Ride. One of my absolute favorite Gamecube games. I would love to see a sequel...even though it would most likely be on the disgusting Wii-U.

Jul 14, 2012, 06:53 PM
I've always wanted to play F Zero other than the SNES one... D:

I wonder if VGNY has gamecube gems...

Jul 14, 2012, 10:41 PM
Being on the wii may take away from it i agree but it would be lovely to me either way. Its kirby what could go wrong? Right??? Lol on a subject of other past games i would like to see donkey kong 64 made into a 2 also i second the want for diddy kong raceing 2. Loved it.
@rock. Really you didnt get to play F zero??? Id let u borrow it but it would b odd to find out where u live. I do go to NY yearly tho XP