View Full Version : Section ID's

Mar 25, 2003, 06:23 PM
I'm trying to figure out what section ID I want for my HUnewearl (when I FINALLY get PSOX).

On one hand I want Redria, because you get good armor & shields, plus slicers are pretty common (I don't use them much, but they're fun once in a while). Problem is, daggers are rare, which is bad because I love dagger-class and use them all the time.

The other section ID I'm considering is Oran. Daggers are quite common (which is very good), and swords are more common than normal as well.

I'm just not sure which I should go with. I think I heard somewhere that double-saber weapons are more common with Redria... if that's true, then that would definitely make me go with that. But then I don't remember where I heard it, or know if it's true.

Any comments/suggestions/hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Mar 25, 2003, 06:26 PM
I am redria and I have found 2 Double sabers and one stag. and Im only level 60

Mar 25, 2003, 08:14 PM
Well... thanks for your input, but I'm looking for something more conclusive. That could always have been luck of the draw.

C'mon people... I really want some input here!

Mar 25, 2003, 09:18 PM
Well... You probably shouldn't care too much... After all, PSOX offers the ability to have 12 different caharacters...So you can find sumfin on one char and transfer it... My HUnewearl is gonn be an Oran, and I don't care if there're better IDs, cause I've got one of each(a pair of I think Skyly and Pinkals). And I've the time to lvl them all up high enough so that they're finding rares... So whatever... Moop... hehehe

Mar 25, 2003, 09:52 PM
im in redria and im level 100 ive found 2 stag-cuttleries and countless double sabers. i find a double saber almost everytime im in the caves on v.hard. the only bad part is i have just about 20 diska of liberators. and i only find edges(red daggers)on ultimate.

hope that helps