View Full Version : GC Lumnious Feild

Jul 20, 2012, 03:02 AM
I just turned on my gamecube and found that my memory card was formatted by my little cousin :c
Not only did i loose my level 99 Ranger with spreed needle and yashminkov 9000. i lost my level 132 force.

Although my level 132 force was not saved on the memory card, She was transffered on it. So not only did i loose my bank and money. i lost her Summit moon, 4 god minds, Mind sato mag,secret gear and lumnious feild.
My main consern is getting my lumnious feild back but her being a pinkal the drop rates of getting it are aproxx. 1\2900 from a Tollaw.
So i need to find an offline quest (since i cant get online) with a lot of tollaws.
If you have any ideas about which quest i should try, please please please help me.
Also if you can help me a bit with remaking my Mind sato mag, that would be awesome too.
Thank you for any advice you give me it will make me feel a little better to atleast have my sato mag back. :c

Jul 20, 2012, 04:24 AM
Looks like (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=654) Soul of a Blacksmith has plenty Gigoboomas (and unless I'm mistaken, Tollaws are their Ultimate counterparts).
For some help with your Sato, for quite a bit ofhelp actually, you can check VioletSkye's post (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2804571&postcount=3) in the thread about MInd Satos that's still on the front page.

Jul 20, 2012, 08:59 PM
Also, if you have PSO Plus you can just farm the quest Central Dome fire Swirl... their are 2 rooms in that quest that I call "Tollaw's World" because of the spawn count of Tollaw.. I believe its about 20- 30 tollaw's in total in that quest. So I recommend Central Dome Fire Swirl if you have PSO Plus.. but if not, then yea Soul of a Blacksmith is your best choice.. good luck!