View Full Version : Friend Partner AI setting discussion

Jul 23, 2012, 05:07 AM
Ive been testing the settings quite a bit with a friend and I noticed a few things:

1. Many AI descriptions are wrong.
2. All weapon palettes and the subpalette affects the AI behaviour.
3. The Hunter AI seems to be the worst of the lot.

1. To my understanding what the AI does:

キャラクター性 Character Traits
勇者気質 Hero Spirit
目立ちたがり Showoff - Use Photon Arts and Techniques more oftenly (charges Photon Art levels a lot).
引っ込み思案 Reserved - Tend more to keep distance
リーダーシップ Leadership
ドジっこ Clumsy
先輩肌 Senior
病弱 Weakly
命知らず Recklessness / Daredevil - Rushs ahead to attack
天真爛漫 Naive
天然 Airhead
理知的 Intellectual - Go for weak points of enemies

特殊補正 Special Modifier
起死回生 Revival - A quicker auto resurrection upon death.
臨戦態勢 Prepared for War - Uses more normal weapon attack.
徹底防御 Complete Defense - Jumps around more often and uses items more frequently?
激昂 Exasperated - Becomes more "aggressive" when someone in your party dies.
復活支援 Revive Support (↑Rate of Moon Atomizers?) - Mystery

The following triggers both Shift and Deband buff on himself/herself when a particular race/sex is in the party:
ヒューマン好き Likes Humans
ニューマン好き Likes Newmans
キャスト好き Likes Casts
オトコ好き Likes Men
オンナ好き Likes Females

コンディション マスター Condition Master uses items and techniques often to recover status/heal (most ideal for Force AI).

Ps: Leadership and Hero Spirit seems to do almost similar actions, circling and attacking enemies less frequently than Reckless. Need further testing.

2. Although only the weapon on the first weapon palette is registered, Photon Arts or Techniques set on the remaining 2 or 5 weapon palettes will also be activated by the AI. Same for skills/PB placed on the sub palette. But please remember that only PA or Tech that can be executed by the registered weapon will be executed.

Also, it seems that if you have more of a particular PA or Tech on the weapon palette, the higher the chance of the AI executing it than another. eg. total 4 Foie and 1 Barta on all weapon palettes mean higher Foie chance (to be further tested for confirmation)

As friend partners have UNLIMITED PP, you can set your hardest hitting, PP consuming ability as many times as you want on the palette and they will do just that.

3. Because of the fact that Partner AI DO NOT Dash, Hunter partner AIs tend to suffer the most in battle because of the need to get close in order to inflict damage to the enemy. Also, skills like Rising Edge and Noah Strike that has the ability to be charged for damage are a big No-Nos because the AI will often stand still to charge the skill and hit nothing as the target moves away. Quick hard hitters like the stab or even Sonic Arrows are recommended instead.

'To be Continued...

Jul 23, 2012, 07:39 AM
HU with wired lance seem to be the best partner for me.