View Full Version : Guide: UI scaling

Jul 26, 2012, 07:02 AM
After this post (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2817621&postcount=10) from Ogni-XR21 (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/member.php?u=19026) I've decided to play around and I've sorta managed to get the scaling to work.
For reference, you are best using all the settings that I've used minus of course the ReferenceResolution, that is the thing that you will need to tweak yourself.

The settings file (user.pso2) that you will need to edit is located in My Documents\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2 . My game resolution is set to 1280x720, to make your UI bigger, you need to make the ReferenceResolution smaller than your game resolution:

Screen = {
PreferredScale = 1.9,
InterfaceSize = 1.9,
MaxScale = 5,
ReferenceResolution = {
Y = 711,
X = 1264,

and this is the outcome [SPOILER-BOX]http://sadpanda.us/images/1103883-36ZVE68.png[/SPOILER-BOX]

You can see that some parts of the UI overlap with each other.

To make your UI smaller, you need to make the ReferenceResolution bigger than your game resolution, example:

Screen = {
PreferredScale = 1.9,
InterfaceSize = 1.9,
MaxScale = 5,
ReferenceResolution = {
Y = 1071,
X = 1904,

And this is the outcome


Remember to keep the aspect ratio for ReferenceResolution the same as your game's resolution to prevent stretching/squishing. Here is a good read on aspect ratios (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution#Computer_monitors)
Credit goes to Ogni-XR21 (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/member.php?u=19026) for finding this in the config

Jul 26, 2012, 07:26 AM
Any way to change the position of the HP/PP and sub-palette bars?

Jul 26, 2012, 07:35 AM
Didn't dwelve that much but it might be possible. I'll check it later.

Jul 26, 2012, 08:27 AM
Now I can pretend I'm playing the game at a high resolution and say that Photobucket resizes the images even though it is a lie. 8D

Jul 26, 2012, 04:08 PM
very very helpful for people that are trying to play with a resolution smaller than 1280 x 760. the game is stupid and doesn't support anything smaller than that very well

the game looks "squashed" vertically in full screen mode (but if you just custom change your resolution and play in window, it doesn't get squashed, it's stupid)
all the interfaces are so big they all overlap

this solves one of the two problems! good job man

btw, to add more information on this, basically the UI for the xy dimensions will change to look like what the UI seems like at those dimensions.

i find the best dimensions to be 1280 x 760.

so if you're trying to use resolution smaller than 1280 x 760 and your ui is getting all screwed, just do the above steps, and type in 1280 x 760.

if you use the example joozek gave it may be too small.

Jul 26, 2012, 04:34 PM
I forgot to add that you need to keep your resolutions aspect ratio in mind, resolutions are multiplies of 4:3/16:9/16:10 (like, 1024x768/1280x720/1280x768) and thats why it possibly was squished on your display. The example resolution I've used was 16:9 and your display is most likely 16:10.


Jul 26, 2012, 04:49 PM
awesome guide. i've always wanted change the UI scaling at lower resolutions. thanks for this.

Jul 27, 2012, 10:59 PM
Any way to change the position of the HP/PP and sub-palette bars?
Now that I've actually looked around I can tell you that I couldn't find it, didn't try with trial and error but I haven't seen anything that had really low (close to 0 at best) FromBottom. The only changeable parts are the parts that you can move around already ingame.

Feb 27, 2013, 09:32 PM
i played around with this myself. but to get custom resolution so it would fit correclt in window mode :p

Feb 27, 2013, 11:09 PM
thanks a lot for this guide :D I was about to ask this on the quick questions thread

Feb 28, 2013, 04:40 AM
Gee thanks for the necro guys

Never knew this was possible so I'm gonna try this out

Feb 28, 2013, 08:06 AM
i failed to acomplish this.

my screen res is 1366 768

are these settings correct?

Screen = {
PreferredScale = 1.9,
InterfaceSize = 1.9,
MaxScale = 5,
ReferenceResolution = {
Y = 768,
X = 1366,


fixed it...


Mar 1, 2013, 11:10 AM
I'm going to try this over the weekend, and see if it works. I'd love my UI to be smaller so I can browse player shops easier XD

Mar 1, 2013, 06:19 PM
Tried this out.

Had no idea adjusting my width by ~220 pixels would shrink the UI SO MUCH!

Mar 22, 2013, 09:01 PM
bump, but there are some other things I'd like to ask.

Firstly, for the reference resolution and aspect ratio, is it ok to use decimal values for reference resolution? (And by that, I don't just mean will it work, I also want to know if it will/won't cause unneeded stress on the CPU)

Secondly, what do these mean?

vector_new_parts_create = {
Height = 603,
Width = 440,
FromBottom = 67,
FromRight = 105,


System = {
StoryClear1 = false,
SaveFlag_NotFirstVita = false,

Nov 4, 2014, 12:24 AM
sorry for Necro'ing this thread a tad, but its for a valid question. Was wondering if this is still possible in any way even tho the user.pso2 file no longer has the "Screen = " section in it. Used to play with the UI scale slightly larger than the default in 1920x1080 res and without it everything just feels extremely tiny and unreadable at times. If there's another way to adjust UI scale i'd be interested in that too.