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View Full Version : CYOA Fresh Kills Landfill: Red Dust

Nitro Vordex
Jul 30, 2012, 06:04 AM
The country of Psoworl. There were many small city states in this prospering place. Many lands had their own rules, their factions, their politics, and their struggles. The country was largely ruled by it's government; usually fair, but had their bouts of uncertainty and distrust with their people. The Moderators were the panel of people who ruled the country, elected by the people, and endorsed by the Admin, the founder of the country. They were tasked with Judiciary, Legislative, and Executive, and as such, were often overworked and overstressed. The people appreciated them, but always demanded more. Always looking for rewards or punishment. The people who tried to go against the mods and create threads to put them under the spotlight for all the people to see, were eventually taken away by a shadowy figure, and sent to the Fresh Kills Landfill. Some people set up shop here, and make their livings...others are sent to rot away until their body decides to fail them, naturally or by the hands of another. But there is something more in this city, something important that will eventually change the Psoworl country, and the residents will have to make a decision that will affect them all...

You adjust the traveling bag upon your shoulder to match your weary footsteps. It feels like you've been walking half an eternity, but as that notion was ridiculous, you chuckle dryly and eventually go into dry coughing, which turns into dry heaving. The man who had offered you a handkerchief had been quite wise, and quite possibly loony...but you miss him already. At least you wouldn't be choking on this putrid powder they called dust. Might as well call it asbestos, since your lungs were burning from inhaling so much.

You stop for a moment to get your breath and bearings back. The desert is an unkind place, meant for only the hardy and the ones who dedicate every thread of their being to survival. The path to Fresh Kills Landfill is no different. You remember the transition from the yellow mellow dust to the Mars colored sand. The taste of it was awful, wretched, and terrible. You had just barely crossed the line when a strange looking yellow car suddenly appeared, out of nowhere. There were letters missing, but you could see a few letters left on the front: D___exus. The car didn't appear to be running, but then again, it didn't appear to be any kind of car you'd ever seen. A classy looking car, but it was yellow with strange looking symbols on the hood, like someone was winking with their mouth open. You couldn't imagine why anyone would actually make such a stupid looking face. While you were thinking about this, an old man came out of the car door. You didn't get a very good look inside, but you swear you saw a dining room inside...how did it fit in there? The car door slammed, and the old man regarded you with white eyes. You couldn't see any resemblance to pupils, but you were certain he was looking at you, maybe even into you.

"WTFux man, you crouch walkin' in the desert, what with this haboobloo goin' on, suffocate faster without that WAPAN spirit on you chest. Not cool dood. Handkerchiefs on penguins make sense, but you can't even talk to Mr. T about his bling?! Get those clocks for flavor, but not for flav...baby."


The man seemed to recognize you confused face, like he'd seen it a trillion times before, and seemed to focus for a second.

"You need a handkerchief if you want to go through here, dude. It'll be crazy money trying to go through the storm, eye of the storm, but not the tiger. Suffocation is no way to go." He pulled out a bandana, with some strange smiles on them...strangely lopsided. "Those are rather charming," you say, "but I think I'll be alright on my own." You smile at him, and nod in thanks and begin to walk.

"Before you go, not so rude-dude," the old man asks you, "I need to ask you a question, it's a simple one, but it may help you in the long run."

"Can you throw a punch?" The old man looks at you with a strange grin, as if he's interested in your answer...but something about his eyes seem to throw you off...maybe it's because he has no pupils.

A. "Can I throw a punch?" You crack your knuckles and grin.
B. "I can, but I'd prefer not to." You smile and nod.
C. "No, I hardly know how to throw a ball." You shift your eyes, looking for an escape route...just in case.
D. Get ye flask.

Jul 30, 2012, 06:59 AM
C for CBGB's

gotta plan this shit when you throw like a girl, Son!

The country of Psoworl...
the Psoworl country, and the residents will have to make a decision that will affect them all...

Aww yeah worlll. :chocolate:

Jul 30, 2012, 10:53 AM

Jul 30, 2012, 01:29 PM
B. Because I have manners, and wasn't raised in a barnyard.

Jul 30, 2012, 03:01 PM
D. 'Bout time to get ye flask on

Jul 30, 2012, 03:24 PM
D. Adventures always turn out better when you're totally incoherent.

Jul 30, 2012, 04:40 PM
Gotta go D

Jul 30, 2012, 06:57 PM
B. Old men who ask odd questions have an uncanny habit of being dangerous.

Jul 30, 2012, 07:19 PM
But will it be gone soon from the dustzillas? Red dustzillas. Try to drink, any "fountain" method at all = red sand in your drinkage.

you best be quick lips to canister, and good luck "facing away from the wind." Huehuehuhe. haboob it. drinky haus.

Sorry, soapbox went nuts on just contemplating all the D's and their thoughts without them saying the why D.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:48 AM
i genuinely chuckled at the dining room bit, that was good

i'd go with D

Aug 6, 2012, 02:55 AM
those last joke answers. D, 42.. that don't particularly go anywhere, always the vote getters. :no:


dhy;opolice says... upDhyte, when you're ready. Sometimes your body is but you are not.

http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/My+body+wasnt+ready+for+the+amount+I+saw+_85fe6e57 0557b0d7297e3a4292eee72b.png


A funnyjunk and a tumblr from the search, not the anime kid who fell off his school chair onto his back. My body wasn't ready to post. Okay lets improve. tinypic at least


Nitro Vordex
Jul 9, 2013, 07:19 PM
D. Get ye flask.

You decide to disregard the inquiry about turning your hands into meat hammers, and you begin to reach for your flask by your belt. Chuckling at the man's strange question, you say, "Why does it matter?" You shrug and reach for the flask again. "I'm in the middle of the desert, I'm more in danger of losing my flask than running into someone dangerous." You trail off as you realized you reached for something that wasn't there, twice. You get a bit of a sinking feeling as you look down, realizing that the belt that was holding the flask wasn't there anymore. You look back up, and the old man has the belt wrapped around his head, and is currently kicking the flask around in the air.

He's playing hackey-sack with your flask, and the lid is open, flinging water everywhere. Your initial awe turns into intense anger, and you start forward at the old man, who is currently balancing the flask on his head.

"You crazy old coot! You're spilling water everywhere!" He turns his gaze back to you (or you think so, pupil-less eyeballs and all), and gives you a grin. "Are you ready to answer my question now?" He bounds the flask off his head, and it lands smoothly into his hands. The bottle could be almost empty, but you're not entirely sure; he balances the bottle too well to tell. You walk forward angrily, shouting at him, "You're gonna get me killed you old f-" Your pants fall around your ankles, and you fall face first into the dirt. The old man can be heard laughing, a raspy yet lively sound. You wiggle your pants back up over your undergarments, trying to save some embarrassment, and as you stop eating sand for a moment to look up at him with an indignant look, you see he's already crouched in front of you. The eyes at this distance are even more disconcerting, as there's no clear indication of pupils there, or that there ever was pupils to begin with. Yet, somehow you still feel a gaze that almost feels physical. It's a slight pressure at the back of your head, but your not sure what it is. The old man leaves the belt in the sand in front of you. He says to you, "If your blue goes to red, your red will be close to dead." The red dust storm begins to kick up again, and you drop your head again to keep from inhaling. You yell "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!", but all you hear is the old man's laugh. You close your mouth, since all you accomplished was a free helping of red sand. Breathing through your nose, a scent tickles your senses.


You wait for some amount of time, and the hard part of the dust storm blows over. You finally get to look up again, brushing some sand off your face and spitting it out, blegh. You see the belt and the flask lying in the sand. As you retrieve the belt and flask, you see that the old man is no longer there. Not being surprised, you test the weight of the flask. Must be empty, he kicked it around a lot, and he probably drank the rest when you weren't looking. Jerk. You sigh and hope you won't die of dehydration before you get there.

As you come out of your flashback, you realize how thirsty you really are. You look back in the direction you came from. The desert was flat, but you couldn't see very far due to the constant swirling of the desert sands. It made its way into the sky, making the day seem darker and somehow redder, hindering your view. You had maybe fifty feet, tops. Sadly, you realized that's about how far you had walked since meeting the old man. You pull out the flask and hope that you might have some amount of water left in it. The cap opens with a smooth foomp, and you bring the flask to your lips. You get something, but it ain't water. Is that fabric? You pull away, half disgusted half confused, and see a corner of something hanging out. You pull it out, and realize it's the handkerchief that the old man offered you. The handkerchief has some strange smilies on them, and they're lined up, six in all. You see that two of them are blue, with a lopsided, goofy looking smile on them. The other four are red, and look like someone saw something they wish they hadn't.

Hm. Very strange design indeed. You wrap the handkerchief around your face, deciding it's better to keep moving. You pull out your compass, which previously had been going haywire, now points slightly to your left. You remember someone telling you there was a bar in the North part of the FKL desert, and to go there first. Suddenly the compass spins to your right, almost perpendicular with the first choice. Odd. You'd never seen a compass do that. Then it switches back to the original direction it was pointing. And switches back again. It does this constantly.

Maybe you can slap it and make it choose a damn direction...

Current wackos: :wacko: :wacko: :disapprove: :disapprove: :disapprove: :disapprove:

A. Slap it when it hits left.
B. Slap it when it hits right.
C. Go into the direction in between the two directions.
D. Turn around and head back to the spot where you met the old man.

Jul 9, 2013, 07:33 PM
Split the difference. C.

Jul 20, 2013, 06:45 AM
B Because potentially breaking a means of survival seems like a good plan.

Jul 20, 2013, 06:41 PM
but which direction is left and which is right the iron in the earth is throwing off the magnetism so you blindly go whichever direction you want and sucker punch the old man on the way out

Jul 21, 2013, 09:25 PM
E. Don't bother reading the post and move on to the next topic.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 12, 2013, 05:12 AM
Still tied on votes. Next one will push it.

E. Don't bother reading the post and move on to the next topic.

Aug 12, 2013, 02:52 PM
C, going in.

Aug 12, 2013, 04:05 PM
B because I'm a troublemaker.